I'm very pleased to see this. This is long, but you'll probably find a couple of things that are worth your time. I'll start my rambling with my sketchy memory of an old study.

Around 20 years ago, I found a study from the 1970s. The bottom line is essentially this: the researchers were studying the effects of three chemicals on rats. Exposure to one chemical caused no problems. Exposures to two chemicals caused sickness. Exposure to all three chemicals caused death. Around this time, I spoke with someone at the EPA. I asked about how they go about testing the many thousands of chemicals that are in use; how they can test the incalculable combinations of them. He said that they can't aren't funded well enough to test them singly, never mind in the combinations in which they're used. IOW: they're not tested the way they're used in a single product; what about how we all use them together in various combinations in our lives?

The only place that I know of that tested products in this way is (was?) a small laboratory in Vermont called Anderson Laboratories. Using technology that was originally developed by the US Army during the Vietnam War, they expose mice to real living conditions using real products that we all buy: carpet, mattresses, toys, soap, trash bags, or even air samples from buildings that are suspected sources of sick building syndrome. Here's an excerpt from an interview:

“Have you tested pesticides on the mice?

“Rosalind Anderson: We try not to, because we have such frightening results from things that are supposed to be “normal”, like dish-detergent. If that’s so toxic, we really don't want to go to things that are supposed to be poisonous. We avoid pesticides like the plague. Pesticides are a serious problem, but we do not want to risk contaminating our laboratory with pesticides.

“We don't have a ventilation system that is powerful enough. With the ventilation system we have, we would have to take the whole system out, get it decontaminated, take it to the trash and install a whole new system. So we have avoided pesticides as much as we can.”

It's difficult to find information about their work, but a good introduction is this interview. You'll never look at what you have inside your home the same way again. And even if you do manage to clean most of these chemicals out of your life, you will always be exposed to the poisons that people wear on their bodies or use in their homes and places of business.


I became interested in chemical harm due to my own chemical injury. What's interesting in my case is that I had symptom development long before I knew that it had anything to do with the chemical that caused it (formaldehyde) and the chemicals that trigger my symptoms, which are a wide range of commonly used products. The easiest to identify are fragrance products. The worst offenders are those that likely contain phthalates, which led me to read about endocrine-disruptors. From there I found the studies that found frogs could change genders with these chemicals. My suspicion about the trans phenomenon has been that there are any number of traits associated with gender and sex preferences, and perhaps these traits are under the increasing influences of the increasing use of chemicals.

Regarding autism, glyphosate is an obvious potential culprit given the huge increase in use over the same time that autism has increased (same with vaccines), but my suspicion is that the problem may be a combination of things: vaccines, pesticides, and the innumerable chemicals that are in our foods, personal care products, cleaners, and air fresheners. But autism is almost a red flag like cancer: its often the case that if no proof of cancer causation is found, a product is safe. This helps avoid the many problems that are also likely caused by these products such as neurodegenerative diseases, behavioral problems in children and adults, psychological problems, etc.

Obviously, there is a tremendous amount of money at stake along with the power to protect it. The tobacco industry was able to use plausible deniability to defer recognition of harm, but this problem is far more insidious. And far more dangerous.

An interesting blueprint of denial by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries can be found in the treatment of my disease: multiple chemical sensitivity.


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Great comment and links thanks. With respect to chemical safety Scorecard is the global authority & UC Davis who had the database online pulled it in 2020 w splash page statement thanks to the team who ran this project it is now ended. srsly wtf?

Basic Testing to Identify Chemical Hazards

If an industrial chemical is allowed by law to be released into the environment, most people assume that it must have been tested and evaluated for its potential risks. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. Keeping chemical hazards under control requires information about what kinds of hazards each chemical poses. If the basic tests to check on a chemical's toxicity haven't been conducted, or if the results aren't publicly available, current laws tend to treat that chemical as if it were perfectly safe.


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I believe the "precautionary principal was discarded with regards to "better living through chemistry" in the decades of sixties or seventies of last century. I was young then and so I maybe wrong. It maybe that it was being argued at the time.

I don't know how to research on it. As I recall the same argument Pharma used to escape liability for vaccines was used for the chemical companies. To expensive to test for. Who can tell what effects they will have long term. So skip that part of the process.

