One thing that bothers me tremendously is that the simple demonstration of COVID-19 cases (UO7.1COVID-19 on the diagnostic code) will inevitably include a great volume of “Enhanced Disease”, which injection manufacturers stated they were actively monitoring for, post-authorisation.
Of course this is VAED
Does this not affect your conclusion- with respect to people perceiving iatrogenic harm via medical reports in DMED?
This article is not about whether or not the vaccines cause harms. I suspect that they do.
All this article has to do with is the simple fact that the "explosion" in Reportable Events is just the result of counting COVID-19 cases as Reportable Events and those becoming the majority of said events. It's a definition change that results in broken statistical continuity. But there is not necessarily a link per the statistic between injections and *other* Reportable Events. In other words, it's broadly rhetorical and not particularly meaningful except as unexplained shock value.
Steve Kirsch has made it very simple to understand in terms of demonstrable harm...from virtually all vaccines. People now fall into two kinds of "vaccine" support camps. The first are those who continue to say they do not cause harm but have also stopped taking boosters. They are the ideologues and liars who are politically captured and are simply being dishonest as a way to protect their identity because they are wrapped up in supporting all sorts of other things "their team" supports.
The second are those that have no information and are still boosting. These are the "true believers" and the ones who do not deserve the fate that awaits them because they are truly victims of the lies.
Thanks for speaking up. Team Reality needs to be humble enough to revise our data and arguments when we err. Otherwise, we’re just the CDC. There is so much other data proving the point, we can easily let the “1,000% increase” go.
If we cover up our errors, pick winners, fall into groupthink, and form social masses, we will eventually be led by the worst tyrant in the space, whoever that might be. But that's probably just the same worst tyrant in the space we're trying to leave. It's a literal, "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
I worry that a lot of what is going on is a combination of "one screen, two films" (where one or both sides is wrong, but bias is all that is important) or setups for correct fact checking (that's a thing, occassionally) later.
If you don't think so, the FBI public response to Twitter files was to literally accuse everyone of being a conspiracy theorist and out to get the AGENCY.
Word! It's high time to exosome off this summa bitch and get back to thinking and making a new monetary system. MIB has two faces as well, Military or Medical. Let's all repeat after me...this was never about "public health". Why? Because PH is and will always remain an illusion based on a political model of control. I'd like to just start anew, but I've no idea how to grow/hunt enough food.
Shawn: Indeed. There is no such thing as public health, only individual health, family health, and to some degree, community health. The current (Public Health Service) apparatus was born in the 19th Century with the need in the naval forces for sailors to survive long and brutal voyages. Naval forces were the projection of power in that century. Today, the U.S. PHS is embedded in the bowels of the CDC (they are, in fact commissioned officers in the U.S. Navy, and are known to drape themselves in fancy uniforms when the whim strikes them--see, for example, Rear Admiral, or some damn thing, Anne Schuchat). The 20th Century saw dramatic improvements in living conditions in cities, such as sanitations systems, clean water, the automobile (which elimination ankle-deep piles of horse shit in the streets; actually, I think they packed it up and sent it to D.C., where it remains today), and crucially, beginning in the '20's, widespread use of refrigerators. So nutrition improved, and infectious diseases were reduced dramatically in their death toll, and with the widespread use of penicillin after WWII, infectious diseases ceased to be a threat to children. All this occurred before (with the exception of the horrid smallpox jab) any vaccines had been developed or deployed. I grew up in the 1950's. The psy-op of that decade was paralytic poliomyelitis. The TV had pictures of children in iron lungs, and they were true cases of paralysis, but there weren't actually very many of them, and they weren't caused by poliovirus. "Dissolving Illusions" has this whole sordid story. We had three vaccines in childhood. The Act in 1986 turned the vaccine schedule into a stage VI cancer, and with the new 'Rona jab, stands at 90 jabs, birth to age eighteen. Dr. Mengele lived out his full natural life a free man in Argentina. Let's hope Fauci/Gates do not.
Thanks, Matthew. Your dogged tenacity is, well, commendable and admirable seem inadequate descriptors.
So, if I understand the gist of your last post about the DMED stuff and this one, basically the data as presented at the Senate hearings is wrong, it over represents the numbers of vaccine injuries. And because integrity actually matters, nobody should be continuing to present that data as true, when we/you now know it is not accurate.
And also, you are asking why folks continue presenting that flawed data as true, when you have provided detailed evidence that it isn’t. Even wondering what motivations could be driving their persistence.
Is that a fair 30,000 foot summation?
I admit that my head can’t keep up with all the twisted webs of sticky silk that continue to emerge
I’m with you. I don’t want our side using fake numbers. It makes us just as bad as the CDC (except, of course, for the deaths and injuries).
If they made a mistake in the interpretation and presentation of the data, they should simply come clean and admit the error. Continuing to use data after it has been exposed as false is unethical, no matter who is doing it.
I thought that we were supposed to value truth, transparency, and integrity. That’s why we were different, right?
I use ‘us’, ‘our’ and ‘we’ loosely. I, for one, am simply sitting at home reading posts/articles from the people who are actually doing the hard work involved with exposing this mess. I would like to thank you for all of time, money, and sacrifices that you have made in order to bring this to light.
Yes, I’m with you, Copernicus! I am overwhelmed by data; the industrial military complex, the industrial medical complex, the industrial banking complex, agriculture complex, etc... it’s hard to wrap my brain around all the details in way that I can see the whole chess board. Even so, it seems like the walls of tyranny are closing in and I feel more and more like an animal trying to escape.
Matthew, thank you for all your efforts. I always learn so much from your posts. I hope to become a paid subscriber after the holidays. You are def worth it.
Seeing the whole chessboard… a great analogy. Now if only I understood chess strategy, haha. That is my problem! 🤣
As Matthew says, engage locally as much as you are able. Find local medical freedom groups, election integrity group for your state, likeminded church (not always easy, I know by experience), and so on. Avoid buying from the bad players as much as you humanly can, even if it means you pay more for stuff (yeah, I know, not everyone can afford to pay extra, but pick one or two areas and make the change). Buy from local farms. I recently discovered a local nutrition store that sells local meat and dairy! It is all also organic and pasture raised AND actually costs about what I would pay at the grocery store for conventional meat and organic pastures eggs. The butter costs almost the same as Kerrygold at Costco, but it’s organic and raw which Kerrygold is not as far as I know.
Not many of us can do it all. But all of us can do a little. Many hands make less heavy work.
