I am a retired physician so I can say what I want about the lack of safety data regarding the covid "vaccines". The problem is that docs who are still in practice can't question the "safe and effective" narrative without fear of reprisal from employers and state medical boards.

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I know. I read a lot of such emails.

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Thank you for this. My analysis of the Canadian data (British Columbia) is that there is at the very least 1 fatality per 10,000 injections. It could be as high as 1 per 5,000. https://alexposoukh.blogspot.com/2021/07/of-bc-excess-mortality-peculiar-tale.html?fbclid=IwAR3GRg20ejn7ZQdfAkycFrZE1_YA6SKsHKpW7uB3dq9FCTFpItCdv9LrnRw

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I will take a closer look tonight.

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The baseline is 5 year average adjusted for 1.6% annual population growth (2015-2019).

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Talk to Dr. Ryan Cole MD of Boise, he has done a number autopsies pre, post death and with and without vaccines. He has been sharing his findings in the medical community.

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Is any of that published, and can you email me any reports? I know a lot of people who would love to study those. Thank you in advance.

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Thank you. It looks like the information has already reached my circle then.

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Could you contact him and show him the shedding paper? See here:

Here the paper:

Evidence for Aerosol Transfer of SARS-CoV2-specific Humoral Immunity

(Archive, before some red stamp across the whole page will be put on. Though they are very system friendly, calling it a good thing, misinterpreting findings heavily, bla.)

discussed here:


Because from many families we know that little ones suffered also severe vaccine induced complications by just hanging around with their freshly vaccinated parent(s).

It seems skin contact, aerosol (I'd rather say droplets) transfer and any body fluid (breast feeding, sexual contact, ...) gets you "transfected", for about 1-2 weeks.

(Vaccinated really should wear some masks with sealing ring AND gloves for 2 weeks ;))

The paper imho gets it totally wrong, or deliberately, to show "something is traveling" to wake us up in disguise mode, as it seems to assume somewhat magically antibodies are "cloned" by the recipient without antigen also traveling between vaccines and contacts. Did they do some tests against PEG or spike?

(For nest protection, the set of antibodies a mother donates its child via placenta, cloning is not true, otherwise no individual child would have to built up its own individual immunity fitting to its time and environment, and we would all clog over the generations with all the inherited-trained antibodies. Perhaps it could be true for the wonders nK and the immune concert especially at the throat ring can do, perhaps they train even on the inverse structure of IgA or IgG?)

If true, masks were truly murderous, as depriving us of this free "copy your immunity from close contacts" gift even long after infection residual viral parts are cleared out.

(They imho definitely are anyways, see papers behind "7 reasons to end mask mandates for good" by WCFH org, as they prevent us from receiving already sterilized viral particles from infected after they successfully sterilized the virus on the mucosa. So stay clear in pre-symptomatic and first onslaught of symptomatic phase, and avoid "heavy showering in droplets", as each carries the infectious dose; or help there by inorganic antiseptic gargling, spray and inhaling, then as acute illness symptoms fade, or right away if properly gargled-sprayed-inahled, come nearer and benefit from free natural immunity training sessions...

Be aware that vaccinated, directly or by shedding, will suffer from "desensitization" against symptoms while bearing heavily viral load, imho main reason for "20% constant LHCS" for vaccinated, while unvaccinated suffer only ca. 1/30ths of that.

So vaccinated will spread unknowingly, not treating themselves, and have 5x higher viable viral load than unvaccinated on day 10 of some infection, from paper about cultural virus measurement: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2202092 )

They do not even consider that the antigen or the PEG-LNP is traveling the same route, inducing actively the immune apparatus leading to both IgG and IgA Antibodies on mucosa and if intense enough also B-cell mediated Antibodies measurable in blood matching the vaccinal spike.

But this can be easily measured by comparing spike and nucleocapsid antibody levels in a quality quantitative lab test (no quick test). This PROOF will probably hold court, if not way too corrupted.

Another proof can be gained for the poor children suffering systemic side effects hinting on shedding (by timing), as you can measure not only their antibodies, but also try to proof the immune system reprogramming https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.03.21256520v1#disqus_thread properties of PEG-LNP (shifting the epigenetic setup of the immune system "in an inheritable fashion"; yes, epigenetic is inheritable, 3-6 generations. See https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.03.16.484616v2 )

Also, one could try to measure allergy against PEG, which seems to be a real big problem as of the second injection. Not for no reason, PEG was forbidden in cosmetics.

