It is all about the narrative for most people. When you pick a side in the battle of good vs. evil, you no longer do nuance and inconvenient facts. Thank you Mr. Crawford for following the facts no matter where they lead. People like you are a rare breed these days, unfortunately.
AGREED!!! Basically, you’re a mahogany unicorn. Which is waaaay rarer than just a unicorn. That’s why you’ve never heard of one before. Turns out there’s only a dwindling few in existence...and you are one of them. Thank you for giving zero fucks about teams and cliques and all the bullshit that apparently a lot of people never grow out of.
I've read or viewed over 1,500 reports, studies and video presentations about covid and its vaccines over the past 3 years - to include many of yours. Cutting through all the noise and conflicting data, and gathering together all the results from all studies, two irrefutable and dominant conclusions emerge:
1) Lethality of covid has been falsely inflated. Its overall fatality rate across all age groups is under 0.2%. Higher for people over 65, lower for people under 60. Covid's severe illness rate is likewise falsely inflated by the same factors. Simply put, covid is no worse than a bad flu for the vast majority of the population.
2) Covid vaccines cause more illnesses, injuries and deaths to people under 60 than does covid itself.
Comparing these two conclusions with the events over the past 3 years, it's clear there has been a planned, orchestrated worldwide response to covid. It's impossible that the majority of nations' political leaders, medical boards, government health agencies and MSM could be in such perfect lockstep on covid's "countermeasures" and vaccine pushes without such a directed, orchestrated campaign. The conductor of this orchestra is the globalist alliance of the WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, Rothschild Foundation and globalist corporations such as BlackRock and Vanguard. This alliance used Pharma and the WHO as tools, and corrupted political leaders, government agencies and much of the medical industry to follow their covid political and financial operation. That's my conspiracy theory. As Steve Kirsch would say, I'll give $1 Million to anyone who proves me wrong.
Hear hear. Your first point imo has not been adequately understood. Had honesty prevailed, your second point would not now be necessary to make. It was clear to me as an inquisitive non scientist in the summer of 2020 that the lethality of the virus was confined mostly to the old and already ill. But the promotion of fear made many get the shot who did not need it. The only question now is will the power brokers get away with their power grab. I think not, but a lot of damage has been done, and no one will willingly admit they were wrong. Hence I believe a new effort to ignore or minimize vaccine injuries is inevitable. It’s going to be an uphill battle. Hindsight will be very unkind to our era.
🎯🎯 I agree with you that lethality was inflated for the purpose of selling "vaccines" to governments. And you're right about efforts to minimize vaccine injuries, that's happening now. As for the power brokers, I believe they'll get away with their operations that have injured and killed millions. Since these people are at the top of the planetary food chain, and they have too many corrupt politicians and government officials in their pockets, who's going to punish them?
injections to many governments outside of Africa where they were already fully aware of depopulation and genocide from previous experiences.
The lethality and severity, hell the idea of it being something different than the flu, had to be "bought" by enough of the population for them to be enough of a bullying force against resistant critical thinkers.
Indeed, but the synthesis has yet to become fully apparent, I believe its all a provocation; it is subversion; it is agitation propaganda, as per dear Klaus Schwab: "We Must Prepare for an Angrier World"
I spoke to Brook today personally and got a good understanding why she was there on day 1, but left that night and did not stay for day 2. Invited yes, but not scheduled to speak on day 2 to the world audience. It turns out, there was a short list of items that were not going to be spoken about, like 5G, like graphene, like Brook's false claim case. I was a little frustrated by the end because I banner on the screen stating "Fraud..." and I didn't feel they went into fraud territory? I'm a little tired listening to what the rona looks like, and folding LNP's and cleavage and receptor sites. In the end Brook should have been sitting at the right hand side of Johnson, and talk about more fraud stuff like DMED data manipulation, Brook's case details, VAERS fraud, Sasha Latypova's info, etc... But that's just me.
She is not in an easy position. Yes, the most important thing is that the public be informed, so she must speak out to some extent.
On the other hand, most judges don't appreciate litigation by press release. And there is always the risk of providing your adversary with impeachment fodder by making a comment that your adversary spins as contrary to a previous comment. The more you speak the greater that risk.
I handed her (a) a pile of safety signals with temporal significance that are undeniably presented in every form of the data, (b) strong indications of manipulated data (and a target to investigate), and (c) fixed the circumstances without need to ever point out that she was completely misreading much of the data.
I could have handed her more, but a firehose was pushed into my face, costing me hundreds of additional hours.
The idea that there was a need to do any of this in a dishonest or misleading way is absurd.
