"After all, it has historically been the Navy that has been documented exposing large scale populations to infectious agents. And given that the U.S. Navy includes perhaps more than 90% of the world's ocean firepower, it is the U.S. Navy that has the unique ability to go wherever there is water and deliver bioweapons."

Ah ha! In my time off-grid I've followed the trail of bread crumbs (RTE post links) to see that you wrote about Operation Sea Spray.

Yup yup! Serratia marcescens can be a nosocomial pathogen. And of course it can cause UTIs, sepsis, etc.

Interestingly, it’s also a key component of Coley's toxins, which Dr. Coley came to understand from German research in the late 1800s could be used to amplify the potential of killed Strep A strains to cure cancer.

One of the saddest things about the “no virus” crowd is that they are so reactively focused on reassuring people about the importance of lifestyle and diet to health that they refuse to understand that co-evolving with pathogens for millions of years has also provided certain benefits, such as the control of cancer. This crowd generally believes that only “good germs” or probiotics are important in this regard, whereas “bad germs” don’t exist — and indeed, that seems to be their main emotional motivation behind reassuring everyone that viruses don’t exist.

The “isolation” argument seems inconsequential to me since my PhD studies were focused on obligate parasites that are as yet impossible to grow in culture, just as viruses are asserted to be. Additionally, it’s also at times difficult to get bacteria to spread between organisms, too, but that doesn’t stop us from believing in bacteria just because we can’t get them to spread in every attempted instance.

What’s sadder is that they think that convincing everyone of “no virus” is crucial to exposing the plandemonium fraud and bringing those responsible to justice.

But what if a germ can be both “good” and “bad” depending on context?

In fact, the assumption that an organism is ONLY good or bad is merely the same arrogance that the US government displayed when it (supposedly) assumed S. marcescens was harmless before they sprayed it.

I don’t think the US government did actually think that, though, even though the article you cited makes it sound like it was totally innocent. No. The pathogenic potential of S. marcescens was well known long before 1950. I think as you did, that they believed the harm would be relatively low, which might allow for a situation that would herd people to certain solutions (or be useful in other ways if it was undetected).

Over the years I’ve struggled to understand at times where you’re going with certain concepts or assertions but I also haven’t had the attention span or time to follow everything you write in detail. Additionally I learned that you’ve been right more than once due to your childhood trauma of being used by cults associated with the regime, so I know that you know in your bones how completely wacko the regime people can be.

I’m interested to see where you go with your “human cloning" argument.

I was also severely gaslighted in my childhood about my identity, which led to me being highly skeptical of just about everything, including assertions of a highly personal nature, without sufficient proof.

However, my “knowing” about the depths of the evils of the regime didn’t grow until my 20s-40s when I had personal experiences that amply demonstrated that those in power either don’t really care about individual deaths from ordinary disease, or the prisoner’s dilemmas that result from governance and institutions are so massive that the distinction doesn’t really matter.

These experiences led to constant shifts and upgrades in my worldview, from generally conservative Christian in my early 20s to atheist-agnostic libertarian anarchist in my mid 40s.

I can’t stand mobs and cults and I see all religion and politics, including local politics, as mob/cult behavior.

I do see that people are easily hypnotized and controlled, but I also think the power mongers understand this instinctual mob behavior and are keen to use it to their desired ends… but I’ve been slow to see the grand scheme that you see, or what the specific desired outcomes are, or the sheer depth of the brainwashing operations going on.

This could be because of my training in evolution, as I see an even longer time-frame, and how the emergence of larger and larger societies enables the psychopaths to game the system and rise to the top in ways that are highly unnatural to our species… but I also see that these people in charge aren’t smart enough to keep governments and institutions from collapsing, time and time again, over time immemorial.