People are SOOOOO busy looking for a HERO that they will latch onto anybody, it seems... Like fucking Malone! And I don't trust that Ron Johnson, either. I don't know, but I'm not putting my hopes in politicians or people from the Medical Industrial Complex... Unless they've been ousted, or left it...
Dolores Cahill. Mike Yeadon. Or how about someone like David E. Martin, yes.
But MY faith lies in myself, and people like YOU, Mathew, the real folks, the PEOPLE. This is up to us, I think, and it's unlikely some hero is gonna fall from the sky and save us...
Curious, I wonder if 2020 covid numbers would have been different if early treatment had been used. In the beginning many died or were injured because the treatment was harming people? Many treatments were used because they really didn't know in early 2020. Once they knew, those treatments were continued (and still are today) despite the knowledge that they can kill and maim the patient. With patient records now online, any system (Kaiser, Novartis, etc) could run the numbers on vax dates, treatments and follow ups on health problems. In this day of available data, it seems more like no one wants to solve these problems. At this point, anyone who has been vaxed or is about to receive treatment needs to know what to do if outcomes are negative. I3m seeing lots of sudden health problems in my circle of friends...seizures, clots, and heart problems. These are people in their 40's and 50's who were otherwise healthy prior to vaxes and boosts. 2 of my friends in different parts of the country had nephews who died in their sleep due to sudden heart problems- 32 and 33. Both were vaxed. One died 12 hours after J&J. The other was having health problems after his booster. No acknowledgement of vax injury. We've got to get to the bottom of this. It's time to rip off the bandaid and stop giving a shit about pro and anti vax. We need to know how this medication is harming some, how to identify those and treat and stop giving this to ANYONE until we know those real risks. This is a very tangly web indeed.
There would have been nothing to panic about had antivirals and antibiotics and some basic vitamin/zinc therapies been used. At least, this is my strong leaning.
But if we're still talking about a "virus," then all bets are off, in my view. Your premise of this post makes absolute sense, even if I'm not a statistician. But seems to me that this entire parade has been down a street called LIES. From the PCR lie, to the removal of HCQ, even from the reach of doctors, to the lie of the absence of the truth about Wuhan (intensely heavy air pollution coupled with 30,000 5G towers that went up in January 2020-- hello!), to the graphene in the masks, to the chem trails full of heavy metals, to the graphene in the swabs shoved right up to the brain via the nasal cavity, to the complete lack of anything about VITAMINS/Antioxidants/Ivermectin, to the lockdowns, no social anything, shutting churches, ending small and even medium-sized businesses, NO SINGING, NO DANCING, NO WALKING ON THE FUCKING BEACH... There is NO VIRUS, no "variant," no gd killer germ.
I can't understand how anybody with any brains is going to continue to believe this is about a VIRUS, which has never been shown to exist, never been isolated, several attempts to inure us to these "attacks" with Avian Flu, Swine Flu, AIDS, West Nile, Zika, Ebola, Measles.... FFS, it's hard to fathom what a little FEAR can do! Remdesivir, FFS. Unless they do NOTHING to educate themselves, read NOTHING, listen to NOTHING about actual science...
I think THIS is exactly why the First Amendment exists. THIS. IS. WHY. If we want to win this, we ought to demand, from every window, every rooftop, every car bumper sticker, every damn way we can to regain our FIRST AMENDMENT. Get the word out, get the truth out.
I am No One, or I would stand up and shout that YOU are RIGHT, to anyone and everyone with any freakin power whatsoever.
Because you ARE right.
And by the way, zinc, and Vit. D3, Vit. C, and quercetin, and melatonin, and other natural, everyday good things that we need ANYWAY, can and will detox most of of us. Because woo woo, it's TRUE that the human body exists and thrives because of Grace. We're made from Grace, as is this Earth. Things go wrong, people go wrong, shit happens. But the Truth is still there, and it's not going away. It needs to be OUT THERE.
From the heroes that are your counterparts, La Quinta Columna: How to detox the Nasty.
Organized medical malpractice and a Hunger Games environment with plenty of controlled opposition, heading toward WW3 is plenty to be concerned about. The panic is just the distraction
And because when perhaps the substantial majority of symptomatic COVID deaths involve pneumonia, which is usually treated with antibiotics. Even if the antivirals fail, the kitchen sink/cocktail approach demonstrably succeeds unless I'm a brain in a jar and nothing at all is real.
The best method to understand precisely what is happening is to go back to the "beginnings" of the "pandemic" fabrications or at least the recent history, starting with the HIV/AIDS fraud, and follow the bread crumbs and note the template.
One of the most astute and detailed in telling that story is award winning journalist Terry Michaels.
Another is John Lauritsen, one of the original and long term AIDS dissidents from the early 1980's. He wrote seminal works exposing the role of the highly toxic recreational drug known as "poppers" in the development of what came to be erroneously called "infectious AIDS", and the later devastation wrought by the horrific "AIDS treatment" AZT.
He also wrote and spoke passionately on the psychosocial aspects of the AIDS fraud.
We're still living through the so-called COVID-19 pandemic."
There is such thing as a casual statement.
As I've made clear in my writing, I doubt the virus was responsible for an extraordinary number of deaths. Most were iatrogenocide by way of withholding effective meds (pneumonia killed most people who died with a positive test and symptoms) or the use of inappropriate meds that likely poisoned lots of people.
I don't know if this thread is just to stir up trouble or what.
There's ALWAYS treatment, even if we don't yet know exactly what it is... But most of the time, SOMEBODY does know. And it's often not an allopathic practitioner.
"Many treatments were used because they really didn't know in early 2020." - What worked was discovered pretty quickly by the doctors who knew what they were doing. Zelenko, Tyson, Farid for early treatments and Dr Marik for late stage for some examples.
It was all ignored because they couldn't give EUA to the "vaccines" if effective treatments existed. Hence 99% of the medical professionals let people suffer and die needlessly to collect a paycheck.
So most of the military got shot up and still got covid is the best they can claim? That makes their vax "weak sauce".
I've been of the opinion since May of 2020 that all cause mortality (ACM) is the number I can hang my hat on. The rest, while useful, are too open to manipulation. What it shows to an amateur like me is that the disease has a strong seasonal signal, the "vaccine" is useless and 2022 was still above the 5 year average although not as bad as 2021.
Be careful: There are some people pushing the notion that ACM is enough to tell the whole story. That too is false. One thing I see some people in the MFM doing is missing the fact that pneumonia is *still* tracking the excess deaths nearly three years into the pandemic, and that's aside from vaccine harms. This is at least part of what keeps me from thinking that top range vaccine death estimates are correct.
We live in a world of bad data, trying to figure out what is going on and make good decisions. That is why I read your stuff. Trying to find a signal in the noise gets easier with your site.