Her most recent testimony makes it sound as though she just happened to stumble upon the Reportable Events data just right before the hearing. In my mind, this reveals her playing a role as an actress. This data was clearly not the way it was before I asked for re-queries in October. Anyone who suddenly saw it after that is suspect because if they understood the data, they should have wondered why they didn't recognize it UNITIL JUST NOW, which should have led to checking the past queries.
Knowing her and her capabilities with data, I suspect that the idea to use Reportable Events was handed to her. I could be wrong, but I'd call it a high probability.
At every turn it feels as though there is more to this story.
But that is understandable. It’s not possible to tackle everything in one conference. There’s a limit to the amount of information people are able to receive.
We need more people in Senate and in the Congress to tackle more issues.
Tampering with the data is just as shocking as the actual data. It's a sign that the DOD is controlled by malevolent forces. It also seems that the majority of our representatives don't care either. The entire government appears to have been captured. I knew things were way beyond fvcked when the DOD mandated masks. The DOD experts in biowarfare know damn well these crappy masks were worthless.
She's great, though the full history and named names would require 100 similarly diligent researcher-writers. There are several in here sphere whom I also like, including Johnny Vedmore whom I'm going to try to get on RTE after the New Year (both of them, for different reasons/discussions).
I wondered how much you may have been under threat personally. I would not put it past this government. I wish you and your family safety first and foremost. That is a huge burden to bear and I am grateful you are doing it. I do look forward to the "dummies" version. The cliff notes as it were. My takeaways are that they invited people to the table who were less than up to the task and maybe that works for them (unknowingly or knowingly) and that the data has flipped on it's head again, leaving us to think in a circular argument. How you work. I pray for your safety and continued integrity.
These people are the ultimate masters of playing the game - by distracting, dividing, infiltration, etc. they are way ahead of us. And I agree about praying for safety for Mathew. We’ve lost way too many of the very people of high moral integrity that were in positions with their knowledge and expertise to expose all of this.
There is a genocide going on. Who is behind this? A group of outrageously wealthy psychopaths, including Bilge Grates, Klown Schlob, and a bunch of other City of London types that nobody knows, plus Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Banks, with the MSM and the govt's lined up for their payouts, and then allllll the minions who think they're going to be part of a big crowd, like the Nazis all over again, only much, much bigger. Same plan, basically, but this time the Meanies are going to take over the entire world and commodify Life Itself... If we allow it. We better don't allow it!
The military, our very patriotic and most earnestly protective people, other than fire fighters, are a liability to a kind of crackdown on the population when it's "time" for the Bad Guys to really hammer us and grind our lives down to a feudal scrape. THAT's why the military is mandated to be jabbed.
The Nasties don't CARE about vaccine injuries, they WANT us to die or be disabled. They have NO compassion, they are fucking psychopaths. They care about THEMSELVES only. They are shitting themselves because our numbers are growing. We the Peeps, the would-be plebes, are waking the hell up. When our bank accounts are no longer accessible without a "pass," when we're told we can no longer have cars and take road trips, or even go two hours to visit friends, when we can no longer buy stuff without a smart phone that has a code in it that shows we're jabbed, people gonna be pissed off.
The Nasties are, in meantime, building shitloads of surveillance and their weapons of Mass Irradiation, which is what "Covid" really is, folks. Not a fucking "virus" at all, it's nutritional deficiency at best, and bloody EMF's at worst. And who knows what other secret weapons they've got ready for us. They're putting up streetlights that can zap you as you go by, with lights brighter than a fleet of angels.
All these three years we've watched blindly as these things are being put into place, people are DIED SUDDENLY all over the place (SADS my ass, folks), they are distracting and confusing us, trying to sexualize and steal/traffic our children, confuse us, set us at each other, and keep us busy fighting about what's actually what, while they advance like the lizard creeping slime they are.
We're about to begin to get a very clear idea of what they are up to next. It's coming soon to a theater of war near you. NEVER trust a psychopath, my friends. It's not healthy. And DON'T expect mercy, or guilt, or any kind of sympathy. Just don't even think about it. No appeal to their "humanity" will be effective, because they WANT YOU DEAD. Okay.
Now. Let's think about how we can fuck up their plans.
Sure details about her case is prudent not to speak, but first issue is the court deciding if the case should even be heard. Most of the country does not even know the case exists. Just a five minute blurb that the case even exists would have been great. They talk about early treatment, they said nothing about about the 411 employees suing Kaiser Hospital for a combo of Remdesivir use to religious exemptions. A landmark case hardly anybody knows about as well. See details here:
I sent this through The Highwire comment page the other day, (and got a brief response) -
"In today's episode, the DeSantis hearing is covered, as well as correcting misinformation that was said at the hearing. Some speakers, not knowing better, claimed that non-covid vaccines are safe, effective, necessary, all that .. And Del corrected that wrong info on the show, while covering the historic hearing, and the Public Health Integrity Committee, in a positive light.
