Awesome you bring this up because from a complete different angle I have been pondering this too.

My focus has been primarily on the potential genotoxicity of the spike protein.

And specifically on its effects on mitochondria and cellular homeostasis.

This piggy backed off a subject I had been studying before covid appeared, which was the strange link and similarities between.

Gulf war syndrome

Chronic Lyme disease

Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)

A few other chronic inflammatory syndromes associated... CIRS, POTS, Cluster headaches and Fibromyalgia.

Aging and senescence and the natural decline of mitochondria as we age.

Floxed, a side effect of ciprofloxacin and that specific class of antibiotics.

And other mitochondrial disorders.

Anyway, when long covid was the talk of the town due to mainstream media, I had a strong suspicion the jabs would also cause a similar disturbance.

And there is now quite a bit of evidence to suggest it could be doing exactly what I feared.

Then low and behold, all of a sudden there is this big fuss over three parent babies.

Which is specifically for those (mothers) who suffer from mitochondrial diseases by taking healthy mitochondria and planting them into fertilized cells (zygote).

How oddly suspicious.

Imagine hatching a scheme to profit off depopulation. Allowing only the wealthy to procreate. Controlling the rates.

And just crippling everyone else's mitochondria.

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Your comment is profound. My categorical rejection of these vaxxes is based on my “suspected“ mitochondrial disorder, the basis for my suffering a couple aforementioned syndromes and a terrifying past reaction to a ‘floxacin antibiotic. No way would I submit to this, particularly considering the nature and character of the players involved. I can’t even remember now ehere I read of the spike vis a vis mito injury but it was early on before the vaxx roll out. I assumed that a significant minority of people would have adverse events from the mitochondrial angle at the very least.

I took my chances with the virus itself but perhaps not coincidentally my mito stack that keeps me going happens to fend off the virus itself according to literature. So far so good despite being exposed on several known occasions. I hope it continues to work for the next outbreak in the works.

Step 3 of every one of their plans is always Profit! Every act of disaster capitalism has worked this way including recent global Events. Thanks for your comment.

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Same or similar.

I have CFS/ME myself and formerly was a special operations medic and a specialist in CBRN response. I was an amateur boxer and all round fit as an athlete. And then, slowly but surely I wasn't. I became very tired.

This led me to think, yeah there is definitely something going on here.

Why don't they know how to fix me?

This was about a decade ago.

So, I took research into my own hands. And because of my past within the realms of chemical and biological warfare research, I kept an eye on those fields... As much as a layman can anyway.

Gulf war syndrome was injected

Lyme disease a bite

Tapanui flu (ME/CFS) an outbreak

And then Long covid came by with fright.

Were they studying release mechanisms?

Were they optimizing their plan?

Trying to identify a way

To cripple, maim and fan their tyrannical ways?


It's often better to cripple or wound an enemy force than to kill them.

Dead get buried.

Sick have to be cared for and carried out.

One sick will consume five well.

Imagine slowly poisoning a whole population.

Imagine the control you would have over them?

It's frightening.

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I have been diagnosed with several of these illnesses and fit the profile of all of them honestly. I have also wondered why they all seem to overlap and are perhaps caused by a similar dysfunction. It’s gotten to where whenever I bring forward my chronic illness to say, a new medical provider, I give them my basket of prior diagnoses and wrap it by saying “or whatever all this is!”.

I’m glad you are delving into these connections.

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I really hope more start making these connections soon.

Unfortunately this subject sits on the edges of our scientific capacity to measure and evaluate.

Trillions of cells in our bodies.

Hundreds if not thousands of mitochondria in each cell.

Those mitochondria have DNA which is capable of expressing different genes.

I am not sure it's all physical damage or if it is a change in gene expression.

Nor if it is in all, or only some, say a significant percentage of those mitochondria within a cellular environment that are dysfunctioning.

My gut (very scientific) says the issue is similar to an engines fuel injection system becoming untuned. Thus the ratio of fuel to oxygen, glucose to oxygen, is not optimal for ATP production.