ACM has its own set of problems but I still put it first as it is counted the same from country to country and is the most difficult to manipulate. It won't tell the whole story, nothing will. But if I can put enough pieces of the puzzle in place I might have a better idea what the picture is. Your work helps a lot. Thanks.
ACM shooting up which cannot be explained by covid is evidence that the people running the pandemic response should be prosecuted, no matter whether the cause is jab, lockdown, social distancing, fentanyl, or whatever (barring Martians).
One problem, however, is determining how much of AMC increase is due to iatrogenocide, how much is due to vaccination, and how much is due to increases in anxiety/mental/emotional disorder (including the surge in fentanyl overdoses). These are all serious hypotheses of causality, and the question of apportioning them is not an easy one.
And the blame for all those other CoD can be laid at the feet of public health officials for incompetence, including corruption.
Did public health warn about the dangers of hysteria being pushed by pharma marketing subcontractors?
Did public health warn about iatrogenocide and expose it?
Did public health warn about fentanyl appropriate to its danger? Compare with all the warnings about covid and the attempted coverup by the CDC using covid as the alleged reason for excess mortality in the MMWR figure.
While ACM (like any individual datum) is not the whole story, I think it is important considered in the broader context of the past few years, because it is one “net effect“ measure of the various threads of nefarious activity in this narrative (and biological) war we have been in that timeframe. Questions remain unanswered, like:
1. How many COVID deaths were due to death protocols (Remdesivir/Midazolam/vent) rather than the disease? The same question can be asked about non-treatment due to the suppression of early treatment.
2. How many deaths and injuries have resulted from the shots?
But we can see if people are dying at a faster rate, and we can track birth rates. Some things are clearly wrong. This is why I appreciate your analysis. It challenges my assumptions and conclusions, and reminds me to stay grounded in what I know (and clear about what I don’t know.
What is also clear is that people in positions of power are working hard to suppress/dilute/confuse/obscure the truth. Not that this is new or unusual, but I don’t think that it’s ever been so clear in our relatively short history as a country (USA). It’s also becoming clearer that this is a global issue. We should also not miss the obvious conclusion that we as individuals need to refocus on localism. Live locally. Buy locally. Love locally.
BTW, Matthew- I can’t find the definition of the acronym “MFM.” By context, it seems to refer to alternative media, but I’d like to understand the reference.
Medical Freedom Movement. I had begun using it in prior articles. I think this is the first one where I did not explain the acronym. I may edit. Thanks.
I do think there is more than ONE way to die from "Covid." If the Bad Guys, who planned this psy op for decades, were to put ALL their Evil into one kind of jab, and that's it, it would be FAR too obvious that they were all about genocide. Nooooo. That would have been extremely stupid. These guys may not be NICE, but they're sure as hell not stupid.
You might be okay hanging your hat on things like the Life Insurance companies telling us they're paying out like muffos, such a payout like doesn't happen for CENTURIES... It may well be putting together a myriad of LITTLE clues, and not just one big one...
Fertility and Life Insurance Payouts are great numbers to watch and many are. Anything that has a well defined endpoint that is hard to "adjust" (deaths, births) is good. Among others, Igor Chudov & bad catitude are tracking fertility, Joel Smalley for ACM & Ed Dowd for LIP are some that I am tracking.
If we can get enough of the puzzle in place we can tell what the picture is. Lots of little and some not so little clues.
Yeppers! I like Bad Cattitude, but not necessarily a hefty number of his (their?) followers... maybe I'll rejoin and check it out again...
And Igor, unfortunately, I had to let go because he went all nazi about those of us who do not subscribe to the "virus" nonsense, even going so far as to call us an unpleasant and divisive and insulting name... I can't even remember it now, but it was like being slapped by someone you like. Anyway, point is, I am not seeking heroes anymore, if I ever was, but INFO. There are a few people I believe to be honest and true, but, as Courageous Lion says, WE are the STANDING MILITIA. It's up to US, and ain't no Jesus gonna come and save us. WE have to save ourselves. That's what I'm thinking, anyway. Cheers.
Some of us kittens are bad, snarky and mischievous. The rest are just plain nasty and annoying LOL. Igor also had an open thread on the virus exists/doesn't issue. It was very interesting.
How does that song go? "It's true what they say. We should never meet our heroes". Never seek heroes. Seek accurate information. "Help is on the way" is a common ruse because it works. The majority would sit and wait to be rescued until it's too late. That's why that ruse is so effective. It becomes a "fait accompli".
Hardly LOL. I definitely come down on the side of "The Virus Exists". The electron microscope views of it are convincing IMHO. I view the "It doesn't exist" camp as letting the war criminals who created it off the hook.
As I pointed out in Igor's open thread, the fact that governments claimed to have verified it and yet can't provide said proof doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There is the real possibility that they took the money, claimed to have done the work and did nothing.
There is precedence for that view. One of Aaron Siri's many wins revealed it. Since 1994 the HHS in the USA claimed to have done a report for congress every 2 years on vaccine safety and improvements. When the court ordered them released via FOIA request they still refused. Eventually after 3+ years in court they had to answer and admitted that they hadn't done any.
Well, I disagree. And I'm not letting any criminal muffo off any hook.
Igor is wrong.
There is. No. Virus.
I'm done here and anybody who can't handle other people not agreeing on every single item of every single question are immature, absurd, and the reason for problems, and why we can't have nice things.
Man, truth is hard, no? It's like saying "Trump is either IN-ON-IT or he's a buffoon. One of these things must be true, but both could be true". (I'm a Trump guy, btw, but I'll take truth over Trump any day.)
Thanks, MC, for pursuit of truth, wherever it may lead.
Notable overlaps here between a lot of substack hobby horses (overlaying winter 20/21 deaths with the vaccine rollout on pretty graphs over and over despite the perfect match with C19 case rates) and the Dowd "working age adults" excess mortality trope (a perfect match with southern and midwestern summer 2021 C19 deaths).
