I am not entirely sure what you think a model is, but I do not see anything I would call a model in that paper, aside from the claim that vaccines cause death. I see that you have attempted to use a bunch of aggregate statistics to try to make a case for your claim, but again, you have not accounted for the possibility of any confounders…
I am not entirely sure what you think a model is, but I do not see anything I would call a model in that paper, aside from the claim that vaccines cause death. I see that you have attempted to use a bunch of aggregate statistics to try to make a case for your claim, but again, you have not accounted for the possibility of any confounders.
There is no where in the article you've linked to that discusses how falling mortality rate despite rising vaccination rate is consistent with a vaccine causes death hypothesis explicitly.
I am not entirely sure what you think a model is, but I do not see anything I would call a model in that paper, aside from the claim that vaccines cause death. I see that you have attempted to use a bunch of aggregate statistics to try to make a case for your claim, but again, you have not accounted for the possibility of any confounders.
There is no where in the article you've linked to that discusses how falling mortality rate despite rising vaccination rate is consistent with a vaccine causes death hypothesis explicitly.