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Society seems to be more and more stuck (engineered into?) in positions where minor religions (ideologies) lead to changes in the "default". This is why the conservative-liberal chasm has been so chaotic. The conservative brain wants to start with a default, but if that default can be manipulated to, "Science has been so amazing, we should assume the next technology offered wouldn't be offered before it's ready," then even the conservative position shifts toward change.

There is a lot going on in all this.

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You ever think the "conservative-liberal" chasm is largely manufactured and fomented to sow dissension?

Does me even saying that cause some uneasiness?

Did you have an impulse to say, "No man, those (blanks) are (blank)?"

Donald Trump used to be a Democrat.

Liz Warren used to be a Republican.

Joe Biden was a lifelong Reaganomics proponent. 50-year Swamp Creature. Credit Card company legislation passing tool of industry.

He is on video shouting about fighting every entitlement program, and another video advocating for "building a fence" to keep out Mexican drug dealers.

He was central to Clarence Thomas being seated as he told Anita Hill to sit the fuck down and STFU.

He was put on Obama's team to "pull the ticket to the right".

Lifelong warmonger. Made calls to make sure that Snowden's plane couldn't land.

Nobody on the actual left wanted Biden. Biden was supposed to be pulling Bernie to the right and then Kamala was supposed to slip in there. Nobody wanted her either. Zero delegates.

Now you got both of them and both of them do whatever they are told.

And now, he runs into the dressing room and he's a Commie. Far left maniac. 😹

On the other side, Cheney and Bush are rehabbed. Back in the club. Good guys now. Patriots.

Nicolle Wallace sits the desk on MSNBC.

Nothing matters. Nothing matters.

Round up. Vaccines. Political tribes. Americans just get led around. Goldfish brains.

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There is and I appreciate the illumination the folks here on substack shine.

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as many in the autism community have pointed out, none of the childhood vax have been tested against placebo. But loads of anecdotal observation on the relative robust health of the unvaxxed kids, and too many parents who said their autistic child was perfectly normal before vax.

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Wrong! Childhood vaccines have been safety tested against saline placebo. Vaccines do not cause autism because autism is caused by complex genetic and environmental factors.

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Vaccines are "safety non-tested" through an entire series of pHarma pFunded malfeasances falsely labeled "safety testing."

They "test" them against other "vaccines" typically highly toxic ones.

They "safety test" without the specific pathogen, but WITH the highly toxic "adjuvants."

Aluminum: a known neurotoxin. Mercury which is labeled preservative but also functions as an adjuvant because it is toxic and it crosses the blood brain barrier.

They "safety tested" the Hep B jab for all newborns for 3 DAYS! So if your baby didn't die in 3 days afterwards, but it took a week instead for her heart to stop, SAFE & EFFECTIVE.

SIDS is most often vaccine induced as is the Brand New SADS.

Such BS and wickedness combined. Get an education on the Harvard Pilgrim Health Study which determined 1% of vaccine injuries make it into VAERS.

Then spend a year getting to know the hundreds of parents who had a perfectly healthy child until a VAX event triggered a regression into Autism.

They have the family videos to prove the extreme changes that occurred since BRAINWASHED doctors up to their eyeballs in pHarma dollars and hubris said: "You're just a stupid parent. Your child was Autistic from the start, you just never noticed before!"

(More or less.)

"And of course it wasn't the 50 toxic jabs I tortured your child with!"

Read "How To End The Autism Epidemic," by JB Handley.

There is a reaction between sequestered aluminum from previously injected vaccinations, the hyper inflammation MMR injections can create, and the Acetophinamine given by the unsuspecting parents to address the screaming, fever and head banging which follows a bad vax reaction.

Primitive Human DNA contaminants are in those needles and can be another culprit. Read Dr. Theresa Deisher's open letter to Legislators, you might learn something.

So are a litinay of neurotoxins. Chemicals like PEG, Glysophate, etc., metals, DNA contaminants from all sorts of animals, retroviruses, the list goes on endlessly, as do the lists of known and suspected adverse events.

Just read the damn things.

Nine pages of them with the Covid Jabs.

CDC and FDA ARE pHarma. Watch Vaxxed l and ll. William Thompson admitted to the destruction of the evidence of MMR causing Autism in Black Boys. He is still at CDC and is waiting to be called before Congress to testify, which because of pHarma's power has never happened.