I have pointed out these obvious oversights out at different times as well, and have even referred to the reality where the virus should be assumed to cause deaths as my own "Bizarro World" (but never found time to follow the DMED thing)
Matthew - great work, as always. Rather stunning, actually.... I am someone who has zero expertise in data analytics but because it's the data analysis that is going to get us to the truth, I have made a point of educating myself and reading as much data that I can find and believe. But it's not just data analytics that keeps me coming back for more. It's the nuances that are - believe me - not being talked about anywhere else and if they are - it's guns blazing shit that makes me cringe. You, however, are one helluva class act, Matthew. Keep on keepin on and know that for every Pete Chambers - there's a Loofly *RN* - who respects and admires the time and effort you have devoted to this cause as well as your remarkable ability to stay well above the frey. And lastly - to those who have made comments that they have interpreted this piece as your saying that the vaccines are not causing adverse effects - I'd like to advise you to do what I do each time I read any of Matthew's posts - go back an re-read it again....and again..if necessary. Matthew is feckin smart but this is dense stuff that requires thoughtful comprehension.... and by the way - he very clearly writes "Understand, I'm not denying that people are injured or killed by the vaccines. That's a different issue. " It was right there - and again - you were either intentionally trying to miss the point or are the chaos agents that Matthew has been teaching us to recognize.......
I am so afraid that this DMED fiasco is going to be very destructive. I will listen to Kirsch and crew this evening, but am not hopeful. I think Ron Johnson has hung his hat on the DMED revelations, and the folks around him who might be aware of DMED issues, are probably fearful of rocking the boat. Ed Dowd appears to be worthy of trust. Have you considered contacting and trying to collaborate with him and his data gurus?
I've tried to work so many projects and wear so many hats already. I don't want further collaboration simply because I have high priority projects that I need to attend to (and to have time to sleep).
The reason I take time to write Chaos Agents stories right now is because I see the destructive potential. But the solution is for everyone to realize they have to be their own solution.
Dowd has also been laundering obvious SARS-CoV-2-caused deaths (from the Delta, 2021 wave) as some sort of secret vaccine harm signal (the "working age adults" insurance controversy is just deaths from the virus Distracts from acknowledging that 100s of thousands of unvaccinated Americans were allowed to die last year due to poor treatment.
I don't know if he is actively laundering data, but he is acting as a front man for a small group, and that is opaque. They miss a ton of opportunities, but have consistent attention. The MFM has so few data minds, and seemingly little respect for them, that they seem to have no idea.
Right - I only mean laundering in the lazy sense that he is throwing a sheet with a question mark painted on it over labeled Covid-19 deaths, and pointing at it like it’s a mystery what the giant lump of deaths was.
Have you factored in the increased risk of infection within the first two weeks of ‘vaccination’? This would also create a correlation between ‘vaccination’ and infection, even though those people in this two week period have been counted as ‘unvaccinated’. Thus there would also be a spike in infections leading to death, even though the underlying cause was ‘vaccination’.
The increased risk, aka worry window, doesn’t exist. I say that having caught Omi from a just-boosted in January, so I know anecdotal support first-hand. But it’s not supported in the data and the “just-dosed are secret unvaccinated” trope is a product of ignoring when the results are always the same even with the just-dosed excluded.
*edit: For example, in the CDC "Table 1" in my linked post, they explicitly exclude the partially injected. Now, they probably are still counting "missing status" as unvaccinated because that is how it works in the US Harmcare System, but the point is that "fudging" the partially vaccinated is not part of the scam here.
Another example is the original mRNA trials. Even if they were just big, fraudulent charades, you can still actually see that the case rates for the just-injected are printed in plain view, they aren't hiding them (even if they are not part of the final efficacy calculation, but the difference isn't important since efficacy is only a temporary illusion anyway). Now, you can say, "I don't trust the fraudulent trial data," fine - but did you even know that the just-injected case rates were shown in the published results? Or was it your impression that they were somehow misclassified or hidden? Most people peddling the "worry window" myth don't mention that the case rates are published at all.
Likewise, the UK ONS has tracked "Covid death" rates for the "worry window" from the beginning, and in the per-age stratified view they have never been above the unvaccinated in per-person-year or absolute counts (see last chart in Here you get into where Norman Fenton alleges a delay is still causing a misclassification but that doesn't hold up since a lag would be auto-corrected once the 21-day window elapses.
It's like the difference between Dr Jane Ruby and Dr Cole/Fleming doing microscope work on the vaccines LOL. When there is obvious garbage in the shots from crappy manufacturing you don't need alien creatures in the shots to justify pulling them from the market.
Pity those agreements our governments signed didn't allow the government to test the product.
In my previous life I worked in a major medical facility. There was an explosion of mandated “quality” measures
shortly after the implementation of electronic medical records. This resulted in another explosion of hiring people to mine and evaluate the data. Amongst that large group, there was only ever one person who knew what she was doing. I see similarities here, but of course, the stakes are so much higher. I’m aghast.
Another great article! It helped me formulate a new charitable hypothesis. Many of the folks in the MFM are somewhat new to the "heterodox opinion" game. You learn things having arguments where you present a heterodox position to people over the years. One important thing that seems obvious to us, but perhaps not people new to the realization that the narrative advanced by the cathedral isn't to be trusted is that normies operating in good faith will latch on to any unreasonable argument you make and use it to save themselves the time of considering heterodox positions any further than that point. This process reinforces the cathedral narrative in the minds of normies. I think we all recognize this at some level, but to folks who haven't won and lost arguments over the years, they haven't necessarily come to appreciate the kind of damage that can be caused by shitty arguments in favor of heterodox positions for those hoping to "red-pill" normies to use the cliche.
Unfortunately, the need for heterodoxy is largely the need to be able to think outside of the narrative that is dripped slowly until it is "understood". Examining another framework necessarily requires a new effort. This is yet another attention economics and information firehose problem at its root.
I consider those who more or less subscribes to the mainstream narrative advanced by the cathedral to be normies. Etymology comes from 4chan IIRC. Many other definitions can be found in Urban Dictionary:
Thanks Matthew
One thing that bothers me tremendously is that the simple demonstration of COVID-19 cases (UO7.1COVID-19 on the diagnostic code) will inevitably include a great volume of “Enhanced Disease”, which injection manufacturers stated they were actively monitoring for, post-authorisation.
Of course this is VAED
Does this not affect your conclusion- with respect to people perceiving iatrogenic harm via medical reports in DMED?
This article is not about whether or not the vaccines cause harms. I suspect that they do.
All this article has to do with is the simple fact that the "explosion" in Reportable Events is just the result of counting COVID-19 cases as Reportable Events and those becoming the majority of said events. It's a definition change that results in broken statistical continuity. But there is not necessarily a link per the statistic between injections and *other* Reportable Events. In other words, it's broadly rhetorical and not particularly meaningful except as unexplained shock value.
They do
Steve Kirsch has made it very simple to understand in terms of demonstrable harm...from virtually all vaccines. People now fall into two kinds of "vaccine" support camps. The first are those who continue to say they do not cause harm but have also stopped taking boosters. They are the ideologues and liars who are politically captured and are simply being dishonest as a way to protect their identity because they are wrapped up in supporting all sorts of other things "their team" supports.