Great. As expected from the quality journalism at The Highwire.
But .. Why, was there no correction about the DMED data mentioned in Ron Johnson's hearing? No doubt that everyone paying attention has seen increases in all sorts of health problems - especially in young & athletic people, like military service members. But the numbers in that dataset are fake. It's not reliable to go from there.
We don't know what the real numbers are, there's much not known about it, but the (I assume) well meaning people talking about that dataset aren't nearly as qualified as Mathew Crawford to analyse it for authenticity.
This can be a point of weakness in the narrative, and fraud that can be called out, if done accurately ... Instead, the medical freedom movement is quoting inaccurate data, which is a gift to everyone who wants to connect the vaccine risk aware with conspiracy theorists who don't have good standards for information ..
I'd love to see a correction about this on The Highwire ...
"Thank you for your email and information. We will forward this to our team and if we have further questions, we will be in touch with you. We are honored to hear your ideas and for you to reach out to us. It is this kind of collaboration that moves us forward.
Kari Black
I wrote back ( and bcc'd you at proton mail ), thanked them and and asked them to get in touch with you.
If they walk their talk, they won't shy away from this story .. but it's odd and creepy that so many have ...
There's a lot happening that can damage the Medical Freedom Movement, and we can be certain that Chaos Agents, Controlled Opposition, and just Immature Individuals will cause some real trouble!
Here's a take on the Malone/ Breggin issue I personally agree with 100%. Of course more can be surmised, but this much is certain.
Thanks. I generally like Catherine and think she has a lot of great points here. That said, there is something going on behind the scenes that would be very complicated to explain that is driving at least some of this. I haven't decided if it's going to move to the top of my priority list, or whether it's something I should even air.
Well, now you have me curious; and rarely do I have to suffer that itch severely. I've spent much of my life delving into the things the catch my interest, and generally if you dig long enough the Universe takes pity on you and tosses the solution your direction, I have found!
This one could make me suffer a bit....
Have a little pity, Matthew?
; ))
I am sure I am not the only one struggling with why Malone would attack the Breggins, for goodness sake?!
Pick a bigger stronger target, if you must go after someone or something, but certainly not an elderly couple who have been staunch champions of human rights in the very darkest corners of abuse!
And, Kennedy's continuing support of him is making me wonder about his judgment, or intent, something I do NOT want to do, after all this time.
True, perhaps. But frankly I've had enough secrecy to last me many lifetimes. If Malone is either ego driven, cruel, or "controlled opposition," I think the sooner we find out the better.
"Methinks the man protest-eth too much!" but if there is another explanation I'd really like to hear it.
Seems like what's happening is mass atrocities, not mass formation, by the power players, and mass formation explains how they get away with it, why regular people are afraid of the unvaccinated and feel connected to a meaningful tribe listening to NPR.
I haven't read much of the Malone & Breggin back and forth, but everything Catherine said makes sense to me (at least with what I know as of now). (Except dismissing mass formation, I think it's still happening, not as an excuse for those committing mass atrocities, but as another crime of theirs, to know of this mechanism in the collective psyche and manipulate it)
In a parallel universe, Malone & Breggin have a public conversation that may be difficult but ends with expanded understandings and maybe some agreeing to disagree, and is an example for how to resolve differences without blowing things up (or taking a lot of energy away from other urgent endeavors).
Discussion group suggestions(?) ... Malone, Breggin, Whitney Webb, James Corbett, Meryl Nass, Bret Weinstein, (& his brother Eric, who I think works for Peter Thiel .. interesting ... I get a good, genuine sense of Eric in what I've read / listened to of his, which has been minimal.)
So true how Catherine said it's not a vaccine schedule, it's a poisoning schedule, by serial felons, and has nothing to do with immunology.
In a parallel universe, Malone and Bridle and Vanden Bossche realize that, and collaborate on if there are safe, sane ways to build prior immunity to some diseases that it would make sense to focus on ...
Wow, that's a brilliant comment. I love the way you explained the relationship between the manipulators and mass formation. When I read about the tiff between Malone and Breggin I wondered the same two things - why think the planned manipulation and MF are mutually exclusive? And Malone has been attacked from plenty of sources far more deserving of hitting with a lawsuit - why single out Breggin?
"Do you even wonder how much of the MSM and MFM media is competing Hegelian narratives, and all this is just scripted theatrics from start to finish on both sides?"