At this juncture a passage from one of my favorite books seems apropos (from Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States by anarchist James C. Scott, pp. 209, 211):

“”Why deplore “collapse,” when the situation it depicts is most often the disaggregation of a complex, fragile, and typically oppressive state into smaller, decentralized fragments? One simple and not entirely superficial reason why collapse is deplored is that it deprives all those scholars and professionals whose mission it has been to document ancient civilizations of the raw materials they require. There are fewer important digs for archaeologists, fewer records and texts for historians, and fewer trinkets—large and small—to fill museum exhibits. There are splendid and instructive documentaries on archaic Greece, Old Kingdom Egypt, and mid-third millennium Uruk, but one will search in vain for a portrayal of the obscure periods that followed them: the “Dark Age” of Greece, the “first Intermediate Period” of Egypt, and the decline of Uruk under the Akkadian Empire. Yet there is a strong case to be made that such “vacant” periods represented a bolt for freedom by many state subjects and an improvement in human welfare…

Above all, the well-being of a population must never be confounded with the power of a court or state center. It is not uncommon for the subjects of early states to leave both agriculture and urban centers to evade taxes, conscription, epidemics, and oppression. From one perspective they may be seen to have regressed to more rudimentary forms of subsistence, such as foraging or pastoralism. But from another, and I believe broader, perspective, they may well have avoided labor and grain taxes, escaped an epidemic, traded an oppressive serfdom for greater freedom and physical mobility, and perhaps avoided death in combat. The abandonment of the state may, in such cases, be experienced as an emancipation.”

From James C. Scott, Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States, pp. 209, 211

(I'm going to reproduce this not as a note but as a post on my page this time!)

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Oh man I loved James C. Scott's "Seeing like a State" - will check this one out!

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Excellent series of points. People quickly moved beyond identifying the many clues that the plandemic was intentional and facilitated global scale fraud and deeper malevolent objectives (the real agenda was to materially reduce fertility as we approached the 8 billion hoomans mark that Kissinger et. al. set as a red line back in the 1970's), to embracing wild "Terrain Theories" which stipulate that viruses don't actually exist.

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Matthew, Thank you very much for raising the profile of my latest article on the largely-ignored Roosevelt antibody study. You make some great points I'm going to further develop in future articles.

One oddity I found in my research was that sailors kept testing positive on a PCR tests for weeks and months after crew had left the ship and been isolated or quarantined. Either the isolation and mitigation responses didn't work or those PCR tests were giving a lot of false positives.

I also agree with you that many sailors might have already had natural immunity by the time they boarded the ship in mid to early January 2020.

It's bizarre that no reporters picked up on the fact that at least two antibody-positive Roosevelt crew members reported Covid symptoms 98 and 99 days before getting their antibody tests. This is of course evidence of "early spread," but it's also evidence the mainstream press will not touch this story and do any real investigative journalism.

Also, I didn't go into it except with some text in a caption, but there was an "outbreak" of norovirus on the ship in early February 2020. This is the same time schools all across America were closing because of "flu outbreaks" - as I documented in another story. I think there were far more school closings in the flu season of 2019-2020 than the previous flu seasons, perhaps even 2017-2018, which is said to be the worst flu season in 40 years.

Schools are also "congregate" settings, where viruses would rapidly spread.

I think the evidence is everywhere that this virus was spreading months before the "experts" said it was ... and public health officials and CDC personnel had to know this, but have never acknowledged this.

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The illness was spread earlier, but was it even a robust virus, as we usually think of one? If you haven't read through discussions of the infectious clone hypothesis, I think it will open your mind a bit.


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Thanks for the very interesting links, Mathew.

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Have you seen the study out of Italy that suggested the virus was around since September 2019? It was even covered by John Campbell. Also I believe the CDC found blood samples which tested positive for covid that date back to December 2019.

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Viruses need hosts to survive.

How do you move it from China, to New York, Italy and Japan.

No one is going to be afraid of a viral outbreak in a small rural town in Vietnam.

Major cities.

Aging populations.

That's where you want to be if it if you want to create widespread panic.

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Theoretical viruses do, yes.

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Hi Mathew,

Reading this, I could not help but to be reminded of an enlightening Joe Scott YouTube ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlYsm68RvOQ.

Hope things are well with you.

Cheers from Japan.


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I 've watched the YT video and I thought :

The more you know about human history the better you can describe the Peacetime phenomenon. My first attempt here is : "Being able to keep man's inert horror tendencies in check for longer than usual." And of course then there are all kinds of gradations in this fact.