The second are those that have no information and are still boosting. These are the "true believers" and the ones who do not deserve the fate that awaits them because they are truly victims of the lies.
Perhaps read the >100 articles I've written on the topic for the expanded view.
Thanks for speaking up. Team Reality needs to be humble enough to revise our data and arguments when we err. Otherwise, we’re just the CDC. There is so much other data proving the point, we can easily let the “1,000% increase” go.
If we cover up our errors, pick winners, fall into groupthink, and form social masses, we will eventually be led by the worst tyrant in the space, whoever that might be. But that's probably just the same worst tyrant in the space we're trying to leave. It's a literal, "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
Well that or we are stepping on our own landmines later on and get discredited which is definitely a game thwt is played.
I worry that a lot of what is going on is a combination of "one screen, two films" (where one or both sides is wrong, but bias is all that is important) or setups for correct fact checking (that's a thing, occassionally) later.
If you don't think so, the FBI public response to Twitter files was to literally accuse everyone of being a conspiracy theorist and out to get the AGENCY.
I shit you not.
Word! It's high time to exosome off this summa bitch and get back to thinking and making a new monetary system. MIB has two faces as well, Military or Medical. Let's all repeat after me...this was never about "public health". Why? Because PH is and will always remain an illusion based on a political model of control. I'd like to just start anew, but I've no idea how to grow/hunt enough food.
Shawn: Indeed. There is no such thing as public health, only individual health, family health, and to some degree, community health. The current (Public Health Service) apparatus was born in the 19th Century with the need in the naval forces for sailors to survive long and brutal voyages. Naval forces were the projection of power in that century. Today, the U.S. PHS is embedded in the bowels of the CDC (they are, in fact commissioned officers in the U.S. Navy, and are known to drape themselves in fancy uniforms when the whim strikes them--see, for example, Rear Admiral, or some damn thing, Anne Schuchat). The 20th Century saw dramatic improvements in living conditions in cities, such as sanitations systems, clean water, the automobile (which elimination ankle-deep piles of horse shit in the streets; actually, I think they packed it up and sent it to D.C., where it remains today), and crucially, beginning in the '20's, widespread use of refrigerators. So nutrition improved, and infectious diseases were reduced dramatically in their death toll, and with the widespread use of penicillin after WWII, infectious diseases ceased to be a threat to children. All this occurred before (with the exception of the horrid smallpox jab) any vaccines had been developed or deployed. I grew up in the 1950's. The psy-op of that decade was paralytic poliomyelitis. The TV had pictures of children in iron lungs, and they were true cases of paralysis, but there weren't actually very many of them, and they weren't caused by poliovirus. "Dissolving Illusions" has this whole sordid story. We had three vaccines in childhood. The Act in 1986 turned the vaccine schedule into a stage VI cancer, and with the new 'Rona jab, stands at 90 jabs, birth to age eighteen. Dr. Mengele lived out his full natural life a free man in Argentina. Let's hope Fauci/Gates do not.
Thanks, Matthew. Your dogged tenacity is, well, commendable and admirable seem inadequate descriptors.
So, if I understand the gist of your last post about the DMED stuff and this one, basically the data as presented at the Senate hearings is wrong, it over represents the numbers of vaccine injuries. And because integrity actually matters, nobody should be continuing to present that data as true, when we/you now know it is not accurate.
And also, you are asking why folks continue presenting that flawed data as true, when you have provided detailed evidence that it isn’t. Even wondering what motivations could be driving their persistence.
Is that a fair 30,000 foot summation?
I admit that my head can’t keep up with all the twisted webs of sticky silk that continue to emerge
That's the basic story, yes.
Not only that, but here we see people going back to the same poisoned well for more. It's a WTF moment that I hope will open some eyes.
I’m with you. I don’t want our side using fake numbers. It makes us just as bad as the CDC (except, of course, for the deaths and injuries).
If they made a mistake in the interpretation and presentation of the data, they should simply come clean and admit the error. Continuing to use data after it has been exposed as false is unethical, no matter who is doing it.
I thought that we were supposed to value truth, transparency, and integrity. That’s why we were different, right?
I use ‘us’, ‘our’ and ‘we’ loosely. I, for one, am simply sitting at home reading posts/articles from the people who are actually doing the hard work involved with exposing this mess. I would like to thank you for all of time, money, and sacrifices that you have made in order to bring this to light.
Indeed, and well said.
Ok, great.
Now I am just not entirely sure what my open eyes are seeing, which is a bit maddening.
I’m sure my vision will become more clear with time and more information.
Thanks for your tenancity despite the opposition.
Yes, I’m with you, Copernicus! I am overwhelmed by data; the industrial military complex, the industrial medical complex, the industrial banking complex, agriculture complex, etc... it’s hard to wrap my brain around all the details in way that I can see the whole chess board. Even so, it seems like the walls of tyranny are closing in and I feel more and more like an animal trying to escape.
Matthew, thank you for all your efforts. I always learn so much from your posts. I hope to become a paid subscriber after the holidays. You are def worth it.
Seeing the whole chessboard… a great analogy. Now if only I understood chess strategy, haha. That is my problem! 🤣
As Matthew says, engage locally as much as you are able. Find local medical freedom groups, election integrity group for your state, likeminded church (not always easy, I know by experience), and so on. Avoid buying from the bad players as much as you humanly can, even if it means you pay more for stuff (yeah, I know, not everyone can afford to pay extra, but pick one or two areas and make the change). Buy from local farms. I recently discovered a local nutrition store that sells local meat and dairy! It is all also organic and pasture raised AND actually costs about what I would pay at the grocery store for conventional meat and organic pastures eggs. The butter costs almost the same as Kerrygold at Costco, but it’s organic and raw which Kerrygold is not as far as I know.
Not many of us can do it all. But all of us can do a little. Many hands make less heavy work.
People are SOOOOO busy looking for a HERO that they will latch onto anybody, it seems... Like fucking Malone! And I don't trust that Ron Johnson, either. I don't know, but I'm not putting my hopes in politicians or people from the Medical Industrial Complex... Unless they've been ousted, or left it...
Dolores Cahill. Mike Yeadon. Or how about someone like David E. Martin, yes.
But MY faith lies in myself, and people like YOU, Mathew, the real folks, the PEOPLE. This is up to us, I think, and it's unlikely some hero is gonna fall from the sky and save us...
I think you are trying to provoke something.
I think you ought to try understanding people (not holding my breath here).
I think you need to not be quite so obvious in trying to set people against each other.
