Sep 22, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Tom Woods did it for masks and lockdowns, I think he should be able to lend a hand or tell you how he did it https://www.covidchartsquiz.com/

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👆 This!

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Off topic, but I'm sure you've seen the Echo Health Alliance DARPA grant proposal leaked to DRASTIC this week? (different from the NIH grant proposal released by the Intercept). Also DRASTIC as released the DARPA document requesting contractor proposals for biowarfare quick response and mitigation to biologic threats. Pretty much a smoking gun... to incriminate Daszak and Fauci, especially when seen in light of their coordinated cover-up the lab leak hypothesis. I know you are exposing the vaccine end of things... but isn't it crazy that Fauci exploited his own goddamn mess for a pharma bonanza and (so far) has come out looking like a hero?


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"So, what, if anything, could short-circuit such diabolical propaganda machinery? ... One way to do it is with a completely unforgiving quiz site."

On the other hand, "To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead ..." (Thomas Paine)

I agree that such "unforgiving quiz site" would be of value and I think you should go ahead and do it, but it isn't going to address the root problems here.

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OK Matthew, you sucked me in with your quiz. Being the impatient type, and not being a subscriber of Twitter, I'm submitting my answers for the quiz. 1) True 2) Pfizer 3) None

4) Unvaccinated Death 5) 2020 (guess) 6)Only In Animals

I hope you will post the correct answers in one of your next posts.

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I was very bummed I couldn’t get the results on Twitter (and I’m sure not gonna sign up for an account!) and I didn’t find them in the post here.

This is a great post full of energy and forward motion …looking forward to more

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To be fair (and hypocritical, because I still don't know all the correct answers), not reading the actual studies and personally reviewing the data is what has gotten us into this mess in the first place. So just instantly offering the answers is sort of counterintuitive to the result I think many are hoping to achieve.

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For maximum effectiveness, the questions asked should NOT be direct refutation of any covid-paranoid talking point. Instead the questions should be ones focused on refuting the obvious conclusions that people were supposed to draw from the covid-paranoid talking points. As an example, people who are terrified of covid believe that catching covid outside on the street is a real possibility. A bad question would be "Is it easy or hard to catch covid on the street?".... A GOOD question is, "How many documented, contact-traced incidences of covid transmission occurred outdoors?"

The questions should attack the conclusions that people were induced to draw from the fear porn, they should not attack the fear porn directly.

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I'm curious if anything has occurred on this project yet, because it is an intriguing idea.

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Most of the people who reached out wanted hefty payment, which I can't provide. It would have to be a low paid practice project for someone.

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