From the drivers of our system we had to learn that there is such a thing as peacetime and then a war situation was the exception, but the more you learn about our history the more you realize that it was and is the exact opposite !!! There is a constant state of war in all forms and degrees. Synchronous to this fact, there are a variety of diversionary strategies in operation that are intended to make the unwary citizen believe that he is in peacetime. He should make an effort to get out of this matrix. This is characterized especially today as dissident behavior.

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Agreed Stephan. I tend to phrase it as a "forever war of mankind against its own worst nature" ... particularly the dark triads plus one, Cluster B types ... the pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, morphologically defined psychopaths, and born-to-the-bone sadists among us.

I'm still struggling to come to terms with Anneke Lukas's forgiveness of her sexual predators because they are simply projecting their own childhood traumas. That may be true for some. But others, I think were just born predators. Just got some good advice from Tessa (fights Robots, and earlier, Tereza C.) that perhaps I just need to parse that word "forgiveness" with a bit more nuance.

Cheers from Japan Stephan.


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Yes, covid arrived earlier than reported. However, you missed two vital points.

1) Dr. Michael Yeadon points out that the novel covid-19 virus is novel only in the sense that it is a new type of coronavirus: "There are at least four well characterized family members (229E, NL63, OC43 and HKU1) which are endemic and cause some of the common colds we experience, especially in winter. They all have striking sequence similarity to the new coronavirus.

"It is now established that at least 30% of our population already had immunological recognition of this new virus, before it even arrived...COVID-19 is new, but coronaviruses are not. A major component of our immune systems is the group of white blood cells called T-cells whose job it is to memorise a short piece of whatever virus we were infected with so the right cell types can multiply rapidly and protect us if we get a related infection. Responses to COVID-19 have been shown in dozens of blood samples taken from donors before the new virus arrived.”

2) The PCR test is inaccurate if the number of amplification cycles increases over 25. Most labs ran covid testing at above 35 cycles; many ran at 40+ cycles. Even Fauci stated that results are inaccurate above 35 cycles.

The PCR test doesn't detect viruses, it simply picks up fragments of DNA and RNA which may well be remnants of a common cold someone had weeks or months earlier. So “testing positive“ doesn’t necessarily mean someone has covid.

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I'm not forgetting those topics. They just aren't relevant to this article.

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"Authorities had the data to recognize that COVID-19 was not broadly dangerous to young people in a way that justified the levels of panic and ahistorical measures applied to large populations in 2020 and beyond."

If this is the case, then the Pentagon as well as the Kremlin should've not mandated that young healthy soldiers be injected with experimental

toxins which did much more harm than good.

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It was always about the jabs, though.

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Biomedicine is a tool for controlling populations.

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Many top officials & policy makers make money off of Pharma products. Hence why they push so many vaccines. They need to sell something, they manufacture the crisis. Anthrax around 2001/2002. Now military have to get anthrax shots/boosters many times even though it was initially supposed to be 2 shots & done. Add to that it’s completely unnecessary & causes severe damage. They’ve been using our military as test subjects at least since WWII time. Most likely before that. There are several good books on this: “Vaccine A” “Home Front:The Government’s War on Soldiers” “United States v. Members of the Armed Forces”

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"severe damage" was the intended result. Making money off it was just the sweet dessert.

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Billy Gates gloated on TV that he had invested in Vaccine companies and was making sooo much $$$!

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Yes, but if making money was the real and only goal, they would not be killing off the customers. It is a slow kill, surely, but lots of vaccines to sell in the meantime.

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Unless you want them weakened.

Not immediately, but sometime in the future.

I wonder if Wagner, Acadami and the other big named private mercenaries of the world had mandates for their "contractors"?

If not.

I wonder why?

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If private contractors were excluded from the vaxx mandates, it might've been because they were considered too valuable to experiment on.

However, that's purely speculation.

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Nah, when everyone gets sick in a few years and develops "long Covid" and we are mostly all locked away in our "15 minute communities"

These private organisations will be the world military.

The global police force of sorts.

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Something to look forward to is the nightmarish prospect of spooks and military contractors patrolling and surveilling 15 minute cities.

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The bigger picture reveals so much more than just a virus and a "response":

Policy drivers:


Action taken, result:


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Culling the population is a significant component of the biomedicine technocracy.

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The World Military Games 2019 held in Wuhan also deserve mention. I’ve heard anecdotally that many were incredibly ill when they returned home.