Curious, I wonder if 2020 covid numbers would have been different if early treatment had been used. In the beginning many died or were injured because the treatment was harming people? Many treatments were used because they really didn't know in early 2020. Once they knew, those treatments were continued (and still are today) despite the knowledge that they can kill and maim the patient. With patient records now online, any system (Kaiser, Novartis, etc) could run the numbers on vax dates, treatments and follow ups on health problems. In this day of available data, it seems more like no one wants to solve these problems. At this point, anyone who has been vaxed or is about to receive treatment needs to know what to do if outcomes are negative. I3m seeing lots of sudden health problems in my circle of friends...seizures, clots, and heart problems. These are people in their 40's and 50's who were otherwise healthy prior to vaxes and boosts. 2 of my friends in different parts of the country had nephews who died in their sleep due to sudden heart problems- 32 and 33. Both were vaxed. One died 12 hours after J&J. The other was having health problems after his booster. No acknowledgement of vax injury. We've got to get to the bottom of this. It's time to rip off the bandaid and stop giving a shit about pro and anti vax. We need to know how this medication is harming some, how to identify those and treat and stop giving this to ANYONE until we know those real risks. This is a very tangly web indeed.
There would have been nothing to panic about had antivirals and antibiotics and some basic vitamin/zinc therapies been used. At least, this is my strong leaning.
I agree with some major BELLS ON.
But if we're still talking about a "virus," then all bets are off, in my view. Your premise of this post makes absolute sense, even if I'm not a statistician. But seems to me that this entire parade has been down a street called LIES. From the PCR lie, to the removal of HCQ, even from the reach of doctors, to the lie of the absence of the truth about Wuhan (intensely heavy air pollution coupled with 30,000 5G towers that went up in January 2020-- hello!), to the graphene in the masks, to the chem trails full of heavy metals, to the graphene in the swabs shoved right up to the brain via the nasal cavity, to the complete lack of anything about VITAMINS/Antioxidants/Ivermectin, to the lockdowns, no social anything, shutting churches, ending small and even medium-sized businesses, NO SINGING, NO DANCING, NO WALKING ON THE FUCKING BEACH... There is NO VIRUS, no "variant," no gd killer germ.
I can't understand how anybody with any brains is going to continue to believe this is about a VIRUS, which has never been shown to exist, never been isolated, several attempts to inure us to these "attacks" with Avian Flu, Swine Flu, AIDS, West Nile, Zika, Ebola, Measles.... FFS, it's hard to fathom what a little FEAR can do! Remdesivir, FFS. Unless they do NOTHING to educate themselves, read NOTHING, listen to NOTHING about actual science...
I think THIS is exactly why the First Amendment exists. THIS. IS. WHY. If we want to win this, we ought to demand, from every window, every rooftop, every car bumper sticker, every damn way we can to regain our FIRST AMENDMENT. Get the word out, get the truth out.
I am No One, or I would stand up and shout that YOU are RIGHT, to anyone and everyone with any freakin power whatsoever.
Because you ARE right.
And by the way, zinc, and Vit. D3, Vit. C, and quercetin, and melatonin, and other natural, everyday good things that we need ANYWAY, can and will detox most of of us. Because woo woo, it's TRUE that the human body exists and thrives because of Grace. We're made from Grace, as is this Earth. Things go wrong, people go wrong, shit happens. But the Truth is still there, and it's not going away. It needs to be OUT THERE.
From the heroes that are your counterparts, La Quinta Columna: How to detox the Nasty.
Or there was nothing to panic about period.
Organized medical malpractice and a Hunger Games environment with plenty of controlled opposition, heading toward WW3 is plenty to be concerned about. The panic is just the distraction
And because when perhaps the substantial majority of symptomatic COVID deaths involve pneumonia, which is usually treated with antibiotics. Even if the antivirals fail, the kitchen sink/cocktail approach demonstrably succeeds unless I'm a brain in a jar and nothing at all is real.
The best method to understand precisely what is happening is to go back to the "beginnings" of the "pandemic" fabrications or at least the recent history, starting with the HIV/AIDS fraud, and follow the bread crumbs and note the template.
One of the most astute and detailed in telling that story is award winning journalist Terry Michaels.
Another is John Lauritsen, one of the original and long term AIDS dissidents from the early 1980's. He wrote seminal works exposing the role of the highly toxic recreational drug known as "poppers" in the development of what came to be erroneously called "infectious AIDS", and the later devastation wrought by the horrific "AIDS treatment" AZT.
He also wrote and spoke passionately on the psychosocial aspects of the AIDS fraud.
Yes, indeed. And he was spot on. Cheers.
"The author Crawford says:
We're still living through the so-called COVID-19 pandemic."
There is such thing as a casual statement.
As I've made clear in my writing, I doubt the virus was responsible for an extraordinary number of deaths. Most were iatrogenocide by way of withholding effective meds (pneumonia killed most people who died with a positive test and symptoms) or the use of inappropriate meds that likely poisoned lots of people.
I don't know if this thread is just to stir up trouble or what.
I think YOU are a Chaos Agent, and you need to Cease and Desist.
Stop spamming me, grow up, and go home.
There's ALWAYS treatment, even if we don't yet know exactly what it is... But most of the time, SOMEBODY does know. And it's often not an allopathic practitioner.
Evil. smdh
An is either a fucking LIE, or a sad and despicable ignorance.
"Many treatments were used because they really didn't know in early 2020." - What worked was discovered pretty quickly by the doctors who knew what they were doing. Zelenko, Tyson, Farid for early treatments and Dr Marik for late stage for some examples.
It was all ignored because they couldn't give EUA to the "vaccines" if effective treatments existed. Hence 99% of the medical professionals let people suffer and die needlessly to collect a paycheck.
Good work. Details matter.
So most of the military got shot up and still got covid is the best they can claim? That makes their vax "weak sauce".
I've been of the opinion since May of 2020 that all cause mortality (ACM) is the number I can hang my hat on. The rest, while useful, are too open to manipulation. What it shows to an amateur like me is that the disease has a strong seasonal signal, the "vaccine" is useless and 2022 was still above the 5 year average although not as bad as 2021.
Be careful: There are some people pushing the notion that ACM is enough to tell the whole story. That too is false. One thing I see some people in the MFM doing is missing the fact that pneumonia is *still* tracking the excess deaths nearly three years into the pandemic, and that's aside from vaccine harms. This is at least part of what keeps me from thinking that top range vaccine death estimates are correct.
We live in a world of bad data, trying to figure out what is going on and make good decisions. That is why I read your stuff. Trying to find a signal in the noise gets easier with your site.
