Please consider clicking on the links provided (like the ones that say "here and here") before asking about the information contained in those links, or expressing confusion. Your willingness to do due diligence will help your fellow researcher. Thanks in advance!

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Hey Mathew, are the DMED data publicly available?

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It depends on what you mean by "the DMED data". Are you asking if the database is public? Then no. If you're asking if the queries I have are all public, then also no because instead of getting help on the project I had to spend half my time reining in the blasting out of invalid data...but you can read all that documented at the top.

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Yes, I was referring to the database. I am only interested in primary data. Thank you for the information.

I hear you on not getting help. I've been in the same boat. We should all cooperate a lot more, especially numbers people like us.

By the way, since I got your attention now, are you interested in helping CHD assemble some information about the impact of the vaccines on mortality, natality and disability for a large campaign? I've already suggested my contact should hit you up about this. I think you'd be perfect. If so, you can write me an email address to me@pervaers.com and I will forward your address.

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Thanks again, Mathew. I, too have learned more about the roots of this disaster since I discovered you in about November or so than in the previous three years. I knew it was a psy-op from the beginning, and I never did see people getting sick; This entire time life here has appeared to go on perfectly normally, except for the fraidy-cats wearing their face-diapers. I knew it was a psy-op because this was not my first rodeo. By the way, thanks for the Dubya quote at the beginning. He was good (really good!) at dodging shoes, but not much else.

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that's probably my favorite bushism. and i'm glad to see that the michael scott version got included as well, both of those quotes are gold.

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Fun fact.. Del Bigtree had a long interview w Andrew Huff on Highwire yesterday.. From my background searches Huff is fairly certainly longtime CIA w fingers in too many key places.. his "whistleblower" claims are ridiculous the story of movie drama at odds w reality of whistleblowers buried in DoJ red tape and bankrupted w legal fees.. which is context for the fun tidbit..

Thomas Renz is the lawyer representing Andrew Huff in his Covid fraud suit... small world, eh!

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Your conclusion "With high certainty, I can say that few if any of these reportable events are vaccine injuries. Maybe a tiny number of them are, but they are almost entirely COVID-19 cases," is false. I'm surprised you of all people would come to such an incredibly wrong conclusion. Several factors in play here.

1) Covid testing is notoriously inaccurate. Covid tests to date have yielded 50-97% false positives. So any covid case numbers are fabricated. Not only the military, but the entire medical field has falsely inflated covid case, hospitalization and death numbers. The DMED data base is no more accurate when it comes to case numbers. Case numbers are meaningless.

2. The graph you provided is labeled "All Illness and Injury Across the DoD." Yet you have inserted an additional category in your article: "What the military calls a reportable event is an extremely narrow list of a few dozen ICD-10 codes, and COVID-19 was added to that list. Dr. Long's latest data simply shows what appears to be an alarming increase in scary events is just a matter of adding COVID-19 positive tests to the reportable events category." That isn't what the graph label says. It states something very different than what you say it means.

3. I've been following the reports of several military doctors, Dr. Long included. Every one of these doctors reports massive vaccine injuries among military people. They're not reporting on "cases." Your statements fly in the face of these doctors' reports. I believe these doctors, they have no reason to lie, and they're in the trenches seeing firsthand what is happening in the military. They have subjected themselves to severe attacks and penalties by speaking out, so they wouldn't incur such personal harm just to lie.

4. Just look at the graph, and the steady increase in illnesses and injuries reported in 2021 and 2022 - AFTER vaccine rollouts. The vast majority of military people have been "vaccinated." It's clear the steady increase in illnesses and injuries in 2021 and 2022 are due to these "vaccines." Hundreds of studies and reports for doctors and medical scientists over the past 2 years confirm these "vaccines" cause more illnesses, injuries and deaths to people under 60 than does covid. HUNDREDS of studies. This report provides over 900 links, and still doesn't cover every study done.


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The shots do negatively affect the immune system. More covid deaths due to weakened immune system? Good old "Plausible Deniability" at work? The number of conditions these shots create due to weakening the immune system would provide cover. The financial incentive to label deaths as covid would also factor in. One way or the other, it's the shots IMHO.

I would love to see ACM by number of injections (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc) with no rigged 14 days after first injection before you count as injected.