All the time!
"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you"
I am not sure it is terrible that MFM loses steam. These "movements" are not the best means of community, or of getting off the machine. Lots of reasons for this, among them: they can get hijacked, they can move as a sort of mob force, they can inhibit people from interacting and investing themselves in the community. (Of course the community can be simply another buzz word to advertise some great new money making service or product, so we have to actually live in some form of a community and invest time and resources to build it up. ). Some of the folks in my several communities of church, small family run business, home school groups did share info and members supported one another in questioning and ultimately rejecting the any or additional shots, with some exceptions, of course.
On DMED, the particular problem of changing numbers probably has long history too. Friendly fire casualties come to mind. Military people and families have known for a long long time that the service members are expendable. Unissant may be more sophisticated in its playbook, but the basic notion of hiding the truth about screw ups continues.
Ultimately, the larger "movement" is a way to renetwork the humans who want to associate along a fabric of trust and respect---a movement of more local governance and full rejection of the corporate mafia and military-banking complex.
"Do you even wonder how much of the MSM and MFM media is competing Hegelian narratives, and all this is just scripted theatrics from start to finish on both sides?"
Yep. I thought just that when a Japanese politician, an Australian politician, an MP in UK (covered on Dr. John Campbell's channel), and DeSantis held hearings almost simultaneously and the MSM covered DeSantis, as if there might, hypothetically, be a beginning and an end of some kind to this particular narrative. Or certain demographics are nudged towards living in one reality, and other demographics, often poor, with little education and/or access to contrary information, are to live in another for some period, while they mask and boost and get injured and die while following The Science. The Coffee and Covid author said it was a miraculous confluence, Musk taking on Twitter, and DeSantis' panel. But I am a hyperactive pattern seeker, which would get my genes in the next generation if I was still capable of that, since, theory is, that those who think the twig is a snake are more likely to leave progeny, than those who just whistle past the twig, which is a pit viper.
And I know there are many other layers and entwinings that intersect with this that I don't understand, so it is bad thinking most likely. So sorry for all that has all happened to you. You may be closing in on the soft spot on the underbelly of the dragon. With migraines, my friend says sometimes it helps to imagine one hand in a bucket of ice water and the other near a fire.
The hill I'm dying on is the loss of polyvalent symbolic thinking, so here's a poem for you
Thank you Mathew, this has to be said and understood.
It is so easy to look for and find what we want to see, from whatever perspective we take. It is crucial properly to look at the bigger picture and be able honestly to rethink our perspective in the light of better/more/different evidence. When we find what we don't want to see the easy path is to choose to ignore it, and end up deeper in a mind rut, from which it becomes ever more difficult to climb out. Echo chambers are not good places, yet are beguiling and surround us too easily. I try to keep looking, keep asking questions and keep as open and approachable a mind as I can. Accuracy and honesty can't be turned against one as things unfold. That point is crucial. The devil truly is in the detail, and the details matter more than most seem to see. Thank you again.
Did you see Dr Paul Alexanders rant against Malone on his Substack. It was like 10 pages long.
I'll tell you what it is -- they drown out the truth, with their version of the truth. I think that applies to Twitter as well. The battle for the truth, is actually against other forms of the truth, that have been purposefully blended with lies.
I read the beginning of it, but unless I have the time to do my own deep dive into the conflicts and accusations, it's not that meaningful to do so. That's not to say it isn't valuable to do so---the MFM should vet its leaders (to the extent it looks to any), but prepare for relocalization in order to move forward as communities as centralized governance breaks down.
I read the beginning as well, laughs. I think its symptomatic of mfm. The leaders seem appointed, as your experience points out. Yeah, things are tearing apart alright.
It is all about the narrative for most people. When you pick a side in the battle of good vs. evil, you no longer do nuance and inconvenient facts. Thank you Mr. Crawford for following the facts no matter where they lead. People like you are a rare breed these days, unfortunately.
AGREED!!! Basically, you’re a mahogany unicorn. Which is waaaay rarer than just a unicorn. That’s why you’ve never heard of one before. Turns out there’s only a dwindling few in existence...and you are one of them. Thank you for giving zero fucks about teams and cliques and all the bullshit that apparently a lot of people never grow out of.
Exactly! We do not need competing lines of bullshit. Just follow the facts.
I've read or viewed over 1,500 reports, studies and video presentations about covid and its vaccines over the past 3 years - to include many of yours. Cutting through all the noise and conflicting data, and gathering together all the results from all studies, two irrefutable and dominant conclusions emerge:
1) Lethality of covid has been falsely inflated. Its overall fatality rate across all age groups is under 0.2%. Higher for people over 65, lower for people under 60. Covid's severe illness rate is likewise falsely inflated by the same factors. Simply put, covid is no worse than a bad flu for the vast majority of the population.