We have poisoned generations now, and altered their future DNA for the worse it looks like with this latest vaccine attack on everyone.

Personally I believe it's Pharma goal to obliterate the Control Group.

Speaking of which, look up the ir Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Survey.

The fully Unvaxxed in it have zero Cancer, among other startlingly low levels of all the common American health problems......

The gravy train for pHarma will continue because 2/3rds of the U.S. lined up for their latest bio-weapon but there are a whole lot of us now who know the truth and will no longer be silent.


We will be here when the rest of the nation succumbs to their illusions of safety or honesty in medicine today.

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Childhood vaccines have been safety tested in double-blind randomized clinical trials with inert placebo. Other clinical trials use adjuvants as controls, which have benefits and risks.

Vaccines reduce the risk of SIDS.

Aluminum hydroxide is an aluminum salt, not elemental aluminum. Learn chemistry. Ethylmercury is not toxic at low concentrations, since the chemistry of ethylmercury is different from elemental mercury.

Harvard Pilgrim study did not complete its specific aim to quantify vaccine underreporting of 1%, a hypothesis.

Vaccines do not cause autism because autism is caused by complex genetic and environmental factors. Unvaccinated and vaccinated children have the same rate of autism. William Thompson was illegally recorded and did not provide any data on black males having autism from MMR vaccines.

PEG 2000 and aluminum hydroxide are microparticles that cannot cross the blood brain barrier.

My relative has had cancer twice before receiving any COVID-19 vaccines. No vaccines cause cancer because RNA does not enter the nucleus where DNA mutations occur.

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From the documentary, "Vaxxed 1 & Vaxxed 2" to Dr. Suzanne Humphries book, "Destroying Illusions" to many other resources & clinical data, along with my own personal hell related to vaccines, there is way too much data out there to refute that ANY vaccine is safe.

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Wow Katherine, thank you

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False, MMR vaccines are one of many childhood vaccines tested against saline placebo.


Your source cherrypicks academic papers that used other legitimate types of clinical trial designs.

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you sent a link for a test of MMR efficacy against plantar warts?!

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Yes, original MMR vaccine clinical trials with inert placebo for children were done decades ago.

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In reference to Jacquelyn sauriol's post speaking to chemical poisoning by the sea of toxins we are living in.

"Don't remodel your house!" is a warning from Natural Medicine practioners who have finally gotten a person well who has been suffering from that poison soup we call modern life: the "outgassing" of those chemicals will shove them right back down into sickness, disability and disease, once again!

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I became sensitive/allergic to formaldehyde as well during an extreme exposure of thousands of square yards of carpet about 25 years ago. (Astroturf probably has formaldehyde as well I would think). Essentially I felt like I had a horrible influenza with joint pain. So I learned then that these exposures can mimic what we may call some other problem; chemists are not biologists, (but should be) and chemists are then wholly ignorant of the damage of compounds they 'invent' on animal biology. I really appreciate your story, re how inadequate any of this chemical testing really is. Best from Oregon.

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Tremendously important post!!

I know of the reality of Chemical Sensitivity, Areo- Toxicity, and other ways the chemical soup we are living in today is affecting us WITHOUT the chemicals in question ever being tested in combination with one another, or recognized for their effects on our physiological systems.

That amplification is stunning. 1+1+1 doesn't equal 3, in chemical interactions, it often equals 1000!

(In corresponding toxicity.)

And I also believe the failure or "rational thinking" and "emotional intelligence" or simple conscience, in so many Americans is related to the level of the "poisons" in their blood..

We are in very deep trouble and need to carefully begin reining in the the craziness we are experiencing and witnessing, if at all possible!

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As an addendum to my comment, you can see some of the work my colleagues and I have done on this topic, here: peoplesinquiry2020.nz

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Sep 13, 2022
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Nearly all the kids are damaged today, especially those in lower income areas.. . and we are normalizing sickness. Puberty at 8 or 10 for girls.. Obesity. ADHD for boys.. Gender Disphoria for all. Depression. Social Anxiety..

Autoimmunity. Asthma. Allergies.

Diabetes & Cancer.

When I was a kid NONE of this was "normal" or even heard of, for God's sake!

Wake up. We have poisoned the entire Nation. And children are showing those effects CLEARLY.