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You address my point about the bump up from 2019 to 2020 well. It is not actually “up to the doctors” as to what diagnosis code goes into the data bank. That is influenced by falsely inflated test results, probable orders from above, and whatever revision gets done by professional coders (I assume here that the military has a system analogous to the civilian medical system). So, without a granular study of individual cases, I am not sure how to address the aggregate increases, and derive from them a more accurate percentage attributable to vaccine injuries.

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To add: I see that adding Covid as a new category would account for an increase in overall incidence. I suggest that incidence is inflated and exaggerates the bump from 2019 to 2020. Then, the incidence numbers bump after vaccine rollout 2021, and vaccine penetration and boosters 2022, but those numbers also still include inflated Covid numbers. Also, some information refers to pilots, and other includes operations, so I remain confused about the population.

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Let's pretend Steve is on the government's payroll. How did that come to be? The DoD is sitting around and thinks: "Hey, let's recruit this wealthy tech entrepreneur to sabotage the anti-vaxx campaigns which are likely to arise. He's an electrical engineer with few ties to the medical world and nobody naturally has any reason to care about what he has to say about medicine, but he's our guy!" ? Or did they activate 100 guys and Steve is the lucky star that made it?

There's the razor, "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." So much of your thinking breaks this rule, in my opinion. You almost always run to the the 4D chess explanation, when given the option. It's like you constantly project your own personality onto everyone else. You almost never let people just be irrational, stupid, ego driven, sensationalistic, emotional, lazy, etc.

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Hanlon's razor is one of the dumbest, oversubscribed principles in history. It's much of the reason how we got to this point.

"Let's pretend Steve is on the government's payroll. How did that come to be?"

I don't have to know how to know he reached a point of nonsense. But he is connected to the Rockefeller foundation, the Silicon Valley world derives the lion's share of its income from the DoD, and he was building a central bank digital currency (and kept asking me questions about how to make it work and wearing the company shirt routinely long after he was supposedly terminated from that venture).

"He's an electrical engineer with few ties to the medical world"

You mean that he funded the trials that sank hydroxychloroquine. Got it.

"You almost never let people just be irrational, stupid, ego driven, sensationalistic, emotional, lazy, etc."

That's rhetorical. I have thousands of pages of notes, and it's noteworthy that nobody is challenging any of my facts at all.

It's strange that you're aimed at me when my "targets" seem to be walking contradictions.

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I think it’s set up through Malone. Recruited by Malone to save the mRNA vaccines from the bin where they belong.

Remember before this they were super expensive cancer treatments, now it’s crap that doesn’t work. The guy who invented crispr told us they can knock out the genes but can’t put them in.

What are kitsch, Cole and Malone pushing? That the functionality works. I saw a video of Cole “I’ve been a pathologist for 25 years and there’s no nanotechnology in the shots”. Really? What does everyone else say??

We have all been deceived.

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I don't have a problem with your facts. I have a problem with the leap you take after you've laid out your facts.

"You mean that he funded the trials that sank hydroxychloroquine"

He also funded the trials that demonstrated fluvoxamine was effective. That treatment got smothered by the government also. So what? He funded a trial, so that makes him a good candidate to be a DoD saboteur? He's a lousy candidate, in most ways, in my opinion.

I acknowledge your set of facts, but you've laid out 1/1,000'th of the picture, and the crumbs you've provided can be interpreted in multiple different ways. You are in the dark and I am in the dark. When 95% of the stuff someone produces seems like decent work and 5% is moderately questionable, I tend to give the benefit of the doubt. I'm ready for Kirsch to be the cheating spouse that can never be trusted again, but he's not there yet. Others are but Kirsch is not.

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"He also funded the trials that demonstrated fluvoxamine was effective."

He was working with a research from Minnesota, which is the university that has designed many trials that showed questionable antidepressants to be effective. Are you certain that you can ably read and interpret trial design and results?

Isn't it strange that the different fluovoxamine trials showed wildly different efficacy rates?

"He funded funded a trial, so that makes him a good candidate to be a DoD saboteur?"

That's a pretty straw man argument if it's not coupled with the several dozen other pieces of evidence I've laid out against him. It's clear that you're making motivated arguments. I'm happy to converse with you if you want to be reasonable.

"You are in the dark and I am in the dark."

