Hello Mathew,

thank you very much for this post! If you ever come to Czech Republic, the beer is on us:)

The HVE is a really fascinating topic. We first noticed it here:


(sorry, it is in Czech but googletranslate does a decent job)

and you may witness our confusion then here:


Since then, we have understood what is going on, and we found a guy in Arizona, who's been telling the HVE story to anyone (willing to listen) for many years:


Thank you again,

all the best

Tomas Fürst

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Apr 18Liked by Mathew Crawford

Very sorry to hear of your continuing illness. Please do what you can to get plenty of sunshine to help yourself heal. God bless you and keep you from harm. Thank you for your work in the service of mankind. Amen.

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Great article! I, for one, have always thought vaccinations worked (though I never felt they should be forced). The manipulation of data, immunological omissions and sundry lies during covid have led me (and many others) to seriously question the truthfulness of anything vaccine/drug related. The magnitude of increasingly obvious lies during covid leads me to be significantly more wary of any claims that have been made regarding any vaccine. That doesn't mean vaccines are inherently ineffective or bad but it certainly doesn't mean they arent. And how can we really know when truthful scientific analysis, discussion and constant reevaluation are tantamount to heresy?

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Apr 18Liked by Mathew Crawford

Even if the shots were safe as saline and had zero side effects there is enough empirical evidence to show they do not function as advertised.

Yet from where I sit the Covidians remain stubbornly steadfast in their resolve. This is unsurprising to anyone that possesses a basic understanding of human psychology.

Once people openly commit that Coke is better than Pepsi precious few will backtrack. That is why society was panic bludgeoned from the get-go.

It was important to cement vaccine logic into the collective consciousness hard and fast. So they used fear over a phantom menace to do it.

Now, four years later we are stuck with the aftermath. People refusing to see the depth and breadth of a worldwide con. Those professing to see the con focus on personal harms but in reality several million mostly ignored harms and deaths are just a means to an end.

The con was meant to forever change the way we see reality. It shattered Nuremberg, informed consent, personal sovereignty, all rights, bodily, parental, religious, economic, social,personal property. It changed how we perceive government, military and corporate authority.

The con plastered over everything we took for granted and paved the way for the acceptance of authoritarian rule.

The acceptance of authoritarian rule is what Covid was (and still is) all about, Charlie Brown.

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Thank you for the final section about making it more simple. I appreciate your work and marvel at the mathematical complexity in your analyses. I am a veterinarian and not a mathematician so I do tend to get lost at times. But, I keep reading!

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I used to feel safe

I used to feel secure

Thinking the world was well functioning

But not anymore

I learned of the thieves

I learned of the crooks

The genocidal dealings

And cooking the books

I learned of the lies

And the notice and leaves

Of papers so cunning

It's hard to believe

I learned of deception

I learned of warfare

I learned that crisis

Is both needed and dear

Because there is no crisis

Without a reaction

Like a chessboard around us

Playing in action

And we are down here

Party to pawns

Castled and cornered

Stunned and scorned

Where evidence points

To fall guys they plant

Trails of evidence

None of us can't

Follow or figure

Just webs of despair

No evidence solid

No politicians care

It's just pockets lined

And divide and command

You think you are free

But living remand

An archaic life

Long thought dismissed

Indentured in servitude

Most ignorant and blissed

Most escaping awareness

Most run away

Thinking it's too hard

Too darkness dismay

And so it continues

It keeps going ‘round

The pieces are taken

Our queen nowhere found

Our bishops are battered

Our knights are all gay

And so it's just us

The pawns left to play

And play

Oh we play with our trinkets

Our distractions and dope

We play because we don't want to hope

We don't want to dare

We don't want to duck

We just want to be left alone

To squander - Fuck

Fuck everyone

Where is your grit

We are losing this battle

We are paddling in shit

Our economy crashing

Our politicians lie

Our hospitals are actually making us die

The food we eat is poisonous crap

Forever chemicals pour from your tap

Attention divided on a ritalin rope

Hanging like a corpse just waiting to choke

If you want to choke

If you want to die

Your children, your friendship

Your husband, your wife

Go out and do it

Don't get in your way

But I'm not hanging myself

Or going out this way

The game isn't over

The game is still on

And I'll go down swinging

Singing this song

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Apr 18Liked by Mathew Crawford

You make me remember why I love data, Mathew. You explain everything so clearly that by merely bringing a focused mind, it's possible to see all the connections. Thank you for that!

And I'm glad to have the terms 'miscategorization bias' and cheap trick. That was the one I figured out myself by looking at the reports and talked about in my first video taken down by YT, How to Lie With Statistics. They also took down my latest: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/max-vax-madness where I quote from the double t Matthew Crawford and mention the bias I'd seen in my county data to a local organization who'd mandated the vax and now wanted a favor from me.

The differing bias by age group is a great analysis. I also remember looking at unvaxxed deaths by age group and how they mirrored the rollout of the vax. My mom died in a nursing facility in the first wave of the rollout in Dec 2020, along with more deaths than the overwhelmed funeral home had ever seen--all from facilities. I remember that they brought in an outside medical team to deal with it, not the doctors and nurses who'd normally cared for these people. I feel sure this was assisted dying.

