Apr 8, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I think there is a tendency to think "This won't happen in my lifetime, no need to worry about it" on issues like this, yet here we are being slowly boiled in a pot. Ironically, the only hope I have that we won't fall to one globalist system under tyrannical rule is that there is an extraordinary amount of incompetence and misplaced hubris among those hoping to enact these plans. The most intelligent, decent people, are the ones asking questions and resisting (looking at you, Mathew!).

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Power corrupts. Absolute power (world government) corrupts absolutely. Sovereignty needs to be driven down to the lowest level possible, ideally the county and municipal levels, but federalization is a good start.

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Covid has helped facilitate what TPP could not.. more reasons Assange has been silenced and slowly tortured to death. WikiLeaks publication of the draft agreements triggered enough public backlash for ruling elites to take another route.

Truthout - May 28, 2015

Julian Assange on the TPP: Secretive Deal Isn’t About Trade, but Corporate Control

As negotiations continue, WikiLeaks has published leaked chapters of the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership – a global trade deal between the United States and 11 other countries. The TPP would cover 40 percent of the global economy, but details have been concealed from the public. A recently disclosed “Investment Chapter” highlights the intent of US-led negotiators to create a tribunal where corporations can sue governments if their laws interfere with a company’s claimed future profits. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange warns the plan could chill the adoption of health and environmental regulations.

Only five of the 29 chapters are about traditional trade. The others are about regulating the Internet and what Internet – Internet service providers have to collect information. They have to hand it over to companies under certain circumstances. It’s about regulating labor, what labor conditions can be applied, regulating, whether you can favor local industry, regulating the hospital healthcare system, privatization of hospitals. So, essentially, every aspect of the modern economy, even banking services, are in the TPP.


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Everything that is not unified organically is very dangerous. And I too believe this has been in the making at least for one century if not more.

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NWO - The last kingdom of man.

Thus he said: “The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all other kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, trample it and break it in pieces. - Daniel 7: 23 ( 620–538 B.C )

Yes, the takeover of the world governments went on for centuries. Long before the WEF permanent representatives of the global satanic elites were open about the true nature of the coming NWO:

“We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government, one-world religion under a one-world leader.” R.Muller, author of the World Core Educational curriculum

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)

The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader.


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In the following link there is a video of economist Pippa Malmgren, from the World Government Summit, letting us know that Centralized Digital Currencies are just around the corner, so that they can know every last economic exchange that can happen, and of course we need a document of digital human rights to protect us from abuse by governments.

In her opening statements on the panel she says the future is about decentralization. But then everything she advocates for gives ever greater power to centralizers.


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Bang on, Mathew!!!

Stop stealing my Substack article ideas! (just kidding, but the funny thing is we are reading each others' minds because I want to put a post together soon about how that wonderful book Against the Grain can inform all of this, for both good and for bad...)

"Because if it happens, I don't want for it to happen the wrong way."

Exactly what I've been thinking. If it happens via decentralization and leading to global freedom, it's great. If the other way, it's a nightmare.

What a time to be alive!

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Maybe since the Neolithic, since settlements and agriculture, according to Karen Armstrong and Agustin Fuentes, create the capacity for storage and the development of classes, that leads to where we are. Or according to the Immortality Key, the Holy Roman Empire repression of entheogens, which segues into the Inquisition. Then maybe there are some kind of facultative sociopathic and dark triad genetics or epigenetics that originate there, and spread through the population. Or maybe it is the sheer amount of people on the earth that provokes a morphogenetic wave that tips people towards these behaviors. Or maybe religion is right and there are metaphysical forces of evil. I only know I keep wishfully praying against the arrow of time (as in fuck the second law of thermodynamics) that these spineless sadists and bloodsucking greed mongers were never conceived. I'm ranting :)

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You’re definitely right about Hitler being a film actor is suppressed, I’ve never heard that and it seems to be something that is almost impossible to find through a search engine, as you only get results of actors playing Hitler. Do you have any more details on that or the names of some of the films (if they even exist anymore)? I know it’s a very minor point of the article but it really captures my curiosity.

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" Let's make a simple assumption that requires no definitions or ideological acceptance either way:

One day will be the last day in which rival nations exist on Earth."

Wrong. The statement is in itself pure ideology. It was called cosmopolitanism the first time, and is called globalism today. Futurist, modernist, and authoritarian. Also, inherently racist as it denies all less populous cultures the right to exist as such.

Drop Plato, he was wrong. This idea can and will only ever bring misery.

If I have the right to call a plot of land mine because I live there, then my children have that same right and their children too. And my people. And my race. And no other race have any right to the land that is ours by right.