2) Covid vaccines cause more illnesses, injuries and deaths to people under 60 than does covid itself.
Comparing these two conclusions with the events over the past 3 years, it's clear there has been a planned, orchestrated worldwide response to covid. It's impossible that the majority of nations' political leaders, medical boards, government health agencies and MSM could be in such perfect lockstep on covid's "countermeasures" and vaccine pushes without such a directed, orchestrated campaign. The conductor of this orchestra is the globalist alliance of the WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation, Rothschild Foundation and globalist corporations such as BlackRock and Vanguard. This alliance used Pharma and the WHO as tools, and corrupted political leaders, government agencies and much of the medical industry to follow their covid political and financial operation. That's my conspiracy theory. As Steve Kirsch would say, I'll give $1 Million to anyone who proves me wrong.
Hear hear. Your first point imo has not been adequately understood. Had honesty prevailed, your second point would not now be necessary to make. It was clear to me as an inquisitive non scientist in the summer of 2020 that the lethality of the virus was confined mostly to the old and already ill. But the promotion of fear made many get the shot who did not need it. The only question now is will the power brokers get away with their power grab. I think not, but a lot of damage has been done, and no one will willingly admit they were wrong. Hence I believe a new effort to ignore or minimize vaccine injuries is inevitable. It’s going to be an uphill battle. Hindsight will be very unkind to our era.
🎯🎯 I agree with you that lethality was inflated for the purpose of selling "vaccines" to governments. And you're right about efforts to minimize vaccine injuries, that's happening now. As for the power brokers, I believe they'll get away with their operations that have injured and killed millions. Since these people are at the top of the planetary food chain, and they have too many corrupt politicians and government officials in their pockets, who's going to punish them?
I doubt they had to "sell" the idea of
injections to many governments outside of Africa where they were already fully aware of depopulation and genocide from previous experiences.
The lethality and severity, hell the idea of it being something different than the flu, had to be "bought" by enough of the population for them to be enough of a bullying force against resistant critical thinkers.
A 1-2 punch. Yep
Indeed, but the synthesis has yet to become fully apparent, I believe its all a provocation; it is subversion; it is agitation propaganda, as per dear Klaus Schwab: "We Must Prepare for an Angrier World"
"Do you see it? Do you see at least some evidence that the narrative is controlled on both ends?"
Yes. Absolutely.
I spoke to Brook today personally and got a good understanding why she was there on day 1, but left that night and did not stay for day 2. Invited yes, but not scheduled to speak on day 2 to the world audience. It turns out, there was a short list of items that were not going to be spoken about, like 5G, like graphene, like Brook's false claim case. I was a little frustrated by the end because I banner on the screen stating "Fraud..." and I didn't feel they went into fraud territory? I'm a little tired listening to what the rona looks like, and folding LNP's and cleavage and receptor sites. In the end Brook should have been sitting at the right hand side of Johnson, and talk about more fraud stuff like DMED data manipulation, Brook's case details, VAERS fraud, Sasha Latypova's info, etc... But that's just me.
Brook would be wise not to speak much of her lawsuit in public, but simply to let it play out in court.
Wise according to you.
She said to me that her larger goal was to save lives, which is why she fired her first attorneys and went public. People needed to know.
She is not in an easy position. Yes, the most important thing is that the public be informed, so she must speak out to some extent.
On the other hand, most judges don't appreciate litigation by press release. And there is always the risk of providing your adversary with impeachment fodder by making a comment that your adversary spins as contrary to a previous comment. The more you speak the greater that risk.
"She is not in an easy position."
I handed her (a) a pile of safety signals with temporal significance that are undeniably presented in every form of the data, (b) strong indications of manipulated data (and a target to investigate), and (c) fixed the circumstances without need to ever point out that she was completely misreading much of the data.
I could have handed her more, but a firehose was pushed into my face, costing me hundreds of additional hours.
The idea that there was a need to do any of this in a dishonest or misleading way is absurd.
Her most recent testimony makes it sound as though she just happened to stumble upon the Reportable Events data just right before the hearing. In my mind, this reveals her playing a role as an actress. This data was clearly not the way it was before I asked for re-queries in October. Anyone who suddenly saw it after that is suspect because if they understood the data, they should have wondered why they didn't recognize it UNITIL JUST NOW, which should have led to checking the past queries.
Knowing her and her capabilities with data, I suspect that the idea to use Reportable Events was handed to her. I could be wrong, but I'd call it a high probability.