(imho means: perhaps I have taken the paper at the bottom wrongly...)

Anyways. OK, so my _opinion_ is: you still need an antigen, not only some antibodies, so either spike got transmitted, which would not induce B-cell mediated antibodies (always indicating deep contact in blood and organs, not only on surface of mucosa, and by deep contact and B-cell antibodies breeding vulnerability to future variants, where future is starting in May 2022 for wuhan antigen, as of BA.4 ff. doing ADE-D, fitting to the mortality data of ONS GB).

Perhaps the shedded spike is just the right training if avoiding deep contact in blood and organs.

(My motto, for a pity after 2 horror trips injections gave me):

"Spike has nothing to do in blood or organs, whatever the source."

But if prolonged exposure to viral particles is just inducing the right immunity (no B-cell based antibodies, but training of mucosal defenses on the way to STERILIZING IMMUNITY, why DON'T we just sterilize some snot with inorganic antiseptics and spray it for one week 5x/day to nose or throat? Obviously, it works between humans without any adjuvants. Which we could think of. Just use some little bit irritating plant based saponins not already patented. (See Novav@x, using Chilenien Soap Tree for Matrix-M, their real cool adjuvant.)

(Just avoid chestnuts for this purpose, they are soothing the immune system. See marinosolv (R) micellarly solving medications with it.)

(We do not forget HERD IMMUNITY, do we? Which by the reasoning logic chain above is INHIBITED by the mRNA vaccines reducing nK, see both papers above and the .. Quadruplexes .. Paper by Seneff, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35436552/ )

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Matthew check this out. South African Cardiologist says Covid was created for the jab, nog the jab created to treat Covid. The madness in a nutshell. Here.


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I don't know the exact truth of the situation, but there are indeed many aspects of the pandemic that are consistent with the idea that the virus was brought to pave way for the vaccines. I have sometimes pointed to the weakening dollar (end of the dollar era?) as a potential motivation. Is this a design for an authoritarian blueprint?

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That also seems to be the necessary conclusion given the patent data presented by Dr. David Martin, interviewed recently by Reiner Fuellmich.

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I still haven't fully wrapped my head around the patent information. But it's not good.

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If I understand McKernan correctly, he is saying the CDC patents did not lockdown the technology, but (if I correctly recall his statements in above interview) were intended to prevent others from locking it down.

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Something doesn’t set right with me about David Martin.

David Martin concerns as to validity. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tQoYi1Y6-HcZ8G1tPKcXOymVN6e7oXH91Bc0ewPljOU/edit

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There's a useful summary of key points at


David Martin stressed, "It''s all about money".

In a powerful condemnation of BigPharma, an article in the New York Review of Books, July 2004, by Marcia Angell, former editor of the NEJM, depicts the 20+ year run of gargantuan profits, but comes to the conclusion that Big Pharma was in Big Trouble due to the expiry of most of the patents on blockbuster meds, with little on the horizon to replace them. There is an excerpt of key paragraphs at my substack item "Pandemic — The Next Big Thing" at


The scenario supplied by Marcia Angell meshes very well with David Martin's. Interesting to watch the first 5 minutes of so of the DM video where he presents his CV. so to speak.

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Forgot to mention, if you'd like a pdf of the complete New York Review of Books article "The Truth About the Drug Companies" send me a note with an email address (preferably a protonmail.com one!)

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How about offering a bounty to someone who can provide more granular data? The problem is not with your numbers crunching but with the data that is accessible to researchers. Would your rich donor be willing to compensate people who have access to such data?

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Write him and find out. His documents usually have contact information, and he tweets.

But yes, we need good data in the form of autopsies. Just helping people understand that, and how that's being blocked, will open a lot of eyes.

Perhaps we'll find other good forms of data, as well.

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What conditions for finding no/vastly smaller excess deaths potentially caused by vaccination, which would cast serious doubt on the analysis? What conditions to falsify it?

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Very reasonable question.

The most direct route would be to perform autopsies, but there are moratoriums on autopsies in many places. Doesn't it seem awfully weird for us to have so few autopsies for much of anyone since the start of the pandemic?

It may also be that somebody finds a reasonable explanation for the 30% increase in CFR across the whole of Europe during the first 20 days of vaccination (larger in many places).

Some of my 17,390 excess COVID deaths in Europe that I suspect are vaccine deaths may be noise in the numbers. As I try to be clear and honest about: I don't advocate the pin of a number so much as I suspect a range, and it's scary enough to be investigated. Let's get some bodies examined.