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An alternative hypothesis? Channeling my inner Brett Weinstein, it's hard for me to believe there's not an evolutionary component in all this. Years ago, someone pointed out that the baby boomer generation in America was the first generation to grow up that didn't have to worry about finding something to eat. Years later, we've progressed to a point where many don't seriously worry about any of their other needs - clothing, shelter, medical care - either. The welfare state has certainly helped fueled that, certainly, but that's a separate issue for another time.

Here's the evolutionary component, using the economic concept of wants and needs:

Before the twentieth century, needs were pretty much all that mattered. There was always next winter to worry about, how to survive in a world without electricity or refrigeration, a world in which you were only a crop failure away from severe deprivation and possible starvation.

Needs are few and defined. Wants are unlimited - anything at all that an individual can imagine. Human nature evolved from the very beginning to deal with hard-headed reality. That so many can no longer differentiate between fact and fantasy is predictable, time no longer dedicated to basic needs fueled more time and energy being spent on wants. A credible hypothesis? I believe so.

In a 'Forbidden Planet' sense, the human race has become the Krell.

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There is certainly a path dependence portion of the story that is evolutionary. The further people get from the source of the research, the blinder the trust gets. We have become a cargo cult science civilation.

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Good day John Q, Liberty; can you document where the following can be found?

Before the twentieth century, needs were pretty much all that mattered. There was always next winter to worry about, how to survive in a world without electricity or refrigeration, a world in which you were only a crop failure away from severe deprivation and possible starvation.


The Amish are a counter example of the above claim as are the Indians who lived here prior to being poisoned (Apache had all the water sources poisoned) or biological warfare, as in giving Indians blankets from those who had died of small pox. The Indian was healthy, immune naive but very healthy. It wasn't hand to mouth for the Indian until the Europeans came. Even the colonist were so much healthier here than in Europe. Which is why there was a revolutionary war. It was clear to them (sense they had recovered from malnutrition) that England had no good will toward them.

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I wrote this from memory according to my understanding of the concepts. Here's a recent effort by another to explain further: https://penpoin.com/needs-and-wants/

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Thank you for the link John.

My reply isn't meant to be harsh toward you. But I feel the link you provided is not candid. I take a couple of early examples and provide counter examples to show the arguments are shallow. Then I provide comment by Edward Bernays and a link to two videos on what for some were needs/wants and for others turned into horror.


"On the other hand, we don’t always have to fulfill wants because they are less essential. At most, we are disappointed because we cannot satisfy our desires. However, it does not pose a serious problem."

Ask a smoker who can't find or get a cigarette if it is not a serious problem. The same is the case for the addict.


"Needs are something we require for survival. Fulfilling them makes our lives stable, healthy, or safe. For example, we need food because it allows us to have the energy to carry out our daily activities."

Very candy coated. Consider history. The first people the world over were people who had needs that were managed well. When the European colonialist brought their wares to the first people of the world the first people said no thanks. The European colonialist were not happy with that answer. Consider what happened here to the American Indians as a result.

Then there is China who wanted nothing from Europe. So Great Britain and the US side by side forced opium onto the Chinese. The Chinese government blocked the importation of opium. Great Britain and the United States started the opium wars to force opium addiction on to the Chinese population.

By the way, Great Britain was the first drug pusher. At least in the modern era.


"Take a simple example. We want organic food because we crave a healthy lifestyle. But when such food is unavailable or is not affordable for our money, we can put it off. But that doesn’t mean we don’t eat at all."

Another candy coated example. Fact; using chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides pollute air, water and soil. Do the companies that make these chemicals, the farmers that use the chemicals actually pay for the damage all of life on earth must face as a result. No. So if the real cost of that food were paid by the chem co. and the food co. ultimately by the public, organic food would be inexpensive indeed.


Here is results of how the US got this way. That is confusing "want and need"

“We must shift America from a needs to a desires culture,” declared Bernays’ business partner, Paul Mazur. “People must be trained to desire, to want new things, even before the old have been entirely consumed. We must shape a new mentality. Man’s desires must overshadow his needs.” Link: https://gallowglaich.blogspot.com/2019/11/bernays-propaganda-needs-vs-wants.html

This happened. I know my parents were from the depression era and dad served in the silent service pacific in WWII. Many of the other kids in the small community we grew up in had toys for Christmas. Not us so much. I asked dad why we didn't have toys like the other kids. Dad said "You get what you need. Not what you want". Another teaching from dad and mom was "If you can't pay cash for it, you don't need it". So we grew up "needs" based not "want" based. All of their children have never been in debt. Own their own homes and live very frugally. Because we were needs based, we didn't chase after riches.