At every turn it feels as though there is more to this story.
I was talking about Brook Jackson not being in an easy position.
But, good info to know about Teresa Long. And disappointing.
Sorry for the confusion. Sometimes the threads blend together.
On the other hand she needs to be seen.
But that is understandable. It’s not possible to tackle everything in one conference. There’s a limit to the amount of information people are able to receive.
We need more people in Senate and in the Congress to tackle more issues.
Tampering with the data is just as shocking as the actual data. It's a sign that the DOD is controlled by malevolent forces. It also seems that the majority of our representatives don't care either. The entire government appears to have been captured. I knew things were way beyond fvcked when the DOD mandated masks. The DOD experts in biowarfare know damn well these crappy masks were worthless.
"The entire government appears to have been captured"
watch some of Whitney Webb's interviews about her 2 volumes 'One Nation Under Blackmail'. She names names, and knows the history
She's great, though the full history and named names would require 100 similarly diligent researcher-writers. There are several in here sphere whom I also like, including Johnny Vedmore whom I'm going to try to get on RTE after the New Year (both of them, for different reasons/discussions).
I wondered how much you may have been under threat personally. I would not put it past this government. I wish you and your family safety first and foremost. That is a huge burden to bear and I am grateful you are doing it. I do look forward to the "dummies" version. The cliff notes as it were. My takeaways are that they invited people to the table who were less than up to the task and maybe that works for them (unknowingly or knowingly) and that the data has flipped on it's head again, leaving us to think in a circular argument. How you work. I pray for your safety and continued integrity.
These people are the ultimate masters of playing the game - by distracting, dividing, infiltration, etc. they are way ahead of us. And I agree about praying for safety for Mathew. We’ve lost way too many of the very people of high moral integrity that were in positions with their knowledge and expertise to expose all of this.
Here's my assessment, as a dog:
There is a genocide going on. Who is behind this? A group of outrageously wealthy psychopaths, including Bilge Grates, Klown Schlob, and a bunch of other City of London types that nobody knows, plus Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Banks, with the MSM and the govt's lined up for their payouts, and then allllll the minions who think they're going to be part of a big crowd, like the Nazis all over again, only much, much bigger. Same plan, basically, but this time the Meanies are going to take over the entire world and commodify Life Itself... If we allow it. We better don't allow it!
The military, our very patriotic and most earnestly protective people, other than fire fighters, are a liability to a kind of crackdown on the population when it's "time" for the Bad Guys to really hammer us and grind our lives down to a feudal scrape. THAT's why the military is mandated to be jabbed.
The Nasties don't CARE about vaccine injuries, they WANT us to die or be disabled. They have NO compassion, they are fucking psychopaths. They care about THEMSELVES only. They are shitting themselves because our numbers are growing. We the Peeps, the would-be plebes, are waking the hell up. When our bank accounts are no longer accessible without a "pass," when we're told we can no longer have cars and take road trips, or even go two hours to visit friends, when we can no longer buy stuff without a smart phone that has a code in it that shows we're jabbed, people gonna be pissed off.
The Nasties are, in meantime, building shitloads of surveillance and their weapons of Mass Irradiation, which is what "Covid" really is, folks. Not a fucking "virus" at all, it's nutritional deficiency at best, and bloody EMF's at worst. And who knows what other secret weapons they've got ready for us. They're putting up streetlights that can zap you as you go by, with lights brighter than a fleet of angels.
All these three years we've watched blindly as these things are being put into place, people are DIED SUDDENLY all over the place (SADS my ass, folks), they are distracting and confusing us, trying to sexualize and steal/traffic our children, confuse us, set us at each other, and keep us busy fighting about what's actually what, while they advance like the lizard creeping slime they are.
We're about to begin to get a very clear idea of what they are up to next. It's coming soon to a theater of war near you. NEVER trust a psychopath, my friends. It's not healthy. And DON'T expect mercy, or guilt, or any kind of sympathy. Just don't even think about it. No appeal to their "humanity" will be effective, because they WANT YOU DEAD. Okay.
Now. Let's think about how we can fuck up their plans.
Sure details about her case is prudent not to speak, but first issue is the court deciding if the case should even be heard. Most of the country does not even know the case exists. Just a five minute blurb that the case even exists would have been great. They talk about early treatment, they said nothing about about the 411 employees suing Kaiser Hospital for a combo of Remdesivir use to religious exemptions. A landmark case hardly anybody knows about as well. See details here:
I sent this through The Highwire comment page the other day, (and got a brief response) -
"In today's episode, the DeSantis hearing is covered, as well as correcting misinformation that was said at the hearing. Some speakers, not knowing better, claimed that non-covid vaccines are safe, effective, necessary, all that .. And Del corrected that wrong info on the show, while covering the historic hearing, and the Public Health Integrity Committee, in a positive light.
