Still possible to join?

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

If you are going to dinner at Fogo do Chao, "a short waddle" might be a more appropriate description. Yum!

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Have a beautiful night weaving the webs .. Just saw this from James Lyons-Weiler, perhaps could be part of the conversation ~


"Here’s what’s up:

“To better understand what causes a pandemic, pathogens may be altered during research in ways that affect how they spread and cause disease”,

The US Government Accountability Office (US-GOA) has published a 42-page report

“Public Health Preparedness: HHS Could Improve Oversight of Research Involving Enhanced Potential Pandemic Pathogens”

Here’s the link: https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-23-105455

Here’s what I propose:

I will pen an open letter to Mary Denigan-Macauley, Director of GAO, and add your name and your organization as a co-signer inviting the GAO to update their recommendations to read that

“HHS AGENCIES AND THEIR DESIGNEES will, as a matter of routine, seek feedback and input from independent research scientists, medical professionals, and scholars of ethics not influenced by for-profit interests and utilize the network of independent research scientists to ground-truth assumptions and assertions made in the process of understanding emerging pathogens and scientific, public health, medical and societal responses to emerging pathogens via a regular and ongoing formal process of targeted solicitation of reviews, analyses, and commentary with such input being entered into the record of lines of evidence to be formally considered by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US National Institutes of Health, and US Food and Drug Administration. HHS will require employees of HHS to give sufficient, unbiased, and due consideration to this line of parallelized independent intelligence and will be expected to provide evidence of such consideration before rendering any decision, recommendation, guidance, or funding to address emerging pathogens or the consequences of emerging pathogens on public health”.

In other words, all of HHS will have to answer our research intelligence network before taking any formal action.any

To sign such a letter, please email your name, your affiliation (if any), and a statement

I affirm that neither I nor (YOUR ORGANIZATION NAME) receive funding from any corporation or government agency involved in the development of drugs or biologics intended to address existing or emerging pathogens”

to info@ipak-edu.org, subject line “Research Intelligence Network”

If you have no organization affiliation, put “NO AFFILIATION”.

Please provide an example or two of your contribution to the public knowledge sphere about these issues from 2020-present. They do not need to be peer-reviewed, but the analyses should be reasonably formally presented.


Deadline to participate: Jan 31st, 2023

-James Lyons-Weiler, PhD"

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Jealous I can't attend - have a drink on me.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

I wish you a pleasant evening. Unfortunately I won’t be able to join you as it’s a long flight from the UK and more importantly, I’m currently not allowed into the land of the free.

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Jan 19, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Hope y’all have a blast! I’ll be shivering here in far north Illinois.

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Jan 20, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Wish I could be there with you all! Sounds like it’ll be a great evening. Hopefully next time!

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I wish I lived closer! Have a great time everyone. 💕

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