I have worked very hard to see more, and document everything. Want more: Steve denied knowing Leigh Dundas at all while I had numerous people telling me he was in weekly meetings she held. He eventually shared a screenshot of his phone contacts with him. Not only was she there by name, but it appeared he was in a small, tight discussion group with her.

This goes on and on and on and on.

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I know this is the internet and everyone is supposed to throw elbows and assume that everyone has bad intentions, but you really interpret what other people write in the worst possible way, sometimes.

If you are certain that's he's knowingly told you falsehoods, then I'll take your word for it. I don't know why he'd do so for that kind of thing; maybe you do. That doesn't necessitate that he's a fraud, but it's not nothing either. Most people I've known that were particularly successful did not get there by being upstanding people. Maybe that in itself should have taken him down a notch in my mind.

I can read a trial better than 99.9% of people. I know how to spot the lies and I know many of the tricks that are played now, better than I ever cared to, but I am not a professional.

Do you think Steve has knowingly misrepresented data for his audience? To me, that's what separates Steve from the rest of your list of suspects. The other guys usually have a bomb or two that you can point to as an obvious tell that they aren't serious about the truth.

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Understand that in my experience and documentation, that I think Steve probably lied to me more often than he told me the truth about anything meaningful. Is that the lone data point for interpretting people in the worst possible way?

"Do you think Steve has knowingly misrepresented data for his audience?"

Yes! And repeatedly. And played misdirection games. And helped pave the way for the vaccines with sham trials on the most obvious medicine.

If your only way to spot a problem is a bomb, like an email saying, "I want to destroy lives and create a calamity," then I don't have that for you. You're going to have to do your best wading through the jungle that is humanity assuming that Dr. Evil and Mr. Burns are the only bad actors.

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By "bomb", I mean a situation like the DMED stuff where in some cases it's clear they are peddling false data, they've been told it's false, they are unable to justify their point of view, but they keep on pushing it anyways. Or "Venom in the water!" type garbage.

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I am not challenging facts; I am asking how you got to the conclusion that the increase in reported incidents from 2021 to 2022 owes only a “tiny” part to vaccine injury. Can we assume that for the year 2022 that all pilots were triple vaxed?

Can we assume that there is a difference in the percentage of triple vaxed pilots between 2021 and 2022?

Do we have access to the military vax schedule?

In VAERS Covid after vax is reportable as a vax adverse effect. It’s number 1 or 2 in the AEs.

I don’t think Kirsch has the data to support his conclusions, but I do not see the data here to get to correct ones.

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I think he also funded a study about treatment for a rare form of cancer that he had, but I never learned the details.

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Ahhh - I think Kirsch and Dr. Long are correct...sorry, but my wife (RN) is currently overwhelmed with vaccine injured...yeah, our military is pretty much screwed...

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It's clear that you haven't read what I've written.

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Oh, I have - think your previous posts and the comment thread here highlights quite well your position...

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He's Not saying there isn't an influx of vaccine injuries in the military (and everywhere else) .. he's saying That Particular Dataset is not reliable, and quoting from it - after already knowing it's not reliable - doesn't help our cause ... https://www.campfire.wiki/doku.php?id=rounding_the_earth:the_dmed_saga

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Covid shots are known to have negative efficacy. If a pilot had three shots, comes in with Covid, is grounded for a Covid-related symptom, is that coded Covid or Covid shot complication? Or both? What ate the 10-12 diagnoses that flight surgeons use in conjunction with the four categories above?

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Steve is very sloppy. He's fundamentally a Products guy and he acts just like it when it comes to this as well. The newest shiny that comes along is the answer to everything.

It's not that he's always wrong, but he's just sloppy and eager to report.

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It's not that he is always wrong, but a claim of sloppiness doesn't work. If you haven't read all of my documentation about him and the DMED, it's a year long episode about which he is willfully ignorant with deflections like, "I only post smoking gun evidence" while even his close supporters often call him sloppy.

Have you wondered what people from his past think? I've been talking to some of them...

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Kirsch is long over due in being outed...Thx....Malone has been deleted from my portfolio too...I question his motives and who he reports to...Thx Mr. Crawford

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I still don't [pretend to] know what Malone's motivations are, and I suspect that they are complicated. But my larger message is that it doesn't matter of people do what must be done, which is to form strong, decentralized community networks. The need for heroes should be zero.