ACM has its own set of problems but I still put it first as it is counted the same from country to country and is the most difficult to manipulate. It won't tell the whole story, nothing will. But if I can put enough pieces of the puzzle in place I might have a better idea what the picture is. Your work helps a lot. Thanks.
ACM shooting up which cannot be explained by covid is evidence that the people running the pandemic response should be prosecuted, no matter whether the cause is jab, lockdown, social distancing, fentanyl, or whatever (barring Martians).
Discovery pre-trial will help sort out the cause.
One problem, however, is determining how much of AMC increase is due to iatrogenocide, how much is due to vaccination, and how much is due to increases in anxiety/mental/emotional disorder (including the surge in fentanyl overdoses). These are all serious hypotheses of causality, and the question of apportioning them is not an easy one.
And the blame for all those other CoD can be laid at the feet of public health officials for incompetence, including corruption.
Did public health warn about the dangers of hysteria being pushed by pharma marketing subcontractors?
Did public health warn about iatrogenocide and expose it?
Did public health warn about fentanyl appropriate to its danger? Compare with all the warnings about covid and the attempted coverup by the CDC using covid as the alleged reason for excess mortality in the MMWR figure.
While ACM (like any individual datum) is not the whole story, I think it is important considered in the broader context of the past few years, because it is one “net effect“ measure of the various threads of nefarious activity in this narrative (and biological) war we have been in that timeframe. Questions remain unanswered, like:
1. How many COVID deaths were due to death protocols (Remdesivir/Midazolam/vent) rather than the disease? The same question can be asked about non-treatment due to the suppression of early treatment.
2. How many deaths and injuries have resulted from the shots?
But we can see if people are dying at a faster rate, and we can track birth rates. Some things are clearly wrong. This is why I appreciate your analysis. It challenges my assumptions and conclusions, and reminds me to stay grounded in what I know (and clear about what I don’t know.
What is also clear is that people in positions of power are working hard to suppress/dilute/confuse/obscure the truth. Not that this is new or unusual, but I don’t think that it’s ever been so clear in our relatively short history as a country (USA). It’s also becoming clearer that this is a global issue. We should also not miss the obvious conclusion that we as individuals need to refocus on localism. Live locally. Buy locally. Love locally.
BTW, Matthew- I can’t find the definition of the acronym “MFM.” By context, it seems to refer to alternative media, but I’d like to understand the reference.
Medical Freedom Movement. I had begun using it in prior articles. I think this is the first one where I did not explain the acronym. I may edit. Thanks.
For your 1/2/other, see my response to Tom.
I do think there is more than ONE way to die from "Covid." If the Bad Guys, who planned this psy op for decades, were to put ALL their Evil into one kind of jab, and that's it, it would be FAR too obvious that they were all about genocide. Nooooo. That would have been extremely stupid. These guys may not be NICE, but they're sure as hell not stupid.
No, I do not think there is death from "Covid."
I think "Covid" is a lie, to generate terror, and keep people in a state of terror.
That's what they call TERRORISM, and it's still terrorism when it's done by govt's or medical rat bastards, or whomever is doing it.
If you don't understand this, please change your moniker.
Okay, sorry, I shouldn't be rude. But it's just THREE YEARS of this...
And for the record, I think Mathew is awesome.
You might be okay hanging your hat on things like the Life Insurance companies telling us they're paying out like muffos, such a payout like doesn't happen for CENTURIES... It may well be putting together a myriad of LITTLE clues, and not just one big one...
Fertility and Life Insurance Payouts are great numbers to watch and many are. Anything that has a well defined endpoint that is hard to "adjust" (deaths, births) is good. Among others, Igor Chudov & bad catitude are tracking fertility, Joel Smalley for ACM & Ed Dowd for LIP are some that I am tracking.
If we can get enough of the puzzle in place we can tell what the picture is. Lots of little and some not so little clues.
Yeppers! I like Bad Cattitude, but not necessarily a hefty number of his (their?) followers... maybe I'll rejoin and check it out again...
And Igor, unfortunately, I had to let go because he went all nazi about those of us who do not subscribe to the "virus" nonsense, even going so far as to call us an unpleasant and divisive and insulting name... I can't even remember it now, but it was like being slapped by someone you like. Anyway, point is, I am not seeking heroes anymore, if I ever was, but INFO. There are a few people I believe to be honest and true, but, as Courageous Lion says, WE are the STANDING MILITIA. It's up to US, and ain't no Jesus gonna come and save us. WE have to save ourselves. That's what I'm thinking, anyway. Cheers.
Some of us kittens are bad, snarky and mischievous. The rest are just plain nasty and annoying LOL. Igor also had an open thread on the virus exists/doesn't issue. It was very interesting.
How does that song go? "It's true what they say. We should never meet our heroes". Never seek heroes. Seek accurate information. "Help is on the way" is a common ruse because it works. The majority would sit and wait to be rescued until it's too late. That's why that ruse is so effective. It becomes a "fait accompli".
Exactamente si.
You need to be BANNED.
No banning. What do you think this is? Twitter? LMAO.
Hardly LOL. I definitely come down on the side of "The Virus Exists". The electron microscope views of it are convincing IMHO. I view the "It doesn't exist" camp as letting the war criminals who created it off the hook.
As I pointed out in Igor's open thread, the fact that governments claimed to have verified it and yet can't provide said proof doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There is the real possibility that they took the money, claimed to have done the work and did nothing.
There is precedence for that view. One of Aaron Siri's many wins revealed it. Since 1994 the HHS in the USA claimed to have done a report for congress every 2 years on vaccine safety and improvements. When the court ordered them released via FOIA request they still refused. Eventually after 3+ years in court they had to answer and admitted that they hadn't done any.
Well, I disagree. And I'm not letting any criminal muffo off any hook.
Igor is wrong.
There is. No. Virus.
I'm done here and anybody who can't handle other people not agreeing on every single item of every single question are immature, absurd, and the reason for problems, and why we can't have nice things.
Man, truth is hard, no? It's like saying "Trump is either IN-ON-IT or he's a buffoon. One of these things must be true, but both could be true". (I'm a Trump guy, btw, but I'll take truth over Trump any day.)
Thanks, MC, for pursuit of truth, wherever it may lead.
You made me smile…and I so agree with you
Great article and sobering. Very necessary. Self-reflection is warranted.
We must keep open the possibility of false flags from DoD actors, since it ran the jab enterprise along with ex-DoD at Anser Corp.
Notable overlaps here between a lot of substack hobby horses (overlaying winter 20/21 deaths with the vaccine rollout on pretty graphs over and over despite the perfect match with C19 case rates) and the Dowd "working age adults" excess mortality trope (a perfect match with southern and midwestern summer 2021 C19 deaths).