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Not only can you calculate how many people have died from the vaccines, you can calculate a rough mortality burden on future years. A lot of the serious side effects are actually serious co-morbidities. Myocarditis, Myocardial Infarction, pulmonary embolism, CVT, PVT. These all carry serious risks of death in the year following the event, and also carry flat whole percentages of death in every year following.

The UK Yellow card reporting scheme had at my last check, 12750 heart attacks. Heart attack has a 1 year mortality of 10%, and 5% every year afterwards regardless of age or sex. That means 1 year out from the average jab date, you can expect an 1275 of those to have died. And then ~632 of them to die every year afterwards.

This is, keeping in mind, that 80% of heart attacks go undiagnosed.

One study shows that viral myocarditis is associated with a 5 year mortality figure of 20%. All myocarditis studies, even in the young, show poorer long term health outcomes and drastic increases in mortality.

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Reading your analysis of this data motivated me to do another analysis of the US All-Cause Mortality data, such as I had done several times during 2020. Oddly (not), it appears that the CDC has removed/hidden those tables from their website. Weird, huh? I mean, why wouldn't they want anyone to know how many total Americans are dying in the US this year?

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Whoa! That's yet another case of censorship that incriminates Big Pharma and its lackeys in a very big way. The 800-pound-gorilla at work yet again. https://peterwebster.substack.com/p/pandemic-the-next-big-thing

I wonder if such statistics can still be accessed for Europe, where it seems the EuroVigilance numbers for deaths/injuries are per capita far higher than VAERS, leading one to suspect the censorship over here might still have some holes in it.

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What happened to the directive that the PCR test for unvaccinated patients would be magnified 34 to 38 times but vaccinated persons would receive a PCR test magnified 25 times. This was a CDC order. This is an obvious tipping of the scales for big pharma. Now the CDC claims the PCR test is useless and will be discontinued in december. But that totally invalidates the data between now and december. Again another favor for big pharma.

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The CDC directive I found stated the CT of 28 or lower in breakthrough cases was for sequencing purposes, not testing: "Clinical specimens for sequencing should have an RT-PCR Ct value ≤28." Is there another directive you are referring to? Thx!

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I have just read "Medical Fantasies, Fabrications and Deceptions: Anthony Fauci’s Unscientific Manifesto" at


Illuminating! I do not know what else to say, except READ IT!

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Aug 12, 2021
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I too was a bit annoyed, but maybe not so serious if their main points might be more readily accepted by non-choir members.

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Re; Australia: I think it's easy to forget their seasons are flipped, so copping the first wave in Summer months is far less damaging than Winter.

Also: check their numbers now - not as bad as some, but still looking pretty ordinary. Given the ramp rate of vaccination uptake this is doubly strange...

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Now that the booster shots are coming out it would be interesting to see if we again see an increase in deaths. Given how the vaccine works there will be a subset of people negatively impacted by side effects.

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As a lawyer, I was contacted today by a group of hospital employees who must be vaxxed by 10-1 or will be fired. They want to fight but need legal help. It's outside my area of expertise but am trying to find them representation in Iowa. Please reply with contact info if you can help me get them referred?

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Lawyer Robert Barnes at vivabarneslaw.locals.com has some info about how to fight that requirement.

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Something to consider. A blog with a year and a half of investigation of criminality. politicalmoonshine.com

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I'm having trouble finding a link to the spreadsheet with the analysis, in the prior post, I just see images. Can you please post that?

"Regardless, excess mortality for the oldest in Australia did jump 12 percent from Feb 21 to March 14 as vaccines were rolled out."

Was this based on this data https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/health/causes-death/provisional-mortality-statistics/latest-release#data-download

Have you generated distributions for the fluctuations in excess deaths across similar periods, eyeballing it is in the roughly 10% for the AUS data. Did you make a point/interval estimate for deaths per dose among the older age groups?

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Honestly, I said "sigh" because I don't believe that the data in Australia is easy. And with so many other larger examples, I'd rather focus where is more useful to focus. But I did want to lay down some basic points that I believe make it clear that the case for Australia as a singular point of disproof is a foolish one.

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Aug 12, 2021
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Two Thoughts:

1. If there is fraud in the rules of the game, and I show that there are excess deaths by their rules, they're still in serious trouble.

2. For some computations, accuracy is a good substitute for precision.

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I thought the CDC was discouraging the double-injected from getting tested at all? Your last paragraph is spot-on.

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