Great. As expected from the quality journalism at The Highwire.
But .. Why, was there no correction about the DMED data mentioned in Ron Johnson's hearing? No doubt that everyone paying attention has seen increases in all sorts of health problems - especially in young & athletic people, like military service members. But the numbers in that dataset are fake. It's not reliable to go from there.
We don't know what the real numbers are, there's much not known about it, but the (I assume) well meaning people talking about that dataset aren't nearly as qualified as Mathew Crawford to analyse it for authenticity.
This can be a point of weakness in the narrative, and fraud that can be called out, if done accurately ... Instead, the medical freedom movement is quoting inaccurate data, which is a gift to everyone who wants to connect the vaccine risk aware with conspiracy theorists who don't have good standards for information ..
I'd love to see a correction about this on The Highwire ...
Love and respect,
The response -
"Thank you for your email and information. We will forward this to our team and if we have further questions, we will be in touch with you. We are honored to hear your ideas and for you to reach out to us. It is this kind of collaboration that moves us forward.
Kari Black
I wrote back ( and bcc'd you at proton mail ), thanked them and and asked them to get in touch with you.
If they walk their talk, they won't shy away from this story .. but it's odd and creepy that so many have ...
I'll be curious to see if there is a response.
There's a lot happening that can damage the Medical Freedom Movement, and we can be certain that Chaos Agents, Controlled Opposition, and just Immature Individuals will cause some real trouble!
Here's a take on the Malone/ Breggin issue I personally agree with 100%. Of course more can be surmised, but this much is certain.
Thanks. I generally like Catherine and think she has a lot of great points here. That said, there is something going on behind the scenes that would be very complicated to explain that is driving at least some of this. I haven't decided if it's going to move to the top of my priority list, or whether it's something I should even air.
Well, now you have me curious; and rarely do I have to suffer that itch severely. I've spent much of my life delving into the things the catch my interest, and generally if you dig long enough the Universe takes pity on you and tosses the solution your direction, I have found!
This one could make me suffer a bit....
Have a little pity, Matthew?
; ))
I am sure I am not the only one struggling with why Malone would attack the Breggins, for goodness sake?!
Pick a bigger stronger target, if you must go after someone or something, but certainly not an elderly couple who have been staunch champions of human rights in the very darkest corners of abuse!
And, Kennedy's continuing support of him is making me wonder about his judgment, or intent, something I do NOT want to do, after all this time.
Enlighten us, please!
I'm very curious also! ( Yet it also might be info that it's not wise to yet make public ... )
True, perhaps. But frankly I've had enough secrecy to last me many lifetimes. If Malone is either ego driven, cruel, or "controlled opposition," I think the sooner we find out the better.
"Methinks the man protest-eth too much!" but if there is another explanation I'd really like to hear it.
Seems like what's happening is mass atrocities, not mass formation, by the power players, and mass formation explains how they get away with it, why regular people are afraid of the unvaccinated and feel connected to a meaningful tribe listening to NPR.
I haven't read much of the Malone & Breggin back and forth, but everything Catherine said makes sense to me (at least with what I know as of now). (Except dismissing mass formation, I think it's still happening, not as an excuse for those committing mass atrocities, but as another crime of theirs, to know of this mechanism in the collective psyche and manipulate it)
In a parallel universe, Malone & Breggin have a public conversation that may be difficult but ends with expanded understandings and maybe some agreeing to disagree, and is an example for how to resolve differences without blowing things up (or taking a lot of energy away from other urgent endeavors).
Discussion group suggestions(?) ... Malone, Breggin, Whitney Webb, James Corbett, Meryl Nass, Bret Weinstein, (& his brother Eric, who I think works for Peter Thiel .. interesting ... I get a good, genuine sense of Eric in what I've read / listened to of his, which has been minimal.)
So true how Catherine said it's not a vaccine schedule, it's a poisoning schedule, by serial felons, and has nothing to do with immunology.
In a parallel universe, Malone and Bridle and Vanden Bossche realize that, and collaborate on if there are safe, sane ways to build prior immunity to some diseases that it would make sense to focus on ...
Wow, that's a brilliant comment. I love the way you explained the relationship between the manipulators and mass formation. When I read about the tiff between Malone and Breggin I wondered the same two things - why think the planned manipulation and MF are mutually exclusive? And Malone has been attacked from plenty of sources far more deserving of hitting with a lawsuit - why single out Breggin?