The consequence, the engines running rich, or lean.

The observable change is increased ROS and inflammation through cytokine production.

Physically this presents with a great number of issues depending on where the damage is done in the body.

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Thanks, Mathew. You do the work of hundreds. I'm reading Tom Woods "33 Questions about American History," and he begins with H. L. Mencken's The Great Bathtub Hoax, which most folks believed, which made it into scientific and medical journals and the Congressional record. And he made it all up. I'm looking at the reality many believe and trust as nothing but hoaxes. We have Russiagate, from the Durham report (most of which was published by Lee Smith in 2019), the clown show, just now fading into the memory hole, WMD in Iraq, and most everything else promoted by the media and ruling class going far back into the mists of time. But, as you say, there are some really nasty people who have their fingers on the levers of power. Those we must expose. Must take seriously.

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Bingo! The WEF /UN/US/EU/China/NATO Kleptocorporate multinational monopolist megalomaniacal military industrial complex Pharma, tech transhumanist confab Dreat Reset Build Back Beter Brave New World of 1984 Agenda 2030 Fourth Reich genetically engineered feudal system.

The hatred and disdain for all things living. The useless eaters . Thin the heard. The new species of subhuman machine merger of slaves ruled by psychopaths seeking immortality.

Decades in the planning. Climate hysteria, wars, created racism, faux pandemic, economic collapse, mob violence, decimation of family and human connection, neighbor against neighbor, no borders, asset seizure, weaponized agencies, surveillance, supply chain shortages, decimation of natural energy, forced gene therapy “ vaccines”, microchip identity passports, ESG, BLM, DEI, the trans movement, infertility, digital currency, enormous central government. Fascist tyranny.

Oh yeah! Animal/human chimeric hybrid research, decimation of free speech…. And not a fucking peep from any of our vaunted “ elected” representatives left or right. Fear is the norm.

The most bizarrely prescient prophecy was aired in a 1958 interview of Aldous Huxley by Mike Wallace. Well worth watching. Search Mike Wallace/Aldous Huxley Interview 1958. Make sure you’re seating on a deep sofa . Might consider first having a few drinks. Be prepared to flip out. Huxley knew. He was so detailed in what had not yet even had been remotely possible. Wallace was so patronizing. Huxley was so deep in thought as to not notice.

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taa, ms Gail ! =Transcript= THE MIKE WALLACE INTERVIEW Guest: Aldous Huxley 5/18/58

WALLACE: This is Aldous Huxley, a man haunted by a vision of hell on earth. A searing social critic, Mr. Huxley 27 years ago, wrote Brave New World, a novel that predicted that some day the entire world would live under a frightful dictatorship. Today Mr. Huxley says that his fictional world of horror is probably just around the corner for all of us. ...Tonight's guest, Aldous Huxley, is a man of letters, as disturbing as he is distinguished. Born in England, now a resident of California, Mr. Huxley has written some of the most electric novels and social criticism of this century.

He's just finished a series of essays called "Enemies of Freedom," in which he outlines and defines some of the threats to our freedom in the United States; and Mr. Huxley, right of the bat, let me ask you this: as you see it, who and what are the enemies of freedom here in the United States?

HUXLEY: Well, I don't think you can say who in the United States, I don't think there are any sinister persons deliberately trying to rob people of their freedom, but I do think, first of all, that there are a number of impersonal forces which are pushing in the direction of less and less freedom, and I also think that there are a number of technological devices which anybody who wishes to use can use to accelerate this process of going away from freedom, of imposing control.

WALLACE: Well, what are these forces and these devices, Mr. Huxley?

HUXLEY: I should say that there are two main impersonal forces, er...the first of them is not exceedingly important in the United States at the present time, though very important in other countries. This is the force which in general terms can be called overpopulation, the mounting pressure of population pressing upon existing resources.

Uh...this, of course, is an extraordinary thing; something is happening which has never happened in the world's history before, I mean, let's just take a simple fact that between the time of birth of Christ and the landing of the May Flower, the population of the earth doubled. It rose from two hundred and fifty million to probably five hundred million. Today, the population of the earth is rising at such a rate that it will double in half a century.

