Jul 1, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Wow...so this president is not a WEF young global leader....this is very obvious these days, isn't it? "El Salvador President on Ukraine: ‘The Real War Is in Canada’........yup, you got that right......

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Things are so bad here right now...Parliament Hill blocked off and Canadian flags prohibited on Canada Day...I am worried for the dear people in Ottawa this weekend.

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Yes....I live in BC....Oh, poor Canada.....

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According to rebel news Canadian flags are ok...it’s the other ones that are verboten. Not saying this is ok...😀

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Oh that must be a new development....the report I saw earlier just said "flags". No it's not ok, I am actually not in agreement with certain flags BUT the fact that criticism of the dictator is being forbidden is not ok!

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I had a look around the web and could find nothing on the flag ban... do you have a source? I find this turn or events to beyond comprehension.

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As a Canadian I agree that Canada under Trudeau is plunging into some dark times. But as a Ukrainian I strongly disagree that people dying every day from Russian bombs and rockets aren't REAL. Sorry.

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I am sorry for you and your people Alex. I know what is happening there is real. The fact that the death of your people is being used to further divide the world is just one more dirty trick by the corporate elite.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

So, I am talking about what is happening in Canada...that this president recognizes the dark hole we are in......if the article included references you don't agree with than that is a separate issue and you are allowed to have your feelings towards that......I am specifically talking about Trudeau as a leader.....the war issue I am not weighing in on here....

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I hope he has a strong, loyal security detail. We have seen the pattern already. Any country leader who speaks out or actually helps his citizens is knocked off.

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I've had a similar thought, though it would not surprise me if the Bitcoin billionaires have his back to at least a substantial degree.

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Better not get on a plane either. They love to use planes for those Central and South American leaders.

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Watching the videos of government messaging to stay healthy and boost vit d and the other about the free early treatment kits makes me so angry I can taste bile... Our governments did NOTHING except create so much fear that people jumped at the chance to be lab rats, and then with those who didn't they took away our jobs and right to free movement... all for money and power. Fuck Trudeau.

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Not only did they do nothing, scarf lady Birx was asked in an interview early on what could people do to boost their immune system and she said "nothing."

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Who is scarf lady Birx?

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Oh I see. I have seen her before but as I am Canadian I wasn’t pay that much attention. Is there a video of her saying that nothing could be done? I’m not a video editing kind of person but it would be awesome if someone would splice her saying this I between these videos from El Salvador.

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I don't know anything about this specific interview of Birx, referred to by commenter Sasha.

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They went all out on the censorship, called us horses, and doctors across the country have their licenses in jeopardy. I wouldn't exactly call that nothing.

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Jul 1, 2022·edited Jul 1, 2022

Nothing positive. LOL.

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I read in the Spanish language newspapers that Honduras, Guatemala, and Haiti were also distributing Ivermectin. Nevertheless, many would agree these nations are rock bottom in corruption, poverty, & crime. Haiti by the way has both the lowest vaccination rate and the lowest COVID death rate for Latin America.

In sharp contrast, Costa Rica (which many regard as a role model by Latin American standards) has some of the harshest vaccine mandates.

Why the paradox? Are failed states less of a target for the WEF?

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There is a paradox, and it may be that nations that did not play ball with U.S. regimes had their faces rubbed in it economically over the years.

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Because Costa Rica is filled to the brim with ex-pats?

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Nice work.

I had Covid a few months ago -- woke up and felt something coming on ... tested + (RAT) around 11am --- took a tab of Hydroxy.... by dinner I started to feel that the illness was starting to fade (same feeling you get when you feel a cold is breaking)....

Within 2 days I was pretty much recovered and was back on my bike doing hour or so rides.

I continued to take Hydroxy for the recommended full 7 days.

I enjoy mentioning this to the Boosted CovIDIOTS who ask if I've had Covid yet --- the general response is 'you probably just have a strong immune system - implying the Hydroxy was useless'

Then they tell me how they had Covid and it was really nasty and lasted nearly 2 weeks. Horrible headaches coughing aching bones and joints...

I listen ... and say nothing .. but I am thinking ... this is evidence that IQ can be a negative number.

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Where did you get the HQC?

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I have an office in Hong Kong - it can be purchased OTC there so I had my staff send me a bottle.

Ivermectin is not for sale in HK even with a prescription.

I found out later than in NZ it is possible to get both of these prescribed through a group of doctors who are unvaxxed so can only see patients through video calls -- the site is often offline https://nzdsos.com/nzdsos-covid-help-clinic/

The meds had to come from a specific Auckland chemist - perhaps they would ship overseas....

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Thank you Eddy. I am in Canada. I will follow this lead.

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I have also seen this mentioned on a few message boards https://sevencellspharmacy.com/

The concern will be that customs seize the items.

When my staff sent Hydroxy from HK they packed it in a tin of Chinese medicinal lozenges along with some masks and other bullshit (a Covid 'Stay Safe' care package) and that got through.

I didn't have luck ordering USD300 of Iver from India (others ordered from the same outfit and it arrived - but took 6 weeks).... mine never turned up ... so not sure if I was scammed or if customs NZ binned it.

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End of the day I would not be overly concerned... my wife had Covid just prior to me ... and she had mild flu symptoms for 5 days or so (headached... body ache... ).... it was definitely worse for her but she didn't take any meds...

Keep in mind the average age of death from Covid is 80+ with multiple co-morbidities... if you are healthy the odds of you dying of Covid are similar to that of dying from the flu...

There was no need for me to take Hydroxy --- but it did smash the virus in a couple of days so why not...

Bossche says we have some deadly mutations headed our way -- not sure if they are deadly for the vaxxed only... but that might be when the meds are necessary for the unvaxxed...

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"Human Rights Watch director Ken Roth took a shot at Bukele"

Ken Roth and HRW are abysmal it's basically a front group for US State Dept.. Grayzone has great coverage for South American politics including Roth's HRW propaganda/disruption ops.


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Crazy the the WHO made a whole country stop using a life saving drug, and this is the first Ive heard of it.

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Always interesting to see these analyses.

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Maybe I'll

Move to El Salvador

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Thank you for this analysis - another interesting & informative case of how well these jabs work (not quite in the way we are told, however...)

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You quite cleverly enticed me to look at the fatality rate for Nicaragua, which is close to 0.

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Clown world: El Salvador is a shining example of liberty, Canada a dictatorial hell hole.

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Very encouraging that utter insanity does not entirely prevail on every sq. inch of earth.

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Excellent write-up thanks! Thinking of moving there now 😌

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Great post.

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"Más vale prevenir que lamentar". There is another important factor not mentioned above:

El Salvador has Dra María Eugenia Barrientos, who promoted AINES = Antiinflamatorios no Esteroideos as an early treatment since early 2020. These are Ibuprofene, Naproxene, etc.

She is a heroin of the size of the late Zev Zelenko, not a researcher, perhaps, but a competent and active lady that took plenty (>5,000) of worldwide patients via phone consultations.

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