I suspect the mentality is as long as Covid is killing more people than the vaccines are damaging we are ahead. However that thinking also doesn’t factor in that they don’t stop transmission & may even fuel it & longer term we may see a dramatically shift whether through longer term infection damage or a new nasty variant. The lack of transparency is astonishing. Both science & journalism has lost the “seek & find the truth no matter where it leads” underpinning their occupations. This is a further regression of society.

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The problem is "Covid" is not killing more people than the shot. Pfizer study shows that for every 1 person saved with the shot 21,000 people need to be injected with this thing. Also, just a couple months ago almost every state, and in other countries they have started adjusted down the number of people who died from Covid because they actually died of something else. We will never know the true numbers. FEMA tried to get Ernesto Ramirez to change his 15 year old sons cause of death to Covid so they could "help" with funeral expenses. His son died 3 or 5 days after the shot while playing basketball. His autopsy showed myocarditis. There is plenty of people that died just like this. I just read an article that over 540 athletes have died after getting the jab. Kids don't just get myocarditis and die for no reason and neither do athletes. If people think more people are dieing from Covid they aren't paying attention. The rate of death in all causes didn't increase until 2021 not 2020. The only thing different that came out was the jab. The insurance company out of I believe IL (maybe OH) saw a 40% increase in death benefit payouts for 2021. They said they were NOT Covid deaths.

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of course, the CDC defining 'vaccinated' as starting 14 days from the injection, when an injection will make you immediately test positive for the virus, calls into question how many people were admitted to hospital and died 'of covid' when they really died of vax side effects. There are death spikes after each vax campaign.

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I have thought that for a long time. I agree. This is a perfect depopulation agenda, if that's what you are going for.

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Indianapolis, Indiana.

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Apr 12, 2022
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v. MYRIAD GENETICS, INC., ET AL. does not make humans patent eligible. The Court distinctly separates a (particular) cDNA genetic sequence from naturally occurring DNA and held that Myriad has the right to patent the cDNA they've created in light of what they have discovered about BRCA1 & BRCA2 genes, and it does not include incorporation of the cDNA sequence into humans. In fact, the ruling specifically states that this ruling has no bearing on the patentability of reordered naturally occurring DNA:

"Nor do we consider the patentability of DNA in which the order of the naturally occurring nucleotides has been altered. Scientific alteration of the genetic code presents a different inquiry, and we express no opinion about the application of §101 to such endeavors. We merely hold that genes and the information they encode are not patent eligible under §101 simply because they have been isolated from the surrounding genetic material." (p18)

You have been misinformed, and you are misinforming others. This is not a ruling where humans modified by patented gene therapy products become themselves patented properties.

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Kudos!! Thank you.

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Apr 13, 2022
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You can follow the link from the material you quoted (without quotes) to the Supreme Court ruling and read the pdf yourself. Interpreting the language requires some patience, but ultimately reading legal arguments is very similar to reading biblical commentaries (whether about the Bible or commentaries and essays found in the Bible). It's following sources to their sources, seeing language used within a context defined by the mandarins who say what sources are worth sourcing.

You have the power and the time to find your own responses to the material, because in a time of rampant nudges towards unthinking or thoughtless passions —all the better to control us, you see— the most dangerous thing a person can do is read, analyze, and then synthesize, relentlessly. I make mistakes, but I also seek an original understanding.

This is all to say that you aren't getting paid, so your grade doesn't matter. We're all in this, together.

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Apr 13, 2022
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Not sure I ever answer easily. You have access to the pdf, so your questions (1&1b) you can as easily answer as I would, but reopening the pdf and checking for myself, in which case, you have answered yourself, as would I asking the question. I'm also not as agile on my phone with typing or coding it right ,so there's that too.

Given the broader family of cases they mention, if the sequence itself is not naturally occurring as sequences of those kinds are, and it comes about by human practical imagination or by feed (forward, backward) cycle engineering, then it's patentable as that thing. In that case, they only have the one thing under question, not how that thing becomes a part of the living things called humans. (Patented parts making the larger wholes as patentable as the pieces are is part of a related, larger but different family tree of source material). The case also linked from the site you quoted (without quotes) dealing with the bacteria engineered to harbor plasmids to aid in digesting crude oil (Bioweapons save the planet, yet again!) deals more with that, and so you can see the next stop on the thought train.