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I had an employee who competed in Nov 2019 with athletes that were at the Wuhan games. My employee had 2 weeks of glassy lungs illness in late November.

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Did malaria make the scene by any chance? https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1180549.shtml

Yet: https://www.who.int/news/item/30-06-2021-from-30-million-cases-to-zero-china-is-certified-malaria-free-by-who

"In 2020, after reporting 4 consecutive years of zero indigenous cases, China applied for an official WHO certification of malaria elimination. Members of the independent Malaria Elimination Certification Panel travelled to China in May 2021 to verify the country’s malaria-free status as well as its programme to prevent re-establishment of the disease."

NB: Zero indigenous cases. So where did any cases come from?

Well: https://malariajournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12936-022-04273-9

"Due to the impact of COVID-19, the number of imported malaria cases in Shanghai had greatly increased..."

Say again? Due to what?

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I came to write about that because the narrative was to say that when China accused the US of releasing covid 19 at the military games, it was just in retaliation...but at that time, China really didn't have a reason to retaliate...the narrative then was that it was from a pangolin having relations with a bat or whatever that wet market fake story was...


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Personally I and my immediate family have had no problem delineating our bizarre symptoms from a naturally occurring viral swarm.

Anyone that got hit with anything other than omicron has experienced novel severe inflammatory symptoms to endothelial cells and the sympathetic nervous system clearly affecting the vagus and bundle of HIS pathways.

I’m 66 years-old and have at one time or another had every respiratory virus short of pneumonia. Covid-19 was nothing like any of them. It felt more like being poisoned.

When considering what it took to pull off the poisoning of the world the scope of the planning, coordination and cooperation amongst so many people and organizations is deeply disheartening. I’m at a loss to come to terms with how so many people (Americans!) in government, military, medicine, education and media could get behind this?

We are talking about a lot of tight-lipped cooperation across so many layers I find it impossible to believe nobody in a key role has had an attack of conscience and come forward. Yet, where are they? It appears everyone is corrupt or stupid or both.

Sorry but I don’t care how high the IQ nobody or no group is smart enough to pull this off. The plandemic took years of careful preconceived chess moves. When AI finally got clever enough I’ve no doubt every conceivable scenario and human reaction to it was processed at the speed of light.

What happened was too involved, too detailed, too coordinated and unfortunately too successful to have occurred via happenstance or from nature.

I strongly suspect a reshuffling of the world order is being orchestrated right under our noses because the world’s economic system is running out of steam. The super-rich-super-powerful are protecting their future wealth.

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"I’m at a loss to come to terms with how so many people (Americans!) in government, military, medicine, education and media could get behind this?"

Combination of compartmentation, systemic gaslighting, manipulation of narratives, hegelian gauntlet engineering, and so forth can and have enabled a whole lot of people to be possessed of a 'morality' devoid of ethics and blind to proportion. For instance, if one fully buys the rhetoric of over-population leading to immanent climate collapse, then the faustian lesser of two evils is large scale selective extermination. Plenty of bright people are resolved to this notion and see no cognitive dissonance.

As the west has abandoned the classics & humanities they have lost the benefit of logic and civics to inform their thinking. As post-war Americans have followed their "aptitude" into specialist intellectual ghettos, for maximizing their achievement, they have lost all capacity as generalists who would seek to cultivate a gestalt field awareness. So most "educated" Americans are ignorant about most of the things in life that concern their own lives. They wear perma-blinders and only trust other specialists, effecting a condition where the blind lead the blind, so the savvy criminal parasite class may run amok invisibly and convince everyone that their effects are inevitable Nature.

The militarization of society & science makes things easier for the criminal class, because the military has no bill of rights, nor ways to challenge authority.

Have you read Whitney Webb's One Nation Under Blackmail? It is a great History.

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I have both volumes of Webb’s books but confess I have only scanned them as I’ve been recovering from eye surgery for cataracts and things are indeed brighter but blurry enough to cause eye strain. Appt w/optometrist in a couple weeks. You have absolutely nailed it though. Nothing blurry about your insight. Thanks.

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No evidence of a virus. Maybe a poisoning.

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If not a virus then definitely a biological nerve agent.

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Neurotoxins at work, quite evidently, and on a repeat basis.