So I am in anger and pain at what has happened to our Earth because a few want/desire riches. That is the sour apples that sadly I added to the writing above. Sorry about that.


Meet Edward Bernays, Master of Propaganda


Also shows in part Edward Bernays demonetization of Guatemala at the request of the United Fruit Company. More info on Guatemala


Comment by the producer of the video: The story of the banana republics, the United Fruit company, or the CIA intervention of the 40s and 50s are virtually impossible stories to tell correctly. They are simply too big and complicated. Mixing them together as I've done here means leaving out a vast majority of the story. A thousand unmentioned thoughts. I think, maybe, with around 3 hours or so you could start to get a basic handle on it, but I've done my best with twenty minutes. Hopefully it helps to at least start painting the picture.

The above can serve as a 20 minuet lesson on a book titled "Forgive Them Their Debts" by Professor Michael Hudson. In the book Professor Hudson traces banking back to it's pre Babylonian beginnings. The video shows that the technique of debt enslavement, share cropping have changed very little.

This goes to the heart of needs vs wants. I look forward to your reply.

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Sep 13, 2022
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I see your point. The key is "reasonable mortality". What does that mean in a highly polluted and toxic world?

If the public are not informed and deeply understand the nature of all pollution created by Pharma, Chem companies etc. and its effect on healthy longevity, then needs and wants become confused as well as irrelevant to our true biological needs and potential for healthy longevity.

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Sep 13, 2022
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I mean I think other chronic conditions such as extreme allergies and asthma should be lumped in. Especially was one can see how their variations of immune system dysfunction. And what was the final verdict on SIDS? Puh them on their back...nothing more to see here? The more you look around the more we're so immersed in it that its been normalized. Its hiding right in front of us. 'if vaccines were so dangerous we'd see it?' It might be right there. 'If a chemical was do dangerous we'd know?' How long did it take for lead to get removed?

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You're right.

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I live in corn and soy country. I was maintenance man for a small company that maintained housing for people with profound autism. Watching them drug those people with 20+ daily pharmaceuticals, I intuited it was environmental factors combined with predatory health care, being a gardener too and knowing how well the green revolution tracks with autism and chronic illness more generally. When I hear about parents proactively transitioning their 4year olds, I assume it has moved into terminal stage.

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2,121 nuclear weapons tests since 1945 also probably contribute in some way.

My thesis covers 5 groups of toxicants:

mercury from coal fired power plants:

ingredients in plastics:

pesticides and herbicides:

EMF and RFR: and

pharmaceuticals (Tylenol, SSRIs, and vaccines).

The long version is here:


The quick summary is here:


The tl;dr version is that vaccines seem to cause the most harms because there are so many of them, they are so toxic, and they bypass the body's defense mechanisms (skin, stomach, etc.).

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I just wanted to let you know that I'm finally realizing Dr. Offit might be an asshole. I was trying to use him to offset some of the reading material you recommended and its backfired. I don't think I'll make it through Autism's False Prophets. I made it through his account of Wakefield. His condescending chiding of Halsey for having the gall to remove thimerosol... that was it...hit my threshold. I can't read anymore from him. Or i'll have to just pace it out.

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Offit is just the good cop in the game of good cop/ bad cop. He always comes around to support the status quo in the end.

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So thankful you are doing that reading and sharing your observations!

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Mercury from the Navy, too. It gets into the fish, then onto our tables.

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I'd be interested in reading a deep dive on Tylenol by you or Mathew. The first time someone encouraged me to take four Tylenols at a time, I thought it was strange. Then it happened with a couple more people over the years, and I started to suspect something else is going on.

I see it as almost as an addiction (addicts always want others to join them).

It's definitely ritualized in medical settings. You're in pain and the response is the comforting demeanor and self-confidence in the doctor/dentist/nurse, and Tylenol.

I wonder how extensively it's used and what the true health impacts are.