(I mean, think about it : a nuclear bomb destroys the value of the land utterly, so it reduces access utterly. Many kinds of people hate their use, especially the presumption to destroy and pollute so utterly on the basis of human perception of injury or insult. But: guided or robotargeted bombs, neutron devices, ecological warfare, bureaucratic lawfare, psychospiritual psyops: these all deny the other side access to increasing layers of fields or dimensions of action, while preserving possibly the utility of other aspects. So, if you could eat away the other's access to crude oil by digesting it, right out from under them, even inside their vehicles, their airplanes, their children's lunches, you could honestly say in the culture of your peers that you were cleaning up the pollution, with a wicked smile. Bioweapons save the planet!)

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There is so much fraud swept under the rug you would need crampons to get to the other side of the room. We are years after the ‘Russia gate’ fraud and only now are we getting trickles of what might have happened. We assume there will be justice, but that is an assumption. The institutions to ensure it are corrupted as well. The leadership paradigm for these times is more Mugabe than Lincoln….

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To get any kind of justice it would mean that someone that is looking this over and making the decisions to have a grand jury, or hell arrest people would not be corrupt. I don't think their are many people that sit on a bench or has a jacket with some three letter identifier that has the ability to charge these people will. I have lost any kind respect for any of these people. The data has been laid out by numerous experts showing that the jab is killing more people than it is helping. Pfizer's own data showed that for every 1 person the jab saves 21,000 people need to be jabbed. That is not good news for Big Pharma if we had people that could do something about it actually doing it. I feel like I am rambling but sometimes seeing what these people are doing is hard for fingers to type what my brain is trying to compute. Last night Stew Peters had a short documentary called "Watch The Water" with Dr Bryan Ardis. You should watch it because I won't be able to do the evil justice. So much is going to shit that you literally only need to turn a corner and say, "Yep, there's a pile right there." This is all so disturbing. What I do believe with everything in me is this is a fight of good vs. evil. If you are a follower of Christ than you will also know that "God Wins." In the meantime we have to navigate the muck, that is difficult to do. I pray for us all and will continue to pray until these people either die "They will be judged by God" or they are arrested and judged by a jury of their peers.

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Ummm Ardis is not standing on any solid ground scientifically and maybe not otherwise. Venom doesn't do harm by being swallowed. He didn't have any biochemists, papers, and people's diaphragms are not being paralyzed, it's pneumonia and inflammation destroying their oxygen sats. A lot of emotion but I can't find any science to support his claims. There is so much incorrect and mistaken in Ardis' film, it's hard to get started explaining it. But yes, so much evil, so many people willing to duck rather than stand up, ready to walk into the ovens pushing their children - I do not recognize this world. I donate what I can to those who are doing the heavy lifting and try to explain to people what is happening. I caught a rough case of the fauXi gates virus in 2020, the omicron this year. But taking shots!? The "local news" here is pure USG propaganda. Two of the long-time weathermen/personalities keeled over dead last week and wouldn't you know they were jab proponents.

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You need to watch Dr Ardis today on Stew Peters. Also, Steve Kirsch (substack) is having Dr Ardis speak with his team of experts about his findings. Sometimes we want to jump to conclusions because we haven't researched it ourselves it is easy to say "no way." Dr Ardis gives tons of data points from actual studies showing his theory is plausible. I really enjoy Stew Peters but the way this documentary was laid out left more questions than answers in some regard. So before you or anyone else deems this theory impossible or improbable maybe try to research this for 4 months. Also, today Dr Ardis mentioned another Dr (I forgot his name) that sent a letter to the FBI in June of last year claiming that this was from snake venom. He only got a letter back saying, "thanks for the letter." So check it out.

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I will check it out. I don't need to research this for 4 months; I've been researching much of the last several years. I've found the papers, the molecules are interesting and what they have been doing with them. However, all that weighed against the HIV, HTLV, mouse malaria and other sequences in the spike and the whole virus, now in the jabs, venom doesn't produce the profound mortality and morbidity we are witnessing and Ardis can't or just doesn't explain how it would. Venom taken orally doesn't harm people, it's digested away.

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It's not digested away if was he says is true. He is saying it is in Remdesivir and the jabs. The different parts of the venom attacks different areas of the body. A study was done in another country (I should have written it down) that the venom was sequenced in a study done in mice to attack different organs and it had devastating effects. Anyway, watch the interview with Steve Kirsch, I believe it is tonight. Go and look at Stew Peters today. I am trying to find the documents that Dr Ardis looked at. I will let you know if I find them.

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And now this. Heart problems from the Covid vaccine are rare ... like any other vaccine: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(22)00059-5/fulltext

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The Lancet lost me when the editor posted an article he knew was false because he wanted to counter anti Chinese narrative. It seems the NIH were complicit in hiding lab leak findings. I now dont trust the Lancet. Trust is hard won and easily lost….

We are in a post science age.