WALLACE: Well, why should overpopulation work to diminish our freedoms?

HUXLEY: Well, in a number of ways. I mean, the...the experts in the field like Harrison Brown, for example, pointed out that in the underdeveloped countries actually the standard of living is at present falling. The people have less to eat and less goods per capita than they had fifty years ago; and as the position of these countries, the economic position, becomes more and more precarious, obviously the central government has to take over more and more responsibility for keeping the ship-of-state on an even keel, and then of course you are likely to get social unrest under such conditions, with again an intervention of the central government.

So that, I think that one sees here a pattern which seems to be pushing very strongly towards a totalitarian regime. And unfortunately, as in all these underdeveloped countries the only highly organized political party is the Communist Party, it looks rather as though they will be the heirs to this unfortunate process, that they will step into the power...the position of power.

WALLACE: Well then, ironically enough one of the greatest forces against communism in the world, the Catholic Church, according to your thesis would seem to be pushing us directly into the hands of the communists because they are against birth control.

HUXLEY: Well, I think this strange paradox probably is true. There is, er..., it's an extraordinary situation actually. I mean, one has to look at it, of course, from a biological point of view: the whole essence of biological life on earth is a question of balance and what we've done is to practice death control in the most intensive manner without balancing this with birth control at the other end. Consequently, the birth rates remain as high as they were and death rates have fallen substantially.

WALLACE: All right then, so much, for the time being anyway, for overpopulation. Another force that is diminishing our freedoms?

HUXLEY: Well another force which I think is very strongly operative in this country is the force of what may be called of overorganization. Er...As technology becomes more and more complicated, it becomes necessary to have more and more elaborate organizations, more hierarchical organizations, and incidentally the advance of technology is being accompanied by an advance in the science of organization.

It's now possible to make organizations on a larger scale than it was ever possible before, and so that you have more and more people living their lives out as subordinates in these hierarchical systems controlled by bureaucracy, either the bureaucracies of big businesses or the bureaucracies of big government.

WALLACE: Now the devices that you were talking about, are there specific devices or er...methods of communication which diminish our freedoms in addition to overpopulation and overorganization?

HUXLEY: Well, there are certainly devices which can be used in this way. I mean, let us er...take after all, a piece of very recent and very painful history is the propaganda used by Hitler, which was incredibly effective.

I mean, what were Hitler's methods? Hitler used terror on the one kind, brute force on the one hand, but he also used a very efficient form of propaganda, which er...he was using every modern device at that time. He didn't have TV., but he had the radio which he used to the fullest extent, and was able to impose his will on an immense mass of people. I mean, the Germans were a highly educated people.

WALLACE: Well, we're aware of all this, but how do we equate Hitler's use of propaganda with the way that propaganda, if you will, is used let us say here in the United States. Are you suggesting that there is a parallel?

HUXLEY: Needless to say it is not being used this way now, but, er...the point is, it seems to me, that there are methods at present available, methods superior in some respects to Hitler's method, which could be used in a bad situation. I mean, what I feel very strongly is that we mustn't be caught by surprise by our own advancing technology.

This has happened again and again in history with technology's advance and this changes social condition, and suddenly people have found themselves in a situation which they didn't foresee and doing all sorts of things they really didn't want to do. ..

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cont'd 2=Transcript=

WALLACE: And well, what...what do you mean? Do you mean that we develop our television but we don't know how to use it correctly, is that the point that you're making?

HUXLEY: Well, at the present the television, I think, is being used quite harmlessly; it's being used, I think, I would feel, it's being used too much to distract everybody all the time. But, I mean, imagine which must be the situation in all communist countries where the television, where it exists, is always saying the same things the whole time; it's always driving along.

It's not creating a wide front of distraction it's creating a one-pointed, er...drumming in of a single idea, all the time. It's obviously an immensely powerful instrument.