Go tell the native americans that it was a good thing they where exterminated as races and cultures - today, they are all americans! Tomorrow, citizens of the world! Tell it to the jews and palestinians of Israel that the chinaman and the zulu has just as much a right to Bethlehem as they. Tell the boer that the zulu has the right to the land his ancestors turned from desert to farms.

Because your statement is the very essence of imperialist fascism, of communism and of globalism, based in the flawed assumption that you culture and kind will still be on top in such a world. They won't. The african, the arab, the indian and the chinese will.

Because they don't and never will subscribe to any idea which puts their own culture even to or under someone elses.

And they shouldn't. No one should. My people is superior according to me. Yours according to you. And that's fine, because then we can learn about eachother's differences and similarities, and find both mutual respect as well as fear and loathing.

250+ nations, thousands of cultures, tens of thousands of languages means uncountable ways to create and solve problems - a unified world system reduces all variables to 1.

One has to be intelligent in a very special way to think that better. An engineer's intelligence, thinking that there's a single one optimal solution. No such beast can exist in a dynamic and chaotic system - and making the system wholly predictable to make the idea work is always the engineers first go to.

Giving us the rule of the slide rule and calipers. Fascism by numbers. Communism by tables. Capitalism by diktat. No. Never again.

"One day will be the last day in which rival nations exist on Earth."

This is saying: "Your race, culture and creed must be exterminated, and you too if you do not give them up and accept your role as producer/consumer and atomic individual."

(Do note, I'm not saying you endorse the idea of a global state discussed in your article, but that phrase is tantamount to advocating genocide. And it is fascist by necessity: nothing above the state, nothing outside the state, and where could one go if the entire planet was under the same system? An-cap political sci-fi is precisely that: fiction, and it always will be.)

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Some years ago, I wrote a grant to Echoing Green for a new online portal to support a labor credit system, social media to organize regional efforts and generate anonymous user generated content to plot heat maps for local grassroots projects and data for community assessments, small business plans and more.

On my journey, I visited Ithaca Hours founder, intentional communities and did relief work with an innovative ngo.. a mix of habitat and americorp during Katrina.

At some point I think you need a push for appropriate tech solutions along the lines of the greater reset narrative if you want to survive the planned austerity and technocratic measures. The only prohibition and warning from "them" I received over my years of pushing buttons was to stay out of politics and you're not welcome here.

Great Reset narrative allows for isolated pockets of self-sustaining community that opt out of the plan. Some of you here have the means, the method and the technical know-how to design/build an easily replicable engine for the resistance.

Green stamps, Coops, co-housing and ccc-like rural camps that support those who opt-out are what I am proposing as a solution to those without $$ who may lose everything. 501c3 with autonomous group level governance, trusted servants, admin and trustee structure.. self-supporting through donations, cottage industries and endowment by membership only.

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I keep in touch with a former work colleague who grew up in and still lives in the Czech Republic. I've kept closer in touch with him over the past 2 years just to see what things were like in Europe and share what life was like in Alabama during the scamdemic. Both of us are like-minded engineers, both against lockdowns, masks and not vaxed. One month ago, I asked him what were things like in the Czech Republic relating to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and he had nothing to say about it. His primary concern was this WHO Treaty and potential for vaccine mandate/passport laws issued from the EU parliament. I'm guessing whatever happens regarding the WHO will mostly be implemented by corporations, universities, and other captured institutions. Governments didn't have to ban HCQ or ivermectin - CVS and Walgreens pretty much did most of the work on their own.

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Curious if anyone here has watched the full 6 hours of that day 1. I'm setting out to get through it, because I'd like to hear things from the "horses mouth". Of course, some would argue these aren't the real "horses". But getting a feel what what the popular ideas are in that arena seems useful.

I just watched the first 30 minutes, and was intrigued by Dr. Pippa Malmgren. She's an advocate for nationalized digital currency, but is also concerned with how it could be abused. But it gives the sense that most people engaged in this think they are making the world a better place.

But now we have multiple private banks and financial institutions, and the possibility to make transactions via paper money. Giving over that power completely to a central government will give them complete control....and we've seen lately how much they like control.

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So will they try to use the war and supply disruptions to bring in rationing? Of course. Will they try to use it to justify the "Digital ID" and force everyone to get it to get their rations? Of course.

The big problem is that the Putin, Xi & Biden regimes are ALL in favour of it. All the second rate countries are as well (Europe, 5Eyes).

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Mathew, I hope you'll provide a link to the claim that Hitler was an actor. I'd like to know that for myself, but I have someone who really needs to see it.

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