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Just call it totalitarianism. It's not post-science. It's post-truth. But the weird thing is...it's not new at all. It's just that the horrors are widespread enough to push people into recognition and battle over the truth.

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Yes. I am comparing the old fashioned concept of science, with the version we have today. It is ‘corporatised science’, part of the marketing mix…..

It is indeed a battle. Very much appreciate you being on the front lines Mathew

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I tried to share "Watch The Water" a short documentary that Stew Peters and Dr Bryan Ardis did yesterday with my sister. She said, "I really don't believe this stuff." She said that before she saw what the documentary was about. The people that have been doing "Mass formation psychosis" on these people have truly done a great job. I don't know if my sister had the jab because I don't ask but she bought into everything else hook, line, and sinker. It is crazy that you can know the sky is blue all your life but if the "Powers that be" come out and tell you "The sky is orange, it has always been orange, the science just changed and now we know that the sky is orange." These people just say okay! My sister doesn't like disagreements so it doesn't surprise me that she wouldn't open her eyes to what is happening because then she would have to readapt her way of thinking on just about everything. For her to ask herself "what else did they lie to us about" I believe would be to much for her mind to handle. She is very smart she just doesn't like conflict. This is a fight of good vs. evil. Yes, truth matters but we are fighting on more fronts then the truth front. These people want us to look like China. In other words just like what is happening in Shanghai, soon we will be jumping out of our windows and "they" will sit back and watch it happen and probably blame Putin's price hike for the suicides. Sorry for rambling it just constantly surprises me to see the people that refuse to see the truth.

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I watched the WTW show today. There are a lot of holes in the story to me. The first being how snake venom (real or synthetic) gets through the GI tract to cause harm. That was not explained and that’s a point of terminal failure for the theory.

I prefer Dr. Richard Fleming’s lab leak theory, he laid it out nicely in his book. Plus Occam’s Razor.

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I looked it up and the very first thing that came up when I searched was an article talking about the 2 snakes that Dr Ardis mentioned in the documentary. It was the first thing that seems to have been looked at prior to the bat theory. I find this very easy to believe. I can absolutely believe that this is possible. Also, no matter if it is food or fluid everything travels the same way, that includes going into the stomach. Something like a poison would still be absorbed into your body just like anything else that we eat. He said that it is in the water supply. I guess it all depends on how your mind works if something like this would be an easy conclusion to come to. I think that with all the other evil going on in this world someone that could make something like this virus wouldn't have a hard time figuring out a method of distribution. I also believe in God and His ability to show people something that the rest of us may fight against because it seems so implausible. I feel like it was layed out quite nicely. Also, if you consider the amount of Dr's, nurses, Scientists, government officials and anyone else that I may be forgetting that have allowed the CDC protocol in the hospitals knowing that it is killing people (the study from DRC proved it) then a bunch of people getting paid to poison the water supply is not surprising.

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Snake venom is only toxic/harmful once in the blood stream. Drinking cobra venom is not harmful. So if you’re going to tell me the government is putting cobra venom in the water supply you’d better tell me how it gets past the GI tract and into the bloodstream of intact because I don’t inject tap water into my veins.

Again, drinking snake venom is not harmful.

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On March 9, 2022, California Senator Pan and others on the Joint Senate Health Committee and Special Committee on Emergency Response watched a presentation entitled: The Long Haul: Preparing for the Impacts of Long Covid. Among the gems in the written documentation was this quote: "According to the American Heart Association, states should expect “a tidal wave of cardiovascular events in the coming years from direct/indirect cases of COVID.” Cardiovascular doctors expect a rise in heart problems not only for those who have recovered from COVID or who are dealing with long COVID, but also in those who have suffered tertiary effects of the pandemic, such as loss of work, a decrease in quality of life, inability to exercise, and lack of access to caregivers or assistance. "

They are laying the groundwork to blame EVERYTHING on covid and covid long. Even on a peripheral case that had no symptoms. Never the clot shots, because if the truth were accepted, hell would break loose and they can't have that here. CA is ground zero for a plethora of Senate bills that will: force children to take the shot, censure docs who are questioning the narrative, and even stop free speech, among others. I'm terrified for my friends and family who are blindly voting for this shit, even when I try to tell them the truth. They are just...sheep. There is only so much I can do. We're leaving, after living here for 40 years, my entire life. I just can't anymore.

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1) Unfounded study, 2) culled their data and ran it through a computer.

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That's a pretty clear outline of it, well done, I hope it helps Rentz.

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As far as I am concerned, the entirety of "health care" as an administrative position (as opposed to actually interacting with patients) is a cult on par with Scientology.

