Jul 6, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

-One of my friends from Peru, now about 25 years old. Stable Fibroadenoma for many years. Never increased in size since it was diagnosed several years ago.

-She took three vaccines (although she did not really want to) in order to be able to participate in social life.

-Guess what happened.

-The following routine medical examination showed a 50% increase in the size of the Fibroadenoma although during all the previous years it had never grown.

-The doctor is mystified.

-My friend wonders if it could have something to do with the vaccines and asked me. She mentions that there could, theoretically, also be other reasons.

-I agree with her that other reasons may always be possible but told her that there is a high likelihood that it may have (also) been the vaccine due to the temporal association and because of the biological plausibility, because there are biological explanations for it and because many other people have the same problem following vaccination (many doctors see an increase of cancer in vaccinated people).

So I sent the paper from Seneff et al. in which these top scientists explain that the vaccines lead to massive harm of the immune system and cause "widespread dysregulation of oncogene controls, cell cycle regulation, and apoptosis"

So in other words: You have intelligent tumor control systems in your body. Then you take the vaccine and the intelligent system gets dysregulated. Great idea!!

-My friend suspects that the vaccine may be responsible. Will she report it? I do not think so. I think she does not even know where to report possible adverse events.

-Will the doctor care or mention or admit that it may be the vaccine? No. Will the doctor report the case? Never.

-My friend said Peru just started the 2. booster. Will she take the 4. vaccine? I do not know but I would not exclude it, she wants to continue her social life.

-Will the doctor tell her to take the next vaccine? Yes, why not??

Now my question for you Mathew. Why do people accept being severely harmed or murdered??? Why does my friend not visit the doctor, present the paper from Seneff and ask the doctor to stop promoting the vaccine (and instead, start promoting early treatment within the first 3 days)??

-Why are humans like that?

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

In this case I think his is a case of “men don’t see what their salaries depend on their not seeing”. In my experience many bring a debunkers mentality to it: they look for one thing that allows them to dismiss the whole, massive, case against the vax and focus only on that.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Hi matt, great work, when you lay it out nicely and as easily understandable as you did, and are still being called a loon—there is nothing to do but move on. “Safe and effective” have been drilled in their heads so hard thats all they can ever believe.

I used to be a firefighter in the Bronx. I retired 3 years ago but was wondering if there was proof in the FDNYs medical database that can teach us something like the DMED would have shown us if it wasnt changed or “glitched”

I think there were something like 8 line of duty deaths this past years that were all caused by heart attacks which is absolutely unheard of. One a year or one every other year seems like it would be the norm, and as we know the whole department got the shots. Maybe something to look into.

Keep up the great work youre a hero.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Loved the video...and I laughed since everyone appeared to have escaped. But the Cornell guy -- that's something else again. It is like all religious beliefs -- if you do not want to see anything other than what you believe, you do not look and even if you glance you do not see.

The question is can one find enough people (besides you) in positions to DO something that will see?

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Honestly…. I really dont think anything can be done for those who are balls deep in their narrative. Having a tentative hold on your understanding of the world is a profoundly uncomfortable experience, which with age, I have to say has not lessened personally speaking. I think there may be deep social issues too in that to ‘change your understanding’ means going against the accepted belief of your social group. You risk becoming an outcast.

Who wants to listen to, or socialise, with someone who doesn’t want to have fun and who wants to spoil the excellent firework display on offer?

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

So the person says that cardiac deaths have not increased in young males during 2021?? Well, I do not know the data for cardiac deaths from the USA.

But this statement is really shocking for me because he obviously tries to cherry-pick some data to make the vaccines look harmless.

As Joel pointed out in his mortality analysis:

"It turns out that natural deaths of all kinds post-vaccine are higher than pre-vaccine (...)

As you can see, all natural causes excess death is 48% higher between the start of 2021 and mid-Feb 2022 compared to 2020. COVID deaths are 74% higher and non-COVID deaths are 10% higher.

(...) Even if we take average weekly COVID deaths, they are 7% higher in the post-vax era. Effective?!?!

If you plot monthly percentage excess death against percentage vaccinated population for each state, you get a remarkably similar picture…

And what is the picture? Excess deaths really ramp up after at least 50% of the population has been vaccinated. Just a coincidence?

I don’t think it’s possible to really disentangle policy deaths from real COVID deaths and vaccine deaths, not least because of the evidence that the vaccine actually increases COVID in addition to being lethal in its own right. So, I can’t confirm Steve’s estimate of 500k vaccine deaths, per se, not using just this mortality data.

However, what is undeniable is that there are almost 800k excess deaths since mass vaccination started in the States and natural COVID cannot possibly account for any substantial part of them.

Even if it does, that’s a massive failure of public health in its own right. Remind me again, how many contrite public “servants” have admitted this complete and utter abject failure?"

So this is striking. You have a massive increase in mortality from all causes, even covid mortality, and then he just says there is no increased cardiac mortality among younger males in 2021.....

This is like telling a cancer patient in the end stage:

"Hey, good news, our investigation just showed that you do not have foot fungus. So everything is great and you do not have any need to worry."

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I find that it is the most 'educated' who are the least willing to question. There are many who appreciate, more than you will ever know. what you are doing.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I'm reading Mattias Desmet's book, "The Psychology of Totalitarianism." In Chapter 4 he goes into detail on why and how data gets manipulated to produce results based on a preconceived bias. He also discusses the unreliability and sloppiness of research and peer reviewed papers going back to at least 2005. He points out this carelessness, sloppiness, and easily seen statistical errors are not corrected. Peer review is a joke. Experiments can't be duplicated because they have been fraught with errors and bias.

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Adam Jacobs is employed by an organization that is neck deep in the deception and mass murder. For him to admit to the deaths would require him to admit that he works for a fundamentally evil organization. At that point he would have to resign or consciously continue to work for an organization he knows to be killing people. That will never happen.

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Jul 6, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I have coughed up a lung.... I keep watching this video over and over, following a different person each time. The pain I'm feeling laughing so hard is worth it.

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"Is this something like total commitment to the charade?"

Charade is far too kind. Genocide is closer to the point. That, or controlled depopulation scheme. Or in your phrasing, Moloch and the kunlangeta? At the very least, pathological Administrative State.

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It is likely that every one of us Homo sapiens on this planet is here today, and not descendants of others who failed to compete with our ancestors, because we were able at just the right moments to suppress conscious awareness of rational conclusions from straightforward empirical evidence and maintain "Total commitment to the charade".

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022

I've got an acquaintance or two in healthcare, the propaganda within the industry must be effective because very very few of them are willing to question what they're being told and consider that they as an industry committed an atrocity.

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As Twain said....faith is believing in something, even when you know it ain't so. No body is going to risk going against the machine if it may inconvenience them even a little. We are so screwed.

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I just spent a bunch of time in “repeat covid causes T cell depletion” medical Twitter which is discussing all the suddenly dead stories but ascribes them to COVID cases vs vaccines. It’s interesting to read all the same stories and excess death data being used but with a different conclusion (since of course the vaccines must be helpful). I don’t understand why it’s rare to discuss that both (covid and the vaccines) are an issue.

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I have a question for anyone who wants to answer. I have been waiting to find out what the overall mortality data shows. I am not a data scientist, so I was hoping to see it covered in some of the blogs and substacks I read. I haven't seen the death stats for the US for 2021. I have heard some insurance companies saying that deaths of working age people are up drastically. But nothing on the overall stats.

I went to the CDC website to find them myself, and all I saw was for 2020. Has the CDC released mortality stats for 2021 yet? If not, is this later than they usually release these stats? Am I just not looking in the right place for them?

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