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As a military mother to a 20 yr old Navy aviator, who was forced into 3 shots despite my begging to refuse, I’m trying to read everything I can get my hands on to figure out when I can stop holding my breath & worrying about getting “that call”. I think whether it’s your info, or LTC Long’s, the answer is still going to keep my up at night. Appreciate your work, thank you.

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@PatriotMama. I posted a list of cures and prevention for both the Covid virus and the vax side effects at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/p/faq-3-remedies. I should probably add that magnesium malate or magnesium citrate greatly help to prevent heart attacks.

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It has become clear to me that anyone who publishes an opinion, essay, article, or simply tells someone about a ‘new fact’ relating to Covid in general or the vaccine in particular absolutely needs to apply due diligence to the ‘new fact’. I believe the chaos agents as Mathew calls them are real and are good at what they do.

Stop being ‘outrage addicted’ and running up the next hill to die on. Sleep on it if you must. Beats looking like an idiot. One wrong and ‘fact checked’ (man do I hate that phrase) repeated ‘new fact’ and that stain does not wash off.

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My suspicion is that there is Group of people who’s job it is to protect the MRNA technology from getting discarded even though the very first product is so terrible. They don’t want the baby thrown out with the bath water - Kirsch, Cole and Malone fit in this category. Pretty much everyone pushing the story that the spike protein is doing something. All the other people are finding nano tech and heavy metals in the vaccines and nothing blobby, fatty or biological from La Quinta Columna. That’s why I don’t believe them. I’m staying on the fence.

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@Kara. Uh-oh. Looks like I took Kirsch too seriously when he claimed that 4 out of 4 Covid vax vials tested contained no mRNA. So, if that's false, what's the truth? What percentage contained mRNA? And what percentage of those contained viable mRNA? And so on. I've been trying to compile accurate info on the virus and the vaxes at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/archive. I probably need to revise some things (though my plate has already been full for a while). I reckon HowBadIsYourBatch might be truthful. Does anyone have an informed opinion on that?

So, if Kirsch is an agent, what can we make of his many posts? He claimed that he does all his posts himself, but it's very plausible to me that he gets a lot of help, which is why he can put out so much.

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Is there a list of diagnosis codes for Covid-related? I have no plans to review each and every Covid-related illness and death of service members. Just wondering how specific the coding is. Is Covid shot, Covid after Covid shot, Covid after two shots, seizure after three shots, etc., like there is for shark bite in left thigh while surfing, ie reeeeeeally specific, or rigged to obfuscate? Also, were suicide numbers compared? 2020 jumps up, but the shot was not out.

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"Is there a list of diagnosis codes for Covid-related?"

COVID-related is up to the doc, and any particular illness/injury could be associated. But that's not what this article is about. It's about the "reportable events" categorization of DMED, which is a very narrow list to which COVID-19 was recently added (which you'll see if you read the linked articles).

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Reading. . .

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Lol! Started reading, since finished, but got side-tracked with the Cantillon Effect article in between. Wow. Great stuff. Wish I had someone as smart as you as a neighbour, so I could discuss this stuff ‘over the fence’... Have to seriously consider the off-grid option. Not as many neighbours over the fence though.

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I gave up most of my net worth in 2021 to do this work, including when my home was destroyed. The plan had been to buy a couple of hundred acres, but that's a dream now...

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"Are good, honest people being baited into compromised positions where they can be conveniently swept into prisons like the several hundred Capitol Protest political prisoners who committed nonviolent offenses?" - ALWAYS.

That is pretty much standard operating procedure for intel groups to neutralize their targets.

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Question to ponder: Are good, honest people being baited into compromised positions where they can be conveniently swept into prisons like the several hundred Capitol Protest political prisoners who committed nonviolent offenses?

I think so. It seems like classic bait and switch. I think people who saw the false narrative at play are desperate to find proof so that they can stop the derailing train or at least convince others to get off. So toss a carrot in front and they will rabidly chase. And because they are so used to having to be on the defensive, they will defend their position all the way to the cage. It’s a chess game they are ill equipped to play. Look no further than the DOD paying them no mind. Worse tossing more carrots.

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It seems the best advice right now is “sit on the fence”

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