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What this article points out is that we are now living in the era of glitches and coincidences in which:

1. a bat virus happens to mutate so that it infects humans more readily than its original host;

2. a virus that mutated to contain a sequence found in a moderna patent that makes it more able to target ace-2 receptors;

3. a virus that just happens to emerge from the town in China from one of two level 4 weapons labs that just happened to never have its negative airflow system installed by bioMerieux the company formerly run by the now CEO of Moderna;

4. a passive vaccine injury surveillance system that just by chance has more reported US deaths from these jabs than all reported US and World deaths reported over 31 years prior;

5. and now a ‘glitch in’, a ‘corruption’ of the DMED data base showing massive increases of neurological damage of our force jabbed troops.

Bayes would tell us we would be all be bat sh!t insane if these were all by chance events and not a deliberate act of war on humanity.

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Faccine - fake vaccine.

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Toxccine. We want to keep as much of the word "vaccine" as possible so that any reader can immediately recognise the connection.

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Thanks good to have that summary.. write the book!

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Just the alacrity with which the DOD changed the numbers is enough to give one pause. If you have any experience with government... It's just not how it works.

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One question I (& probably others) have is how 2016-2020 rates for various conditions/events now compare against prior years, after the adjustment?

Did the general health of the military and their families suddenly plummet in 2016 (rather than 2021)?

And is their health now worse than that of the general population since 2016?

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just know the whistle blower and others saved diff. copies of the data before and after govt. damaged the data. and top ten items were up 300% from 2020 to 2021.

some were up 10 fold. the attending md. has to file this dod info. so they can not use the BS VAERS excuse. the jab is a problem, period. some numbers were down 2020 during covid then they picked up about april 2021 and by aug-nov. took off.

i have been working with medical studies 25 yr. you will never see a more clear cut cause and effect. plus they never mention almost zero of the non/jab military that retired or resigned had any health issues.

the bulk of these men and women are 20-45 in shape and well fed and well cared for and normally have much better health than regular couch potato American

also know that for most part VAERS data is correct, i have used it on and off for 20 yrs. if anything Vaers is under reported. i know many colleges that will say fu@k it and not report stuff but i do not know any that will take 1-3 hours on own time and make up false claims.

so if the report is from a verified md,nurse,or pharmacist, i would say they felt there was a strong correlation which is then up to govt. to take those reports and have a second medical person verify the report. they are not verifying reports b/c they know the results and and they ignore VAERS so they can say its garbage UNVERIFIED WELL WE HAVE A THOUSAND USELESS GOVT. WORKERS THAT ARE PAID TO VERIFY VAERS.

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That doesn't address my questions. Sure, 2021 is way up in mortality and adverse events before the adjustments but by normalizing the previous years against 2021, the spike vs previous years is either shifted to 2016 or else would present a ramp over the adjustment period.

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Have faith Matthew. It is always a long battle and a small group of committed professionals that takes this corruption down. It took a decade of commitment by a small group and local communities to take Sackler Opiods down. Your too young to recall the battle with Big Tobacco but it was decades long, looked insurmountable, and full of cognitive dissonance.

The rallies, the law suits, the Substack, the blogs, the Rumble videos, the Media and Tech censorship, the Congressional testimony that no Congressman shows up to hear - this is the same path used to take down Opiods and Tobacco - chipping away until the opponents lawyers have taken their share and see the public tide shifting against them.

Perhaps and hopefully, this cause will grow support more quickly as the injured and the docs who treat them become more comfortable with speaking their truths.

Everything you and others are doing to bring forth transparency is making a difference. Please keep up the good work - we need you!

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smoking and pain killers are diff. like alcohol we know its bad and takes 6-10 yrs off life.

even in 1950s my dad smoked 3 pack but he told me he knew no good and quit at 25.

now before ww2 you can claim people were unaware. nobody forced you to smoke and drink or else get fired from 20 year carrier.

this virus and JAB were laid like a trap. and only a lucky few has avoided to this point.

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Your father was a wise and strong man.

Tobacco advertising/industry was booming in the 50's even though research was leaking into the mainstream on the link between cancer and smoking. Recall the "More docs smoke Camels" campaign, the Marlboro Man, etc. Most baby-boomers remember the days of sitting in clouds of smoke at restaurants, planes, etc. It was impossible to escape. Smoking bans didn't take off until the mid-late '80's.

Most family docs were reluctant to accept the initial research linking smoking-cancer and present it to their patients. The smoking-cancer link was an awkward issue for docs to traverse. Docs/Healers don't like to discover they were "wrong" about their care prescriptions - so it takes a larger effort to get them to flip on a substance or medication that they previously considered safe and effective. (It's even harder if they themselves supported it.) As more causal linkage between smoking and cancer poured into the medial and public sphere, Big Tobacco money countered it in DC, in the media, in popular culture.