I have pointed out these obvious oversights out at different times as well, and have even referred to the reality where the virus should be assumed to cause deaths as my own "Bizarro World" (but never found time to follow the DMED thing)
Let's keep mentioning Mathew's DOD articles in the chat and Q & A for the VSRF webinar at 7 EST tonight ...
Matthew - great work, as always. Rather stunning, actually.... I am someone who has zero expertise in data analytics but because it's the data analysis that is going to get us to the truth, I have made a point of educating myself and reading as much data that I can find and believe. But it's not just data analytics that keeps me coming back for more. It's the nuances that are - believe me - not being talked about anywhere else and if they are - it's guns blazing shit that makes me cringe. You, however, are one helluva class act, Matthew. Keep on keepin on and know that for every Pete Chambers - there's a Loofly *RN* - who respects and admires the time and effort you have devoted to this cause as well as your remarkable ability to stay well above the frey. And lastly - to those who have made comments that they have interpreted this piece as your saying that the vaccines are not causing adverse effects - I'd like to advise you to do what I do each time I read any of Matthew's posts - go back an re-read it again....and again..if necessary. Matthew is feckin smart but this is dense stuff that requires thoughtful comprehension.... and by the way - he very clearly writes "Understand, I'm not denying that people are injured or killed by the vaccines. That's a different issue. " It was right there - and again - you were either intentionally trying to miss the point or are the chaos agents that Matthew has been teaching us to recognize.......
"The real prize is caring about reality enough to acknowledge the glitch in the Matrix."
Best part of the complex analysis is that the golden key has no math!! :~)
One of the secrets of Applied math is understanding when math isn't the problem.
I am so afraid that this DMED fiasco is going to be very destructive. I will listen to Kirsch and crew this evening, but am not hopeful. I think Ron Johnson has hung his hat on the DMED revelations, and the folks around him who might be aware of DMED issues, are probably fearful of rocking the boat. Ed Dowd appears to be worthy of trust. Have you considered contacting and trying to collaborate with him and his data gurus?
I've tried to work so many projects and wear so many hats already. I don't want further collaboration simply because I have high priority projects that I need to attend to (and to have time to sleep).
The reason I take time to write Chaos Agents stories right now is because I see the destructive potential. But the solution is for everyone to realize they have to be their own solution.
Dowd has also been laundering obvious SARS-CoV-2-caused deaths (from the Delta, 2021 wave) as some sort of secret vaccine harm signal (the "working age adults" insurance controversy is just deaths from the virus Distracts from acknowledging that 100s of thousands of unvaccinated Americans were allowed to die last year due to poor treatment.
I don't know if he is actively laundering data, but he is acting as a front man for a small group, and that is opaque. They miss a ton of opportunities, but have consistent attention. The MFM has so few data minds, and seemingly little respect for them, that they seem to have no idea.
Right - I only mean laundering in the lazy sense that he is throwing a sheet with a question mark painted on it over labeled Covid-19 deaths, and pointing at it like it’s a mystery what the giant lump of deaths was.
Have you factored in the increased risk of infection within the first two weeks of ‘vaccination’? This would also create a correlation between ‘vaccination’ and infection, even though those people in this two week period have been counted as ‘unvaccinated’. Thus there would also be a spike in infections leading to death, even though the underlying cause was ‘vaccination’.
The increased risk, aka worry window, doesn’t exist. I say that having caught Omi from a just-boosted in January, so I know anecdotal support first-hand. But it’s not supported in the data and the “just-dosed are secret unvaccinated” trope is a product of ignoring when the results are always the same even with the just-dosed excluded.
*edit: For example, in the CDC "Table 1" in my linked post, they explicitly exclude the partially injected. Now, they probably are still counting "missing status" as unvaccinated because that is how it works in the US Harmcare System, but the point is that "fudging" the partially vaccinated is not part of the scam here.
Another example is the original mRNA trials. Even if they were just big, fraudulent charades, you can still actually see that the case rates for the just-injected are printed in plain view, they aren't hiding them (even if they are not part of the final efficacy calculation, but the difference isn't important since efficacy is only a temporary illusion anyway). Now, you can say, "I don't trust the fraudulent trial data," fine - but did you even know that the just-injected case rates were shown in the published results? Or was it your impression that they were somehow misclassified or hidden? Most people peddling the "worry window" myth don't mention that the case rates are published at all.
Likewise, the UK ONS has tracked "Covid death" rates for the "worry window" from the beginning, and in the per-age stratified view they have never been above the unvaccinated in per-person-year or absolute counts (see last chart in Here you get into where Norman Fenton alleges a delay is still causing a misclassification but that doesn't hold up since a lag would be auto-corrected once the 21-day window elapses.
It's like the difference between Dr Jane Ruby and Dr Cole/Fleming doing microscope work on the vaccines LOL. When there is obvious garbage in the shots from crappy manufacturing you don't need alien creatures in the shots to justify pulling them from the market.
Pity those agreements our governments signed didn't allow the government to test the product.
Excellent writing.
In all respects, well said.
Thank you.
In my previous life I worked in a major medical facility. There was an explosion of mandated “quality” measures
shortly after the implementation of electronic medical records. This resulted in another explosion of hiring people to mine and evaluate the data. Amongst that large group, there was only ever one person who knew what she was doing. I see similarities here, but of course, the stakes are so much higher. I’m aghast.
Another great article! It helped me formulate a new charitable hypothesis. Many of the folks in the MFM are somewhat new to the "heterodox opinion" game. You learn things having arguments where you present a heterodox position to people over the years. One important thing that seems obvious to us, but perhaps not people new to the realization that the narrative advanced by the cathedral isn't to be trusted is that normies operating in good faith will latch on to any unreasonable argument you make and use it to save themselves the time of considering heterodox positions any further than that point. This process reinforces the cathedral narrative in the minds of normies. I think we all recognize this at some level, but to folks who haven't won and lost arguments over the years, they haven't necessarily come to appreciate the kind of damage that can be caused by shitty arguments in favor of heterodox positions for those hoping to "red-pill" normies to use the cliche.
Unfortunately, the need for heterodoxy is largely the need to be able to think outside of the narrative that is dripped slowly until it is "understood". Examining another framework necessarily requires a new effort. This is yet another attention economics and information firehose problem at its root.
I consider those who more or less subscribes to the mainstream narrative advanced by the cathedral to be normies. Etymology comes from 4chan IIRC. Many other definitions can be found in Urban Dictionary: