Aug 23, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

You've stumbled across the dirty secret of vaccine safety: vaccines are causing enormous damage but the proper studies and analyses are not being done to show this. You saw this by looking at the intense injury and mortality signal in the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines currently in VAERS but parents of kids injured by the pediatric vaccines have been saying this now for decades.

In the case of the pediatric vaccines, an objective analysis would show that we have passed the crossover point. This is the point when the damage from the vaccines exceeds the decrease in natural infection sequelae they produce. Imagine one curve starting high on the t-axis and descending as it proceeds to the right. This is the sequelae from the natural infection. Then imagine another curve starting at 0 on the y-axis and ascending as it proceeds to the right. This is the damage caused by the vaccines (particularly those with aluminum in them). The point they meet is the crossover point. This is the point when we cause more harm than good with the next vaccine. In other words, it's when we can say we are over-vaccinating.

What are the adverse effects of vaccines that contribute to the second curve? They range from life-threatening allergies to autoimmune diseases to neurological damage and much more. The developing human brain is particularly susceptible to repeated immune activation. There is a great deal of work being done with maternal immune activation (MIA) because it's safer to study for one's career. But immune activation just after birth is just as damaging and it takes years for the developing brain to because more tolerant of it.

One way to find out when we passed the crossover point is to compare whole health outcomes between the fully vaccinated and the completely unvaccinated. If we had done such a study each decade we would have discovered in which decade we started to give too many vaccines.

The CDC refuses to do this comparison even once, much less every decade. Furthermore, they refuse to do long-term studies of vaccines because it "would not be practical" (their words, from their FAQ page). Even worse, you will not find any discussion of "over-vaccination" at all. In their world humans can take an infinite number of vaccines. It's nonsense but that's what they believe.

Colleagues published a zero-vaxxed vs fully vaxxed paper last November but the vaccine mafia were successful in having it retracted after applying great pressure on the journal. It had gone through months of rigorous review but it showed that unvaccinated kids were far healthier than the vaccinated ones so it had to get retracted. That is the strategy they are successfully using: get the papers that are critical of vaccines retracted.

Here is the paper:

Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination

You are still new to this so you may not believe it yet but if you keep up with your investigations, turn your attention to the childhood vaccine schedule and if you continue to keep an open mind, I predict that you will eventually come to the same conclusion many of have: the pediatric vaccine program is producing most chronic illness in the US today.

Although, I have to say that the pediatric schedule is going to have a good competitor with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.

André Angelantoni

Project Lead, The Vaccine Course

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Thank you. I will take a look at the paper when I get the chance.

It's interesting how much I've learned recently due to starting down the road with these articles. I've had numerous people I know share their own stories of vaccine injuries with me, and had others I didn't know reach out about the same. Researchers in my network have received death threats, and I hear whispers of analyses held back from publication as a result. This is all pretty insane.

I also found out that counties with more millionaires correlate with more vaccination exclusions at schools. Perhaps the generation of herd immunity is at least partially a prisoners dilemma itself?

There is a lot more I could say about the contents of my email inboxes, but you probably understood that already.

Can you link to The Vaccine Course? I found one that did not work.

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You'll also find that the more education a person has, the more vaccine-hesitant they are. This has been found across multiple studies. One of the most vaccine-hesitant populations? Near the Los Alamos National Lab.

Here is another similar, recent finding (remove space):

The most vaccine-hesitant group of all? PhDs

unherd .com/thepost/the-most-vaccine-hesitant-education-group-of-all-phds

I'm working on the launch of the course now; I'll send a link when it's a bit further along. For now I send people to vaccinecourse .org to add their email to the announcement email list.

BTW, very happy to have you join the effort. There are a number of us who have learned the problems with vaccines without personally being injured or having a child injured. We needs lots more of us if we are going to turn this situation around.

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If only that were true. Education, alas, often results in over-use of the health care system and a blind belief in "science." This kind of reliance on "experts" demonstrates a sad lack of imagination, and even intuition is discarded in favor of health agency pronouncements. I guess the "educated" classes are not monolithic either.

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Very irresponsible to write this nonsense. You have no idea of the harm you are causing just to feel important and make money. Shame on you.

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To make money? I dropped building my business, pushed clients out the door, and stopped taking new ones with no sense of whether I'd see a dime for any of my work.

If you think any of it is nonsense, you should make an argument on that level rather than casting aspersions. You are the one who should feel ashamed.

Science dies without open discourse. Jump past analysis to conclusions is exactly what the scientific method was invented to push back against. Whatever you might think science is, you aren't exactly promoting it.

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Also, to be clear, I don't need anyone to purchase a paid subscription. I made all of these articles (pandemic related) free for a reason. I'm a millionaire from multiple self-made sources, and my time spent trading securities is worth perhaps a hundred time what my time is worth spent running a newsletter. I was living a relaxed, semi-retired life before all this. Now I'm awake and working still at 5 AM about every other night. I got to enjoy about two hours this morning brunching with my wife before spending every second since working and communicating about work. That's about six-and-a-half days a week lately.

I don't even cancel emergency meetings for holidays.

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Know that for every self righteous belligerent who stumbles in here and lobs insults, there are a thousand who appreciate what you're doing and value every minute you put into it.

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Amen brother.

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You'll get a lot of that ^^. Best to ignore it and, on the platforms that allow it, just block them and move on.

When working with the public, I use this rule of thirds:

1/3 (possibly more!) are dogmatically incapable of reasoned discourse on the topic of vaccines; you will always be a "baby killer" or, with the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, a "granny killer;" block and move on.

1/3 are "wobblers;" you can have a reasonable conversation with them, though they will never accept that vaccine injury is more than a fraction of what it actually is.

1/3 are "eager learners;" these tend to be new parents, especially young mothers, whose natural instinct is to protect their child and they often have spoken to another mother who shared how their child was injured by a vaccine.

I do my best to converse with the second and third group only nowadays.

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I'm aware of what they are. In the same way I want for my articles to be available as copy-paste to the insidious tide of propaganda, I like to leave expressions for even trolls once in a while that will stand like a monument.

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I thought a paid subscription was needed to comment? So people pay to "troll?"

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just point at them and laugh. They are not actually people who are waiting for your answer

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Elizabeth, arguments and references are required to support your "this nonsense" claim. We're all too informed for unsupported declarations now. That is so 2020, lol.

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

I'm not so smart, but it seems obvious to me that if we represent covid risk and vax risk as 2 lines on a chart with risk on the y-axis and age on the y-axis we will get something like this 乂

Where the "crossover point" you mention tells us at what age the vax risk outstrips the covid risk. This would seem to me to be an excellent way of demonstrating to the public - simple minds like mine - of the scandal they are witnessing. And help to prevent the children from this experiment. X-marks the spot, nice and simple.

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And yet, this basically smart statement eludes so many.

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Yes, the crossover point can be used for any drug (or any data set with this sort of relationship, really).

The problem is getting good data.

The current thinking with vaccines goes something like this:

Parent: "I'm concerned about the allergies, autoimmune diseases and neurological damage that vaccines can cause to a growing infant."

Doctor: "Oh, vaccines don't cause those proglems. That's misinformation you find on the Internet."

Parent: "So what is causing them?"

Doctor: "We don't know—but we know it's not the vaccines."

Parent (in their head): "If you don't know what's causing them, how can you rule out vaccines?"

The doctors will be the last to understand the problems with vaccines. They are taught in medical school that the negative effects occur just once in a million doses. That's completely wrong but it's difficult for someone to unlearn something they have been taught in medical school. They are blind to the damage all around them from vaccines.

So, back to the crossover point: we should have those for every vaccine and then cumulatively for the whole schedule. And it would be a useful the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines—definitely.

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Especially because lifetime risk is much higher for younger people and there must be some sort of compounding going on

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Aug 26, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

I agree with this in theory. But we have to find data we trust on the risk of the vaccines. I'm afraid that data won't be coming from the US as they've (appears deliberate) obfuscated that data so badly.

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It is hard to say whether we will cobble it together, or not. But trust that the job has been accomplished should proceed trust in authorities putting an intervention ahead of the precautionary principle.

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I meant age on the x-axis of course.

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I would like to share, Andre, that given what I've learned in the past 7 months about "vaccines," I think my handling of my daughter's childhood vaccine schedule would be completely different, if I knew then, what I know now. Having said that, in Canada we have fewer vaccines on the childhood list. I did not want my daughter to get the HPV vax, as it was brand new at that time and I figured as she was 12 we had time to wait. However, the nurse told my daughter she could consent herself! She didn't take it then, and I was outraged when she came home to tell me that. I should have looked into that further, but instead I did give in and signed the consent form before the next school clinic.

It was her H1N1 reaction, however, that really made me start questioning vaccine safety (as well as what I'd learned about Big Pharma in the meantime, while working as a research assistant at a psychiatric hospital). My daughter had a very serious reaction to the H1N1 shot. She had a high fever, was confused, vomiting and agitated/delirious. I was not aware to report this AE at the time. This is why I vowed to look into these injections more carefully this time around. What I've learned is that I should have done more research in the past! With the C19 shots, my doc said he is not "permitted" to give an exemption for my daughter (now 20s), unless she takes the first shot for C19 and reacts. Ya right, no thanks. I was speaking to a work colleague last night. He and his wife had 8 kids together. None were ever vaxxed for anything and all healthy. We are sharing resources now! There is strength in numbers.

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Unfortunately, I can't tell you how many times I've been told that, Ms. P. ("I should have done more research") Often, sadly, this is after a child or the individual themselves is dramatically injured by a vaccine.

There are quite a few families that don't vaccinate at all. They understand the damage these drugs are causing. Their kids are far healthier than the fully vaxxed kids who are always sick (certain vaccines deplete general immunity in exchange for their specific antigen response).

I wrote this article to explain this trade off:

Why do people get the flu after getting the flu shot?


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No amount of data and research will convince me to ignore my child's specific issues like allergies and family history.

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This is amazing. Your work and dedication is inspiring. I always say, it’s good to use the resources at your disposal to follow your purpose. It seems you’re doing that. Keep up the good work. We live in remarkable times and their is a strong demand for honest analysis with integrity. Great work. T

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

This is another excellent report. Re: "My education has been accelerated by professionals and investigators who prefer to remain anonymous out of fear for their careers or worse."

It would be a really good time for these professionals to come out of the closet. There is strength in numbers, and the hour is late. In my house, both our jobs are under threat as of the last two weeks. Submit or starve, says Justin Trudeau. We will "let" them fire us, if our unions don't fight hard, but I fear the (captured) FDA will "approve" these shots, and we will be forced to submit or be found a public safety threat. "Camp" doesn't sound like a lot of fun. I can live with what awaits me, but for my daughter this is heartbreaking.

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Privately, there are words of encouragement, and expressions of necessity. Fear grips some harder than others.

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Three headlines from Israel, which raced ahead of the U.S. with vaccines and boosters:

Fears of ‘violent’ delta offshoot arise in Israel with 10 new cases of AY.3 reported i24 News.

Israeli doctors find severe COVID-19 breakthrough cases mostly in older, sicker patients Reuters

Highly Vaccinated Israel Is Seeing A Dramatic Surge In New Cases NPR

Does vaccine safety monitoring data include signals that could indicate vaccine associated disease enhancement from Covid vaccines (and their boosters)? In other words, do waning vaccine efficacy and breakthrough infections count as adverse events?

If that is not the case, what data must be analyzed to discriminate whether these vaccines are enhancing disease and/or putting evolutionary pressure on the virus to mutate and become more virulent?

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To some degree, what you're doing is separating individual risk-benefit from population system analysis. I have an article planned about that topic. Perhaps I'll go ahead and put it on the top of my priority list.

The lack of systems thinking is part of what makes all the corruption and game playing so extremely dangerous, and almost none of our supposed genius influencers are speaking up to challenge at that level. Perhaps it's a prisoners dilemma for them, or they think that the Marxist crowds could be aimed at them like during China's Cultural Revolution? Or perhaps they believe something insanely foolish like, "Sure, Sauron shares power"?

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I am asking whether population system analysis of any data can discriminate signals that would suggest vaccine associated disease enhancement. After all, signals gleaned from VAERS can generate studies that can drill down to the individual.

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I don't know the answer to that. My feeling on ADE is that we need to be examining bodies, which would be the more obvious way of figuring that out.

One of the biggest (and most obvious) crimes during all of this pandemonium is that the authorities pushed against examining bodies (and social media censors foreign doctors reporting about them). This should be enough to make many people stop and take pause, even if they are skeptical that there could possibly be anything at all wrong with brand new technology being shoved at every man, woman, and child.

Other problems might be easier on the level of systems analysis. It may be that system analysis helps us figure out whether vaccines induce immune escape, or cause dormant viruses to activate (and we're seeing evidence in each case).

One problem with systems analysis on the ADE level is that efficacy for reducing mild systems is higher than efficacy for prevention of mortality. In addition to that, we may have silent hypoxics who recover without hospitalization who are never even identified. As a result, there appears to be an effect where the average case is worse (more deaths per case, and higher viral load per case). But are these effects just a matter of taking the milder cases out of the denominator?

If we had a non-corruption, functional public health system, we'd have figured all that out by now. Heck, if we just had a few more smart people working on these problems without fear, we'd have figured that out.

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Perhaps it means learning more how vaccines like development of the AIDS vaccine ended.

Summary Report: Workshop on the Potential Risks of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement in Human HIV Vaccine Trials


"Concerns about ADE in HIV vaccine trials have been raised because serum from HIV-infected individuals can enhance HIV-infection of some types of human cells in vitro."

Was it potential risks or actual risks of ADE after vaccines?

Could vaccination with AIDSVAX immunogens have resulted in antibody-dependent enhancement of HIV infection in human subjects?



The immune-correlate analysis of the RV144 clinical trial revealed that human plasma IgA immune responses elicited by the RV144 vaccine correlated positively with a risk for HIV acquisition. This result once again emphasized that HIV vaccines can potentially have adverse effects leading to enhancement of infection. Here, we discuss previously reported evidence of antibody-dependent enhancement of HIV infection. We also describe how a structure-based epitope-specific sieve-analysis can be employed to mine the molecular mechanism underlying this phenomenon.

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Also from that article:

Sieve-analysis is a powerful bioinformatics approach which allows mining and understanding immune responses elicited by vaccination.25 Previously, we reported an epitope-specific sieve-analysis of the VAX003 and VAX004 clinical trials of AIDSVAX vaccine.26 Specifically, we profiled the distributions of Ab-targeted epitopes of several anti-V3 neutralizing monoclonal Abs (mAbs) among the sequences of the breakthrough HIV viruses isolated from the volunteers infected during the AIDSVAX trials. We compared the epitope-specific infection counts between vaccinated and placebo cohorts statistically to see if any epitope-specific narrow protective immune responses could have been elicited by AIDSVAX vaccination. In this review, the same epitope distribution data is, however, used to test the reverse hypothesis: to see if a significant increase in the rates of epitope occurrence could be observed in vaccinees comparing to placebo recipients. In other words, we test the null hypothesis of no enhancement of the HIV infection in the ‘vaccine’ group by using the left-tailed Fisher Exact Test instead of the right-tailed test applied in our previous published analysis.

Reversed hypothesis testing reveals that the infection counts for the 3 epitopes, those targeted by mAbs 268-D, 447–52D, and 537–10D, are significantly (p < 0.05) higher in the ‘vaccine’ VAX004 cohort comparing to the ‘placebo’ VAX004 cohort (Table 1). Notably, 2 of the epitopes, the ones targeted by mAbs 268-D and 447–52D, are also statistically significant after Bonferroni correction for multiple hypothesis testing. None of the comparisons for the presence of other epitopes in breakthrough viruses result in detection of a statistically significant difference, including the comparison for the epitope targeted by the mAb 3791, which was not present in the AIDSVAX immunogens (internal negative control, as described by Shmelkov, et al26). These data suggest that the VAX004 vaccine resulted in the elicitation of Abs that increased the risk of infection of the vaccinees with viruses decorated with the epitopes targeted by mAbs 268-D, 447–52D, and 537–10D.

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Sep 2, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

You give us such gifts with your meticulous research and clear explanations. We know they gaslight, we know they twist words and numbers and lives to fit a narrative that is not reality ... but it's so important to know How, Where, Who ... And so important to be rooted in information, to not confuse speculation with fact ... Your work in info-distillation is a much appreciated gem. Do you know of Dr. Meryl Nass? You have similar levels of detail, and passion to share what you have abilities to see ... her site is Anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com ( she started researching as a volunteer for Physicians for Social Responsibility in the 80's, and kept researching ... ). Profound gratitude to you ...

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I had the fortunate to become acquainted with Dr. Nass just recently, which is great because she has a lot of background understanding of the system (and other aspects of these problems) that is informative to me.

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Why would FDA approve this given the issues? What the heck?


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I believe that we are seeing bifurcating paths of "licensing approval" on the one hand/version and "continued EUA" on the other. This doesn't square with the basic story that all the vaccines are uniformly "safe and effective", of course. But it does potentially allow for one to fall to a legal challenge while the other survives.

You know law far better than I, so I'm curious as to your thought on that.

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Because if they withdrew the eua now they would be admitting failure and then people would start asking about therapeutics that they blocked which is what lead to so many deaths in the US.

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No way to back out...they'll let the courts do it for them instead. They know they f*cked up.

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Yet another dragon-slayer of an analysis!

So QED, all the experimental mRNA injections are dangerous, they injure and kill a great many.

But what do we know about the possible categories that are most susceptible to death and injury?

For COVID itself we know about the old, the obese, the diabetic, the "co-morbidities", where infection more reliably causes serious illness.

But the mRNAinj seems to affect humankind across-the-board without prejudice? Youngsters, oldsters, pregnants, the apparently-in-good-health...

Why then, if the mRNAinj are such good killers and injurers, aren't they causing black-plague level death where only a few with "particular resistance" of some sort survive?

Could the mRNA products be greatly inconsistent, perhaps inactive in some batches - or a great many batches - and could this be intentional?

I'm not sure whether I hope there is a simple explanation for this...

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Brilliant again, sir! Thank you. I slopped together a comparison of INJURY reports in VAERS and EUdravigilance and found 6-10X as many serious cases, reported by doctors alone, in EU data.


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❤️Wage Peace,

⭐️Keep the Faith,



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Hey Matthew! Julie in Chico. Albert Benavidez mentioned your VAERS roundtable tomorrow. We have been working together for about 6 months on a number of projects. One was filming my entry of my Mom's fatality report into Vaers 9/6/22. I know this is a big scamdemic but did it for posterity AND to get people fired by showing a case from the beginning. Should have been a signal the 4th shot doesn't work and you risk death. MY MOM STAYED ALIVE FOR SO LONG AND NEVER GOT COVID BECAUSE SHE LIVED A PERFECTLY HEALTHY, NO STRESS, NO WIRELESS 5G, KEPT GROUNDED EVERYDAY WORKING IN HER YARD, WALKED 2-3 MILES/DAY, PLAYED BRIDGE 2X/wk, EAT/DRINK HEALTHY, SEEK OUT AT LEAST ONE FRIEND TO CALL PER DAY, AND LAUGH!

Never had one health issue and took no other pharmaceuticals. Died on vacation in Wyoming "Sudden Cardiac Event". The State Forensic Pathologist has her tissues so once we have a way to test for vaccine toxicity he's ready. I put a note into Dr Ryan Cole as an FYI. I WANT BECERRA GONE AND WALENSKY TO BURN IN HELL FOR IGNORING MY MOM AND THE OTHER 33,745 DEAD.

I also have Albert creating a tab on his site for BUTTE COUNTY'S BAD BATCHES! We did a FOIA and got all products administered in the County by Batch # and # of doses (we used ICAN's letter to get Pfizer batch #'s). This way we get a specific, actual relative toxicity # that has been injected into Butte. I already have started a class action list but people are afraid to talk because of Enloe Medical Center. Big bully beast here that has paralyzed anyone from speaking out. Except me because I already took the bullet when I spoke out against the booster and got fired from Board of Directors. I'm hoping to sue the County Public Health Director et al for willful misconduct etc similar to those other lawsuits against CDC for gross negligence. A million things I could help with given my skin in the game and just need a big break to have a seat at the table where you guys strategize!!

I use Medalerts.org all day and took the Expert class so started running even more specific queries. Including the Remdesivir deaths. I am working with Stanford Graham who has the criminal case against Ralph Baric and queried the search engine for Remdesivir deaths. That's Baric/Fauci product as well so want to find their families and add to the complaint. I have 1,008 like that in VAERS and have all the detail except County and name. I am meeting with Sheriff's who are willing to investigate those in their State as these are huge. Big fraud with the hospital bonus $. Ugly details of the torture. Many get sick from the virus spike and thus test +Covid within first 14 days and die. Not only are those counted as UNVACCINATED deaths for propaganda once again insulting the dead, but TONS OF $$$ for hospital. And cycle continues. But this is another way I use Medalerts.org.

My vaccine injury included a detached retina. I queried and found 114 others who had it detach immediately and describe it. But it gave me something to give the retinal specialist. So running by symptom, date of death, vaccination to death delay = <1, state, age, etc. Definite super user! I send people their actual victims reports who died for their particular batch #. Helps get people fired up to see their tribe. Or shows why getting a booster is BAD IDEA.

I find famous people's VAERS Report like Colin Powell. Or reports for victims their family had no idea existed. Or Junior the 16 yr old son. Ernesto had no clue one was filed as FEMA still haunt him to take $9k and change death certificate to covid.

Thanks for considering having me participate in the Roundtable! I would think having a "vaccine injured fired healthcare worker with a vaccine murdered Mom and coerced vaccine coerced daughter" would add value. I know what it feels like and I know the victims stories more than anyone else and making them public is HUGE opportunity to make people want to bring them forth.

Here are some examples of what I am doing with these medalerts reports to get people fired or locked up. I send these to HHS Inspector Generals office to prove fraud enough to force them to investigate CDC and FDA and HHS. And my VAERS Report plus video with Albert. I helped set up the Bereaved site in REACT-19, support Former Feds Freedom Foundation, Senator Ron Johnson and DeSantis Public Health Integrity Commission.

Thanks Mathew! If you see value or are interested in me participating in the VAERS Roundtable, give a ring.











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This is what I am doing:


) The CDC should not just use ratios, but also differences.

2) The CDC doesn't seem to age and gender adjust the rates

3) If two vaccines cause the same side effect, the data needs to be normalized first.

Like I did on that website. I've never written a website, have never run one, I'm not even a professional programmer, analyst or mathematician.

I'm just a physical therapist who did this in his spare time.... Le sigh.

I have a sort and filter function implemented also. Sorting by event count, age-gender-adjusted proportional ratio, age-gender-adjusted proportional difference, a mix of both or by name.

The search function includes the parent terms gathered from bioontology.org. I just need to create those buttons lol.

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Brilliant. Requiring a priori power analysis would solve this problem.

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ABC News: "The head of the World Health Organization has called for a two-month moratorium on administering booster shots of COVID-19 vaccines as a means of reducing global vaccine inequality and preventing the emergence of new coronavirus variants"


Giving shot #3 to the third world, such a noble sacrifice for we first worlders.

Having trouble taking this at face value...

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deletedAug 23, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford
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I've been told of stories of families being denied autopsies, and I am working on a longer article on that topic. Please email me any links you might have.

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