My daughter, who is a bereavement counselor, says they're going through a 'bereavement boom.' Younger people dying than they've ever seen in such numbers. At the same time, each of the three counselors has a significant death over the last year including the wife of one who died last week.

As Ursula K LeGuin said, "Hard times are coming, when we'll be wanting the voices of writers who can see alternatives to how we live now, can see through our fear-stricken society and its obsessive technologies to other ways of being, and even imagine real grounds for hope. We'll need writers who can remember freedom--poets, visionaries--realists of a larger reality."

Thanks for being one of those, Mathew.

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Apr 18Liked by Mathew Crawford

Thanks, Mathew. The clown show was indeed the agenda of the oligarchy. I was fortunate to have begun a deep dive into the history of vaccination and Rockefeller medicine at least a decade before 2020, and having long been a New Yorker subscriber, whose increasingly frequent articles about pandemics and other heebie-jeebies alerted me that something was up, I smelled a psy-op right at the beginning. Helps to be naturally skeptical, too, which, in my case, was thoroughly developed and reinforced through schooling. Mathematics is beautiful (except in California, where it is now woke); it doesn't lie.

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Apr 18Liked by Mathew Crawford

My first thought upon reading the headline was “and Matthew Crawford said that about 2 years ago”.

Ahh, the speed of Science™️

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Apr 18Liked by Mathew Crawford

LinkedIn just told me that this article was misinformation Hmmmmmm

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Thank you all!

Back in 2021, Malone and Kirsch and the Dark Horsey goons, said that:

a) it was a great idea to target the spike protein to test this platform


b) it was a scandal the defining away of safety signals and the absence of safety analyses, all rules were broken, because of the false "emergency"

They first showed themselves to the public with the Japanese data, and the one who started the conversation was Byram Bridle who is a professional of the intramuscular vaccine for mucous infections industry

They explained that it was almost a miracle (and perhaps a "crime" of some sort) to obtain that Japanese dataset, and to have unauthorized experts analyzing it. It was a scandal already all the unwarranted secrecy. Total corruption.

They scandalized the public with the wrong scandal. At least, the small part of the public who was looking into the mass madness of this vampirical Nazi campaign of mass coercion to poison innocent people.

Of course they should investigate safety signals, but the main point is that they transformed the world into an illegal human experimentation laboratory.

We weren't even allowed to question the absolute bullshit of the premise of the killer spike protein, and even today they pretend this is an issue.

I wonder now if the purpose of the scandal was to solidify the disinformation campaign. To make skepticism look so bad and so crazy that most people would never look into it, and then they would be more exposed to the attack.

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You should do a series on 100% faked pseudo pandemics. No vaccine even required for these

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We don't need any more studies. All vaccines are useless and harmful otherwise we'd be the healthiest country on the planet. After 70 years, we aren't even close.

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Well that is simply not true. They are very effective at killing people. (lolz)

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The reported finding of "Zero vaccine effectiveness" after looking at all-cause mortality, would tell me that at least these vaccines aren't bad either. However, many countries record excess mortality and are unwilling to share anonymised record-level data to allow people to find the cause of this excess mortality. Meanwhile large increases in cancer and heart-disease have been linked to the Covid-19 vaccines. As far as I understand this analysis, the title should be "Proof of shoddy data analysis by public bodies". Why make out that vaccine effectiveness is zero because very likely it's negative?

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23

I could say all this is fine and dandy, job well done, cudos, and any other commendation. In fact, it is piddling about, which also involves HUB, HVE, UVE, ZVEH, and all the other monstrous academic constructs. What good is it analyzing whether the poison death shot (TM@Dr. Zelenko, RIP) works or not, while maintaining the gross fiction of a "vaccine", or even "pandemic"? It is as if scholastics came back, with their multitude of angels dancing on the point of a needle.

Dr. Trozzi, for one, cuts to the chase; just listen to him for more than five minutes: https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/wins-of-the-week-ep17-with-ted-kuntz

As for Karl Rove, he must be rolling over with laughter on his sofa. "We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” Indeed - studying, check; judiciously, check; you, all of you; really wanna be a part of the set that proves Rove right?

I gave the lay of the land elsewhere, and the older it gets, the more valid it seems. https://open.substack.com/pub/lionessofjudah/p/dr-michael-yeadon-this-must-stop?r=z8hkl&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=4813798

It is not about what the injectable poisonous LNP slops do not do; it is about what they do do, because by their fruits ye shall know them. The fruits are the same everywhere, and statistically if you wish, come in the shape of excess mortality. The current Protectorate of Boehmen u. Maehren recorded excess mortality of 7.5% in 2022, and 10.1% in 2023. Occam´s razor is the only thing that Mr. Furst need apply here. Morbidity and disability would be the other tracks to follow, together with ancillary data like waiting times for being seen by a neurologist (10 months) or psychiatrist (4 months). Just those two specialties would give some indication of what is up, and Slide 16 provides the reasons why.

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