I’m surprised you didn’t get the first call when they stopped publishing this data. They didn’t call me either. Very strange indeed!!

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So. I think your observation is another indication we are dealing with an adaptable and not yet beaten adversary. Renz lets the cat out of the bag, then you make the threat very clear, so they fix that vulnerability… We see since omicron the emergency evaporating such that breakthrough data and VAERS reporting is drying up.

Don’t worry, all’s fine. We’ll send you bogus test kits made in the COVID Mother Country so you can quietly keep your breakthrough infection to yourself! We’ll ease things up and let you take your masks off for the summer! The situation is more stable now. We’re going to close up shop on our State covid dashboard, and stop doing all this terribly manpower intensive data reporting… Sure you’ll understand… (but emergency apparently not dwindling to the point of not subjecting kids to the jabs and not preserving neverending EUA’s).

Freedom of data availability is what has allowed voices like yours, Dr Rose, Joel Smalley… bring forth solid data backed objections to the first rounds of mandates. Now maybe they’re licking their wounds and patching holes in the walls they didn’t think to close in that first try?

Been looking at the evaporating VAERS data lately and not cynical at all 😉

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Mr Crawford, sir, this is outstanding analysis. Thank you for staying the course on this one.

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"Can there be any doubt that these manipulations are meant to hide the grave damage being done? (Can there be any doubt that there are people at the DoD reading Rounding the Earth?)"

Abso-frigging-lutely RTE effect!! Go you putting fear into the Pentagon & how fun they made an unintended endorsement of your math prowess.

"This is consistent with problems that might occur if the DMSS data was re-indexed. In other words, if new data was added out of order, with sequential record keeping, then fabricated records would be obviously far away from the genuine data from 2016-2020."

Repeated because it took me so long to grasp the indexing glitch & thrilled to finally get it ty! :~)

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Did you ever try reaching out to Ivory Hecker?

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I wonder if another First World country has good data on the health of their military service members. The good thing about a worldwide pandemic is that it only takes one corrupt entity to screw up and release real data without realizing the implications. Maybe some other country has good health data and they forgot to cover it up and cook the books?

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Military people should write them asking where it’s at. Why doesn’t this bother more people? It’s clearly a cover up!

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So the DMED data handlers have published a note saying that they had errors in their work over a long period of time.....I wonder if anyone's employment was terminated over errors of such magnitude. If not, then I would bet that it was not an error, but something else.

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Would you consider posting your Venmo (or starting a virtual tip jar like https://www.buymeacoffee.com/) for those of us who would like to throw some “thank you”!money toward your efforts but aren’t able to become paid subscribers?

Reading through previous comments, glad you are in touch with Aaron Siri and CHD for the FOIA’s. I wish I had contacts in media or military to help get the story out. It must be incredibly frustrating to spend so much time working on this and not have it get the attention it deserves.

Have you done an interview with The HighWire by any chance?

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Thank you for all you do. I just became a paid subscriber

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Incredible criminality. So blatant. I wish, like you say they had gotten right on it; those in the military are vulnerable and often in the end get ignored.

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford


In the Mortality Table above, let's talk about the "illness" column.

For EVERY death in that column, a form DD 1300 was issued with a "date of casualty" in box 4d thereof.

(See DD 1300 here: https://www.foundationmortgage.com/pdfjs/full?file=/system/resources/W1siZiIsIjIwMTYvMTEvMTgvMDMvNTcvMjQvNjdiMjJlNzktZTI4OS00NmI2LWFlY2QtNjc4MTg4MmMyZjBlL1ZBIEZvcm0gREQgMTMwMCAtIFJlcG9ydCBvZiBDYXN1YWx0eS5wZGYiXV0/VA%20Form%20DD%201300%20-%20Report%20of%20Casualty.pdf

When line plotted over a monthly time line, for years 2016 through 2019, we would expect to see illness deaths spread throughout the year (though subject to certain seasonal factors). We would expect to see similar line shapes for 2016 through 2019.

For 2020 and 2021, do we see similar line shapes, or do we see months with spikes after vaccine introduction?

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

With all the data out there, I still can’t believe my husband believes in the shots and actually wants my 5 year old to get it. I’ve been collected data to show my husband but wish the information was streamlined so I can easily show my husband. There is so much data now thanks to people like you and Dan Horowitz’s and countless others who are spreading the truth

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I wonder if some of the “deaths due to illness” in 2020 (190 of them) might have actually occurred in 2019 (only 154 of them, compared to values in the 170’s for the prior three years) but were “misclassified” due to a “reporting delay glitch.” Something to think about…

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Great information Mathew!

As an aside, I checked to make sure I’m a paid subscriber to your most-valued RTE Substack. Your RTE Substack was not listed on my profile of who I subscribe to (paid and free) so I pressed Subscribe, pressed the yearly $, and it says I’m already a paid subscriber to RTE. Curious why RTE is not on my profile if I’m a paid subscriber? You may want to check out this potential “glitch”!

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Jul 8, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Is all of this info you have going to court somewhere?? Renz or Johnson doing anything with it??

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