I prefer "evidence-based conspiracy exposer".

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Damn... Every day I get up promising myself, "well today I'm going to do some cutting of firewood, take a walk in the mountains, transplant some of my Ferocactus before the seasons change..." and after the breakfast coffee it's just, "maybe I'll just check the email before I go out".

And then? Along came Mathew...

A couple of hours later and I'm deep into it, once again. And yet, and yet, I have to say, a profound thank-you for "ruining my day"!

BUT, here's a so-far unexamined variable for the CV19 & mRNA-GT (genetic treatment) puzzzle. What if the shots are not constant? Many defective, sub-dosed, or super-dosed in mRNA? Or maybe some/many active placebos (all the stuff in there except the mRNA). Accidental, or maybe (forbid the thought) intentional?

Stewing on that last supposition several possible alternative explanations for the current mayhem come to mind, all intensely conspiracy-theorist.

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The Cutter Incident is perhaps the most famous example of quality control issues killing people during a vaccine rollout. And we should assume that the newer the vaccine and the technology, the more likely quality control issues result in problems.

Japan is currently tossing out a lot of vaccines due to unexplained foreign substances they found in batches. They have reported multiple deaths so far. Of course, we shouldn't expect the Western media to talk about that much.

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Yes, I saw a report on the "foreign substances" - it's the "intentional" thing that I can't get out of my mind. At the beginning of the roll-out, just a few % active doses to test actual fatality rates, then increase the proportion of real doses gradually, and targeted to certain locales... If you want a good weapon to kill off a great many, it has to be VERY effective, not just 1/2000, and it should be a SECRET weapon that only a few will recognize for what it is././. OK, going outside now!

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A couple years ago, I would have laughed at the suggestion that such an "error" could be intentional. No longer. Sadly, nothing seems outside the realm of possibility today.

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“All governments lie”

Journalist I.F. Stone

Covid treatments exist. Spread the word!


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Thx for the link!

For anyone wondering whether to check it out, it is ‘a piece by investigative journalist Mary Beth Pfeiffer - a detailed and scathing indictment of the obsessive focus on novel patented vaccines without any attempt to establish an outpatient protocol using inexpensive off-purpose drugs, something that has proven remarkably effective in other countries..

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Yes, that is an excellent piece!

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cannot judge the statistics part, i'm a historian. However i can well judge on matters of Left and Right, it's my specialty, at least as we conceive them in Europe. I also happen to be active in the anticapitalist Left, i see myself as an ultraLeft person. I can attest and argue that your writings here cannot conceivably be characterised as necessarily Right-wing. I would call them anti-oligarchic, against the liberal oligarchic Extreme Right that holds now power in the West. As such they might be conservative/Right-wing, if you are for the middle class, or radical/Left-wing if you are for the poorer classes. At present they do not indicate a definite political bias. In any case they are very informative and thought-provoking. Keep on the good job.

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As another person living in the EU, I can't for the life of me, imagine how anyone except a far left nutcase could see a single instance of the far-right in government anywhere in the union. I would characterise even the conservative parties that exist are center left at most. The few parties that are on the right are small, although growing fast as people wake up.

"The liberal oligarchic Extreme Right that now hold power in the west" Unbelievable, makes me despair for the future that you are possibly a real person. In the west of your head maybe. I hope you are just a troll.

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How many covid vaccine deaths were falsely attributed to covid? How many covid deaths were due to being denied early treatment? The scandal runs deep.

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There are the groups


Being vaccinated (till 14 days after 2nd dose)


The first 2 are counted as the same unvaccinated

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"taking place in a venue that has decided to disallow anyone who has not been vaccinated"

In a world where irony has become a lost art... :) :) :)

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There is a Swedish proverb that comes to mind in connection to this covid circus.

"You can't argue with someone that argues against better judgement."

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Thanks for what you do. The statistics go over my head pretty quickly so I cannot comment on your methods but to quote Hamlet, it certainly seems that "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."

This article has a more complete list of 18 but even if one only agrees with ½ of these, getting jabbed does seem prudent.

Keep up your great work.


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Sorry even if one only agrees with ½ of these, getting jabbed does seem IMPRUDENT.

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Indeed. There seem to be a large pile of reasons to hold back at this point.

This is why I worry that the handling of pandemic medicine is quickly spiraling into something like a world war. Most people don't see the war yet, because they think "West vs. China (or Russia)" or some other unfortunately media-driven narrative. It's corporations that are losing dollar dominance versus [everyone whom they consider a product as opposed to a counterparty].

This is playing on a lot of biases. Those of us who believe in capitalism (in the basic trade sense, not the IP-dominated zero-liability corporate governance sense) have perhaps not been vigilant enough with the corporations. Those who believed the corporations were a problem were often not making the right arguments in the discussion (the problem does not need to require a leap to socialism, which might be said to be its own form of corporatism!).

We have been fooled by a thousands intentional games on the conversational level. But in the end, it's basic morality and applied logic that is equally basic that untangles total dishonesty run amok.

We will have to sort out the people whose actions project love and brotherhood/sisterhood of all from those who are psychopathic and build a hierarchy of narcissism that eventually crumbles.

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Another great read/analysis, with some humour sprinkled in for dramatic relief. Bravo!

Canada has also been obstructive with reporting vaccine AEs, and I am assuming deaths as well. Dr. Patrick Phillips was quite vocal about five of his reports being rejected by the local medical officer of health in his district, for missing batch numbers. He's an ER doc and doesn't give the shots - he sees patients after they react. This was several months ago. He did a stint on Rebel News about this topic. Of course, Rebel is considered "far-right," but they were one of the few independent news sites willing to host Dr. Phillips and share his story.

In British Columbia, Dr. Charles Hoffe was reprimanded for questioning all of the AEs showing up in his patients, and I believe he lost one of his hospital jobs. He thought he was doing a service by sounding the alarm that while he'd never treated a case of C19, post vac-rollout, his pattens were getting seriously injured. All we hear in Canada is "safe and effective." I don't know how to reconcile "safe" with all of the young people who have now been treated for myocarditis. https://torontosun.com/news/provincial/over-100-ontario-youth-have-been-sent-to-hospital-for-vaccine-related-heart-problems

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Oops - patients, not pattens (too early) :)

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I believe there is more than one way to skin a cat. Transparency is the key. The German pathologist may have sparked more interest.

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Can you clarify the reasoning re: only analyzing the "3 or more" categories. I understand the general gist of the analysis, but it seems to me as though the other categories might skew the overall result. (Note: I am a statistical layman).

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Some will have known 3, others 4, others 5, and so on. What's the average? We need that for the final computation, but it's unknown. We have to take a best guess, or look at a range of guesses. I took an approach that I believe is realistic, and is slightly conservative in the sense that it leans away from demonstrating more vaccine deaths (by a little, though it made almost no real difference in the final computation).

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Ohh I see.

I was thinking (for some reason) that you were only using the “3 or more” category in your final analysis, ignoring the 0, 1, and 2 responses. But after reading with fresh eyes, I see that your final number includes all results — it just only makes sense to run a sensitivity analysis on that 3 or more category since “or more” could mean various things.


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"As a young boy, I often knelt on my bed and prayed that the lord would see me through the journey of quitting nearly all of lucrative trading and giving up every one of my enjoyable consulting and teaching jobs to run a substack devoted to right-wing conspiracy theory that would result in broken relationships and ridicule."--> This gave me a well-needed chuckle. Yesterday I saw a cartoon that said it was a PSA of how to talk to friends who believe in conspiracy theories. The answer? "Bro, you were right all along. Sorry I didn't believe you."

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Thank you for reporting this. It's very helpful in combating the disinformation on corporate media.

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Thanks for all you do. Which session of the AICP meeting was the information of vaccine deaths submitted into evidence? It wasn't in the public comments.

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How many more like this??

25-yr-old 'snowboarder, motorcyclist' after waking from 2-hour nap

- "Busted blood vessels all over my body."

- Skin Eruptions. Bruising. Black Urine.

- "Not one to bruise easy either so it was really strange"

- "I had both doses of Pfizer."


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Vaccine Truth survey should also include date/timing of death--Covid pre-vaccines/Covid post-vaccines.

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That information would be ideal, but more difficult to obtain simply.

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