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I don't want to belabor this point, but I recently visited an Asian country and a family member wanted us to bring him some US Tylenol because he's convinced the locally sold Tylenol is a different formula and doesn't work as well. So we got two big bottles from Costco and brought them over, which he picked up yesterday. Very literally the moment he had them in his hands he opened a bottle and swallowed a couple of capsules.

It strikes me as a very strange fixation that people fall into.

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Excellent thought provoking article Mathew. The US is without doubt an over medicalised country, and then on top of that add in environmental, agricultural and dietary issues, and hey presto, you have a sick population. A couple of thoughts….. I’d be intrigued to know what vaccine rates and autism numbers are in European children relative to those in the US. Also look into the impact that natural birth vs Caesarian has on the developing micro biome of the new born, and then breast versus bottle feeding. I’d also have a look at Jennifer Bilek’s ‘11th Hour’ blog, https://linktr.ee/the11thhourblog, some very interesting stuff re trans. On that point, it appears that for young people transition is more common for girls (female to male), whereas older transitioners are more likely to be the opposite direction. There is a clear distinction here, and fetishism, misogyny, and medical/pharmaceutical greed needs to be analysed. Keep up the good work, as ever a great read!

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Consider the widespread use of oral contraceptives since the 1970's as well. Higher estrogen levels in women that carry through when they decide to concieve and give birth. Higher levels of hormones in body, wastewater plus the other mentioned chemicals in food and environment. Lower testosterone levels in males, lower sperm count plus all the other changes mentioned above.

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There is no doubt everything you do or consume has an impact of your health. However not everything has the same magnitude of impact. Combinations of certain factors could magnify the impact. The largest impact probably comes from the nutritional quality of the food you eat. While trace amounts of toxins are not good they are probably not a big impact. You can't eat 50 pounds of sugar and then claim your health problems were caused by glyphosate. A lot of the food in the stores is processed junk and should not be consumed on a regular basis. Medications for depression, blood pressure, cholesterol will change who you are over time. Smoking, alcohol, and other recreational drugs can also impact your health. I do not know the magnitude of the effect of the regular vaccines, but it is probably significant. I find that just spending time outdoors makes me feel better. I find that just listening to "the news" is like an injection of negativity into my brain. I have sometimes wonder if they are adjusting our hormone levels with food additives. It's a theory.

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Oh, absolutely (on all parts), and this is the reason for more people to engage in more serious exploration about all these factors. The entire world was put to sleep by giant organizations that should have been doing all this work and educating people, but were instead captured institutions all along.

So, what are the relative harms of each of these inputs? Are some of them not that big of a deal without the presence of others? Let's start exploring better. Of course, that's harder to do when so much money is sucked out of the system to support the agencies blocking such progress.

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Chiming in to add that individual genetics can also be a confounding factor in damage. Add that to all the accumulative relative damage from external toxins, it’s like spinning the Russian roulette barrel where only one chamber isn’t packed with a bullet (if you’re lucky).

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I think the food industry should be in your diagram somehow.

Farming chemicals and processed foods make people sicker, which is exactly what big pharma wants.

Sick enough to want to buy expensive meds, but not too sick that they can't work and earn a good income.

I'm sure they call it "the happy middle ground".

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"I think the food industry should be in your diagram somehow."

It is. Under farming, in small print.

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About a decade ago, my boss at a genome center (he was the director) wanted to do a study with fruit fly cell lines and maybe daphnia, subjecting them to single chemicals and mixtures of chemicals, at varying doses. Instead of looking at ld50, we would have been examining gene expression changes. We were unable to find any nih grant calls that could have funded it.

John Colbourne, the scientist who would have coordinated the gene expression work, has since moved on from that position but still maintains that chemical testing needs to move beyond Ld50. His latest project:


But we need to think beyond chemicals. We need to factor in our altered circadian rhythm (light is a drug) and our altered electromagnetic environment in the pathophysiological picture. The biohacking world has much written about these, mostly self experimentation and anecdotes.

All of these (air pollution, chemical everything, emf, light and fluoridated water) impact mitochondrial functioning. Doug Wallace has many pieces out showing how dysfunctional mitochondria contribute to chronic disease, but especially neurodegenerative disease. Martin Pickard did a postdoc with Wallace and showed how even psychological stress can diminish mitochondrial function.