"Do you even wonder how much of the MSM and MFM media is competing Hegelian narratives, and all this is just scripted theatrics from start to finish on both sides?"
All the time!
"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you"
I am not sure it is terrible that MFM loses steam. These "movements" are not the best means of community, or of getting off the machine. Lots of reasons for this, among them: they can get hijacked, they can move as a sort of mob force, they can inhibit people from interacting and investing themselves in the community. (Of course the community can be simply another buzz word to advertise some great new money making service or product, so we have to actually live in some form of a community and invest time and resources to build it up. ). Some of the folks in my several communities of church, small family run business, home school groups did share info and members supported one another in questioning and ultimately rejecting the any or additional shots, with some exceptions, of course.
On DMED, the particular problem of changing numbers probably has long history too. Friendly fire casualties come to mind. Military people and families have known for a long long time that the service members are expendable. Unissant may be more sophisticated in its playbook, but the basic notion of hiding the truth about screw ups continues.
Ultimately, the larger "movement" is a way to renetwork the humans who want to associate along a fabric of trust and respect---a movement of more local governance and full rejection of the corporate mafia and military-banking complex.
"Do you even wonder how much of the MSM and MFM media is competing Hegelian narratives, and all this is just scripted theatrics from start to finish on both sides?"
Yep. I thought just that when a Japanese politician, an Australian politician, an MP in UK (covered on Dr. John Campbell's channel), and DeSantis held hearings almost simultaneously and the MSM covered DeSantis, as if there might, hypothetically, be a beginning and an end of some kind to this particular narrative. Or certain demographics are nudged towards living in one reality, and other demographics, often poor, with little education and/or access to contrary information, are to live in another for some period, while they mask and boost and get injured and die while following The Science. The Coffee and Covid author said it was a miraculous confluence, Musk taking on Twitter, and DeSantis' panel. But I am a hyperactive pattern seeker, which would get my genes in the next generation if I was still capable of that, since, theory is, that those who think the twig is a snake are more likely to leave progeny, than those who just whistle past the twig, which is a pit viper.
And I know there are many other layers and entwinings that intersect with this that I don't understand, so it is bad thinking most likely. So sorry for all that has all happened to you. You may be closing in on the soft spot on the underbelly of the dragon. With migraines, my friend says sometimes it helps to imagine one hand in a bucket of ice water and the other near a fire.
The hill I'm dying on is the loss of polyvalent symbolic thinking, so here's a poem for you
Say not the Struggle nought Availeth
By Arthur Hugh Clough
Say not the struggle nought availeth,
The labour and the wounds are vain,
The enemy faints not, nor faileth,
And as things have been they remain.
If hopes were dupes, fears may be liars;
It may be, in yon smoke concealed,
Your comrades chase e'en now the fliers,
And, but for you, possess the field.
For while the tired waves, vainly breaking
Seem here no painful inch to gain,
Far back through creeks and inlets making,
Comes silent, flooding in, the main.
And not by eastern windows only,
When daylight comes, comes in the light,
In front the sun climbs slow, how slowly,
But westward, look, the land is bright.
Poetically truthful.
Thank you Mathew, this has to be said and understood.
It is so easy to look for and find what we want to see, from whatever perspective we take. It is crucial properly to look at the bigger picture and be able honestly to rethink our perspective in the light of better/more/different evidence. When we find what we don't want to see the easy path is to choose to ignore it, and end up deeper in a mind rut, from which it becomes ever more difficult to climb out. Echo chambers are not good places, yet are beguiling and surround us too easily. I try to keep looking, keep asking questions and keep as open and approachable a mind as I can. Accuracy and honesty can't be turned against one as things unfold. That point is crucial. The devil truly is in the detail, and the details matter more than most seem to see. Thank you again.
Did you see Dr Paul Alexanders rant against Malone on his Substack. It was like 10 pages long.
I'll tell you what it is -- they drown out the truth, with their version of the truth. I think that applies to Twitter as well. The battle for the truth, is actually against other forms of the truth, that have been purposefully blended with lies.
I read the beginning of it, but unless I have the time to do my own deep dive into the conflicts and accusations, it's not that meaningful to do so. That's not to say it isn't valuable to do so---the MFM should vet its leaders (to the extent it looks to any), but prepare for relocalization in order to move forward as communities as centralized governance breaks down.
I read the beginning as well, laughs. I think its symptomatic of mfm. The leaders seem appointed, as your experience points out. Yeah, things are tearing apart alright.
Does anyone have a chart of vaccine uptake in the military by month (percent vaccinated each month)? I can't find anything like that.