Regular Americans took Big Tobacco down - smart parents like your father. Hopefully the Vax will follow this path - regular Americans communicating with one another, courageous researchers honestly pushing the studies, small law firms fighting for transparency.

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"their court statement was unsigned (below), meaning that nobody at all was willing to take responsibility for the statement."

I don't think your conclusion is accurate. imo, they didn't want the court to be able to subpoena a witness, so they simply hid all participants names.

The FOIA should definitely include the names of people who worked on that update - both the migrating engineers and the database admins and grunts who changed the data. SOMEBODY DID THE ACTUAL DEED. You need those names as part of a court case.

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When did the US DoD acknowledge soldiers injured by Agent Orange and other chemical agents, an pay reparations to them or their families?

I think you should expect a similar timeline on this issue.

But: standing ovations from over here! Really, truly, no sarcasm. This is what real journalism, real invstigation and truth-seeking looks like. I'm imagining what you could achive on the NYT's budget.

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agree, but that was still difficult to follow.

example i know healthy active nam vets that got diabetes at 50yo from AO and they had no history in family. also some cancers etc.

it was exposure related only a few that had huge exposure showed rapid decline and many said well no shit you got bathed in it every week, took 30 yrs. for milder exposure.

the jab was number sick 2020 ten. 2021 over 100 sick or dead. it is and was black and white.

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I wish someone with the means could investigate whether or not Tiffany Pontes Dover is alive or dead. She is the nurse that fainted soon after her televised vaccination at the onset of the rollout. She has not been seen or heard from since and was formerly very active in social media.

I believe she may have sadly passed away.

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she passed away, they hid it well.

she passed like 2-4 weeks after jab difficult to find exact date b/c it was buried really good.

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I keep thinking about her as well.

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To me, an artifact is suggested by the jump in the “injury and poisoning” category. It’s not impossible, but it is improbable. Assuming this is not misclassification, does this relative change reflect the adjustment factor?

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The trouble with these statistics is that they've been used to deceive and push a particular narrative. We know that these "vaccines" do not prevent infection and do not stop spread, thus, they aren't vaccines. In other words, there is no benefit. If there is the smallest amount of risk associated with them - and the amount of risk is far from small as compared with other failed vaccines, such as the swine flu vaccine of 1976 - then the risk/benefit analysis result is that these "vaccines" aren't worth the risk. That's the end of the story, right there, and exhaustive analysis of "statistics" with hidden variables and confounders and "glitches" are a waste of time and effort. Correspondingly, there's no reason to know the immunology or virology on a graduate level or to debate about the origins and function to make a decision whether to take the vaccines - they don't work as vaccines, there's substantial and well-documented risk - and the logical response is to not take them - no "vaccines", no "boosters", period. And the efforts by "public health" officials and others to coerce people into taking these "vaccines" and "boosters" should be the subject of criminal proceedings - if you have relevant knowledge and experience about a treatment, which would lead a reasonable person with that knowledge and experience to know that that treatment had a substantially greater chance of causing harms than other treatments which had been suspended from use due to harms caused, then your bad intent/mens rea is a matter of fairly easy inference - certainly beyond a reasonable doubt. Coupled with an act, that's a criminal offense.

And it should also be a hypothesis to be explored that the actual intent of these "vaccines" and "boosters" is to do harm - specifically, to increase immediate death rate, and to decrease life expectancy in the "vaccinated" population, with the intent of reducing world population, which would decrease other risk factors - "Growth is a positive-feedback, or self-reinforcing mechanism: more people result in more reproduction; more industrial capital means more manufacturing; more money means more to invest in fueling additional growth. Negative feedback is self-correcting: overgrazing means less food available, exerting downward (corrective) action on population; machines wear out, diminishing the ability to make more machines; the effects of pollution lead to ills that drive measures to decrease pollution. If the negative-feedback mechanisms are delayed in relation to the positive-feedback mechanisms, overshoot occurs so that the correction will be more substantial when it arrives.

For example, decisions to have children are based on conditions now rather than on the state of the world 30 years later when that person still needs to be fed and is reproducing. Pollution is emitted now in relation to today’s growing industry, although its deleterious impacts may not be realized for decades. The self correction of starvation or poor health may not “inform” the positive-feedback mechanisms until they have had ample time to drive the system far past its limit." https://dothemath.ucsd.edu/2011/09/discovering-limits-to-growth/

So the solution to overshoot would be to decrease population and induce sterility in a large number of people - and the "vaccines" and "boosters" have both of those effects.

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