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Here's one theory - "S" protein is a close analog to venoms (and who is to say what other secret mRNA in the jabbs are coding for, like proteins that reduce fertility).


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It is not an analog molecule for a reptile venom. What it does have in it , which was first reported in May 2020 in this September article ( See Figure 2 ), which is an update of the May one: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32989130/ From the text, quote:

"The insertion PRRA together with seven sequentially preceding residues and succeeding R685 (conserved among β-CoVs) form a motif, Y674QTQTNSPRRAR685, homologous to those of neurotoxins from Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera, as well as the neurotoxin-like regions from three RABV strains (20) (Fig. 2D). We further noticed that the same segment bears close similarity to the HIV-1 glycoprotein gp120 SAg motif F164 to V174. This close sequence similarity to both bacterial and viral SAgs, in support of the potential superantigenic character

of the stretch Y674 to R685 of SARS-CoV-2 S, directed us to further analyze its local sequence and structure."

This is not an analog to snake toxin. This is a bioweapon specifically designed not only to use ACE-2 receptors, but also CD4 and CD169 along with a nicotinic and other receptors... this was designed to have maximum access to as many parts of the body and immune system as possible, with multi-pronged consequences, depending on the host....

However, infection was a lottery, and many people's cellular immunity could deal with this reasonably well. Where these spike sequences could have maximum impact was ONLY when 1)

Cellular immunity failed and the body started making spike itself as in serious infection 2) It was injected and the body itself manufactured spike itself = mRNA vaccines. And that depended on the batch because there was no quality control, and whether or not the injection put a lot into the circulation quickly or not.

IMO, Number 2 has the potentially worse long term scenario because of the plasmid cargo in the mRNA vaccines.

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Don't know if you are aware but the Navy also has a series of "Biomedical Research" operations scattered around Asia Pacific (NAMRU). I have personal experience of several of these in the Region and they are high security facilities.

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"PCR" is NOT a diagnostic tool, & "sars-covid19" is a total FRAUD.

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Yes, too bad the guy that invented the PCR test coincidentally died after he expressed similar sentiments.

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Interesting, I recall that story of the bloke in France that had it Sep/Oct 2019, the story went quiet however. Makes you think about the 1918 Flu, broke out in the army barracks near the pigs in the US, coincided with an experimental vaccine, covered up but no one bothered to tell Russia we were having a cover up according to Latipova.

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That illness was brought on by poor conditions and possibly new vaccinations/medications. They spin everything into invisible boogeymen which is nonsense. Time to unlearn what we've been taught.

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Indeed, the 1918 flu was straight after 4 years of insufficient food. Covid has taught us how important diet is in improving your chances with respiratory diseases.

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My friend got really sick in early December 2019 with pneumonia and she has tested positive for the Rona antibodies to it through a blood test. She said it was the sickest she had ever been. Antibiotics cleared it up which were denied given to people in the hospital after 2019. This order was given worldwide before Covid was a twinkle in Fauci’s eye. Or should I say mouth? Then there was the weird pneumonia that happened on the east coast back in the spring of 2019 and they had the glass opacities in their lungs that showed up on X-ray. That was blamed on vaping remember and then suddenly we heard no more about until the following January.

Funny thing for me is that I too have the glass opacities in my lungs, but as far as I know I haven’t had the Rona nor have I had any colds for over a decade if not longer. Mine was found after I had symptoms of a heart attack, but I had sepsis on top of that. No heart attack though. Something else, but it’s a long story.

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We had the same in NZ, lots of people with a weird pneumonia in 2019. The medics shrugged. And 2019 was a very bad year in australia for secondary bacterial infections following "the flu".

Wonder what they would have found had they tested everyone in Australia for coronavirus antibodies early on. Ironically the AB tests were not allowed to be done in NZ until way after the vaccine was being pushed, which also would appear to be a deliberate witholding of a tool for their own "reasons".

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Boy there has been so much information about Covid going back 3 years that I have forgotten a lot of it. Spain looked back at sewer water and found that there was Covid in the system in September of 2019.

I hate being this cynical, but what if they were testing the lethality of the Rona virus earlier in 2019 and started making adjustments to it before they released the virus worldwide? So many things that I thought were nuts once have turned out to be true.