I am in a Facebook group with Derek Jensen, author of "deep green resistance". His opinion is that human biology is incompatible entirely with the industrial world. I am inclined to agree.

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Our sleep cycles have shifted so dramatically, we don't even know, man:


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It appears that the trans movement dovetails nicely with the great reset. It fractures families, creates ideal (for pharma) long term medical dependency, and best of all becomes a dead-end for procreation.

Over the last 2 plus years parents got a new window into their kids classrooms and were understandably alarmed by all they observed. More stories have since surfaced regarding schools efforts to quietly subvert parental authority while promoting gender curiosity. Just my observation.

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Lead is at least one of the causes for the fall or the Roman Empire. There are indications that incompetent emperors like Caligula were affected by lead poisoning.

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Ok this may be on to something. I found myself recently questioning how the hell are so many people increasingly identifying as trans and I could only conclude there must be something accumulating in the water or food supply. There is also a decent correlation to rising diabetes and rising autism. An Australian doctor has done some procedures that indicate changing the gut microbiome can reduce the symptoms of autism.

I do a lot of gardening without glyphosates, but I had assumed it would break down with exposure to UV like most chemicals. If it doesn't, that is a big problem.

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In the past few decades both testosterone and sperm count have drastically declined in men. This is linked to several chemicals found in plastic, bis-phenol and phthalate if I recall correctly. I think I read that these chemicals can also affect female fertility as well. I think this can also be one of the drivers of the huge increase in trans that we see.

I also think that this is driven from above by wealthy and powerful people. See the ESG movement in finance, which causes a lot of institutions to push trans to gain diversity brownie points and thus get financing.

In the case of teenage girls, it has all the hallmarks of a hysteria. I was also reading about something called "spoonies" which are young women who are chronically ill and encourage each other online in various social media groups. I don't doubt that these young women have pain and fatigue. But why are so many young women feeling so sick? This predates the mRNA vaxxes, though I'm sure they don't help matters.

So many messed up people. So much mental illness. So much physical illness. All I can say is something is very, very wrong. And it is deeply disturbing.

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A healthy society and caring medical profession would wonder about this, don’t you think? Instead they want more measures that define sickness and more drugs to treat same sickness.

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I agree about it being a hysteria. Do women faint anymore like they used to? I also remember the eighties when multiple personality disorder was a big deal, but it also seems to have faded, at least for a while, though on TikTok it seems to be making a comeback. These females are definitely hurting emotionally, but societal factors seem to influence how it gets acted out.

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So many questions… Many “mountains of research” needed to fill in all the “rabbit holes” we’re finding these days. To mix in a few more metaphors, I’m glad that you guys are tugging at these various threads and shining the spotlight on all of these issues.

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Read. There is a scientific battle going on right now about this. Lots of (well-funded) denial. More studies underway right now:


Then have a look at this particular example:


Genetically susceptible individuals literally suffering early-onset Alzheimer's due to mold and its toxins, because of some combination of our use of fungicides causing changes to these molds and their toxins, and something about our modern lives causing greater bioavailability of these pathogens.

The CDC has been trying to ignore this for about 25 years now like they tried with Chronic Lyme. We're still a long way from showing full causality, but it's not a pretty picture because literally a quarter of our buildings have issues with dampness and mold.

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wow, thanks for posting those. I have known people that had problems with mold in houses, but never had the types checked. As a group, they had AD, diabetes, asthma, idiopathic tremors, and one individual with several exposures, including to sick buildings, developed lung cancer. Several of his co-workers all died fairly young with breast cancer, and one other also with lung cancer; another also had a rapidly deteriorating cognitive status.

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Physicists are trained, maybe overtrained, to look for unified statements,. With that excuse out of the way: Because vaccines are toxins, you could simplify the subtitle to "Toxins".

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I wasn't particularly looking for anything, and I'm certainly not saying all the world's problems fit on a neat chart.

I chose not to simplify to toxins because the multiple toxin-sources is part of the complexity that will be hard to sort out.

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Agreed, there are so many poisonings. The Convid fraud has led me also down to the fluoride crime. I became more sure that it was bad when Matt Hancock in the UK, while tormenting the country with Convid tyranny, announced plans to fluoridate UK drinking water.

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