Great food for thought.

I had strange symptoms in January 2020: first vomiting, then a week later, hit with all the symptoms you list. This was before covid hit the news and I remember telling people this "flu" was unlike any other I'd had. It felt like a poisoning--I was completely immobilized. And scared--though I have never been one to freak out over illnesses.

It makes complete sense that they could not (yet) create an actual virus that would rise to the level of a pandemic, and so poisoning through ag would work just as well--and could spread pretty evenly across regions. And yet covid never spread like the flu---it seemed to hit certain places hard and some not at all.

What people are testing positive for now is likely the flu that mysteriously disappeared in 2020. Or do the PCR tests have a mechanism for cadmium presence? How can none of those "experiments" be headline news? This crap has been going on for decades. It's I who has just woken up to it.

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If they would inject us with poisons and bioweapons, what would stop them doing this? For those who were conspiracy minded after 9-11, there was a plethora of experimental tech on display then.

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A friend called me last summer shocked that his recent heavy metals test showed off the charts levels of cadmium. Just one data point but I wasn't surprised to read your post. I'm planting cilantro this weekend.

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Jul 19, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

I assume you've already seen this since the reference is from the cadmium wiki pg, but it is interesting:

"An experiment during the early 1960s involving the spraying of cadmium over Norwich was declassified in 2005 by the UK government."

Referenced article:

The effects of cadmium spraying over a city in the 1960s are to be investigated after claims that it was linked with cancer of the oesophagus.


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(Banned)Jul 19, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Keep asking questions like this and you may end up taking a second look at what "polio" is.

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

Lots of heavy metal poisonings have those symptoms. Aerosolizing cadmium then getting enough of it suspended in the air long enough in high enough concentrations to sicken large quantities of people in short order seems implausible. Getting it into the drinking water has greater possibilities. Personally, I’m sticking to the targeted release of enriched viral clones theory. Certainly if I were trying to create a panic I’d release them in the areas of highest population density first. NYC subway? Perfect. Maybe someone should ask Dr Charles Lieber to fill us in. This just in: https://youtube.com/watch?v=GaD8qEWJglY&feature=sharec

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I’m an NYC resident, and was also sick in Jan 2020 with some kind of intense gastrointestinal attack that lasted about a week, with violent vomiting. In mid Feb 2020, both my partner and I felt like we were both on the verge of getting sick (cold? flu?) for about 1 week and then it mysteriously passed. Then on March 4, 2020, I woke up with the most crushing burning chest pain, unlike anything I have ever felt before or since, and I am well acquainted with asthma and pneumonia, having had numerous bouts of each, particularly having experienced serious bouts of pneumonia as a child and young adult.

When you say “NYC with 70% positivity”, where is this coming from? I recall that there was no “testing” available for many months, nothing was available: no testing, no early treatment, etc. I phoned my now former allopathic doctor about a week in, and he would or could not help, offered nothing at all.

I did not recover until July 2020. Lingering intense chest pain, breathlessness, dizziness, lost a lot of weight. No fever, though. It was all really weird. What on earth was done to us….

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How would it explain people still getting covid here and there? is it possible cadmium would be in vaccines

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How does one test for cadmium? In the air? bloodwork? surfaces?

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Mathew, an excellent, well-thought out idea. Queens was one of the boroughs hit the hardest besides the Bronx.....what about this borough. Would it be sprayed and disappear. And be sprayed again? How long would it last in subway after one spray?

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When you consider other schemes that have been pulled, it's hard to dismiss any theory. Cadium also can cause loss of smell/taste. Which is something I had never heard of before in virus, but was used as a common bench mark to differentiate covid-19 from other illnesses.

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Poisoning would have to be very prolific to mimic an infectious agent. Not saying it couldn’t be done but I have trouble imagining how in a broad sense it could be accomplished effectively.

Case in point, in my situation and many others the covid vector first appeared in one of our school kids. They bring symptoms home and just like a bad cold they spread it to other family members. I’ve witnessed this.

Not sure an environmental toxin can be so clever it follows the staggered pattern of infectious hierarchy as it gets passed along person to person. Same reason I don’t buy the 5G hypothesis.

In my little corner of the world whatever Covid is behaves exactly like a person to person contagion.

Now, that is not to say the bio agent wasn’t seeded into the population somehow and our warm moist bodies became carriers. Sure. That follows logic.

PCR needlessly keeping the panic running long after the threat runs its course and fizzles out.

Logic also dictates that influenza and pneumonia did not simply disappear but were dismissed after a positive PCR result.

Kary Mullis said PCR will find Covid, but that doesn’t mean Covid is what’s making the patient sick. That’s why it’s a shitty dx tool.

Nonetheless, they immediately plugged you into remdesivir. Then you’ll actually die of bacterial pneumonia and get logged as a Covid death. Lots of malfeasance to unpack.

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