Good point on withholding testing before the jabs came out. Very curious huh?

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"After all, it has historically been the Navy that has been documented exposing large scale populations to infectious agents."

And I think the US Army was involved in spreading syphilis to only black enlisted men. And remember Desert Shield when 1000s of people got a combination of vaccines that were never tested together? One of my friends got sick from that. He's partially disabled.

Oh, and Agent Orange was sprayed on advance soldiers in Vietnam. They didn't know what it would do to people. I have a friend who was exposed to it. His skin is like paper, it rips really easily.

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A lot of military athletes who attended the Invictus Games in Wuhan in late Oct. 2019 reported dealing with severe flu-like respiratory illness, there or sometimes after they returned home. This was about the same time as the strangely prescient "Event 201" held in NYC by Gates, Schwab, and other Great Resetters. Then we had Warp Speed with various military considerations for rapid rollout of mRNA injections. Hospitals were forced to use protocols that mandated use of Remdesivir, which often causes renal failure and fluids to build up quickly, so that imaging shows "pneumonia" and justified the money incentivized ventilators - while leaving the deadly inflammatory cytokine storm of late stage SARS-CoV2 unchecked, to escalate the "death count" as propaganda. But recent data shows that Sweden's live births fell dramatically by over 12% on a curve that follows their jabbs rollout per capita coverage very closely (and has stayed down). That suggests that the information we had from insiders very early on is likely true, that the real goal was to keep world population from reaching the 8 billion mark, which as early as the 1970's was identified by Western MIC thinktanks as a tipping point of strategic importance. Consider the following scenario:


Substacker "Boriquagato" has charted the live births issue multiple times in 2H 2022, search his stack on "Swedish" or "Sweden", his Sept-Nov 2022 articles are pretty astonishing. Also it appears that the spike protein, patented long before any of this action, is an analog molecule for a reptile venom, which helps explain the odd neurological and inflammatory symptoms, and deadly adverse effects, of the jabbs themselves.

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It is not an analog molecule for a reptile venom. What it does have in it , which was first reported in May 2020 in this September article ( See Figure 2 ), which is an update of the May one: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32989130/ From the text, quote:

"The insertion PRRA together with seven sequentially preceding residues and succeeding R685 (conserved among β-CoVs) form a motif, Y674QTQTNSPRRAR685, homologous to those of neurotoxins from Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera, as well as the neurotoxin-like regions from three RABV strains (20) (Fig. 2D). We further noticed that the same segment bears close similarity to the HIV-1 glycoprotein gp120 SAg motif F164 to V174. This close sequence similarity to both bacterial and viral SAgs, in support of the potential superantigenic character

of the stretch Y674 to R685 of SARS-CoV-2 S, directed us to further analyze its local sequence and structure."

This is not an analog to snake toxin. This is a bioweapon specifically designed not only to use ACE-2 receptors, but also CD4 and CD169 along with a nicotinic and other receptors... this was designed to have maximum access to as many parts of the body and immune system as possible, with multi-pronged consequences, depending on the host....

However, infection was a lottery, and many people's cellular immunity could deal with this reasonably well. Where these spike sequences could have maximum impact was ONLY when 1)

Cellular immunity failed and the body started making spike itself as in serious infection 2) It was injected and the body itself manufactured spike itself = mRNA vaccines. And that depended on the batch because there was no quality control, and whether or not the injection put a lot into the circulation quickly or not.

IMO, Number 2 has the potentially worse long term scenario because of the plasmid cargo in the mRNA vaccines.

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There are other coronaviruses which also circulate, which have similar conserved regions. Can those coronviruses result in a false positives? There have been quite a few studies which showed antibodies to other coronaviruses which cross- react with cov-2. RT-PCR tests look for 1 or more of the envelope (env), nucleocapsid (N), spike (S), RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), and ORF1 genes.

Are those ALL unique to Cov-2?

If not, what a sneaky way to test, inflate numbers etc. Would that explain why so many people held in quarantine never had any symptoms at all.

You would have thought if cov-2 was a new virus, that the RT-PCR would only look for unique Cov-2 material which could not be "confused" with any other existing coronavirus. But is the RT-PCR unique to Cov-2????

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