WALLACE: Uh-huh. So you're talking about the potential misuse of the instrument.

HUXLEY: Exactly. We have, of course...all technology is in itself moral and neutral. These are just powers which can either be used well or ill; it is the same thing with atomic energy, we can either use it to blow ourselves up or we can use it as a substitute for the coal and the oil which are running out.

WALLACE: You've even written about the use of drugs in this light.

HUXLEY: Well now, this is a very interesting subject. I mean, in this book that you mentioned, this book of mine, "Brave New World," er...I postulated it a substance called 'soma,' which was a very versatile drug. It would make people feel happy in small doses, it would make them see visions in medium doses, and it would send them to sleep in large doses.

Well, I don't think such a drug exists now, nor do I think it will ever exist. But we do have drugs which will do some of these things, and I think it's quite on the cards that we may have drugs which will profoundly change our mental states without doing us any harm.

I mean, this is the...the pharmacological revolution which is taking place, that we have now powerful mind-changing drugs which physiologically speaking are almost costless. I mean they are not like opium or like coca...cocaine, which do change the state of mind but leave terrible results physiologically and morally.

WALLACE: Mr. Huxley, in your new essays you state that these various "Enemies of Freedom" are pushing us to a real-life "Brave New World," and you say that it's awaiting us just around the corner. First of all, can you detail for us, what life in this Brave New World would you fear so much, or what life might be like?

HUXLEY: Well, to start with, I think this kind of dictatorship of the future, I think will be very unlike the dictatorships which we've been familiar with in the immediate past. I mean, take another book prophesying the future, which was a very remarkable book, George Orwell's "1984."

Well, this book was written at the height of the Stalinist regime, and just after the Hitler regime, and there he foresaw a dictatorship using entirely the methods of terror, the methods of physical violence. Now, I think what is going to happen in the future is that dictators will find, as the old saying goes, that you can do everything with bayonets except sit on them!WALLACE: (LAUGHS)

But, if you want to preserve your power indefinitely,

you have to get the consent of the ruled, and this they will do partly by drugs as I foresaw in "Brave New World," partly by these new techniques of propaganda.

They will do it

by bypassing the sort of rational side of man and appealing to his subconscious and his deeper emotions, and his physiology even, and so, making him actually love his slavery.

I mean, I think, this is the danger that actually people may be, in some ways, happy under the new regime, but that they will be happy in situations where they oughtn't to be happy.

WALLACE: Well, let me ask you this. You're talking about a world that could take place within the confines of a totalitarian state. Let's become more immediate, more urgent about it. We believe, anyway, that we live in democracy here in the United States. Do you believe that this Brave New World that you talk about, er...could, let's say in the next quarter century, the next century, could come here to our shores?

HUXLEY: I think it could. I mean, er...that's why I feel it so extremely important here and now, to start thinking about these problems. Not to let ourselves be taken by surprise by the...the new advances in technology. I mean the...for example, in the regard to the use of the...of the drugs.

We know, there is enough evidence now for us to be able, on the basis of this evidence and using certain amount of creative imagination, to foresee the kind of uses which could be made by people of bad will with these things and to attempt to forestall this, and in the same way,

I think with these other methods of propaganda we can foresee and we can do a good deal to forestall. I mean, after all, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

WALLACE: You write in Enemies of Freedom, you write specifically about the United States. You say this, writing about American political campaigns you say,

"All that is needed is money

and a candidate who can be coached to look sincere; political principles and plans for specific action have come to lose most of their importance. The personality of the candidate, the way he is projected by the advertising experts, are the things that really matter."

HUXLEY: Well, this is the...during the last campaign, there was a great deal of this kind of statement by the advertising managers of the campaign parties. This idea that the candidates had to be merchandised as though they were soap and toothpaste and that you had to depend entirely on the personality.

I mean, personality is important, but there are certainly people with an extremely amiable personality, particularly on TV, who might not necessarily be very good in political...positions of political trust.

WALLACE: Well, do you feel that men like Eisenhower, Stevenson, Nixon, with knowledge aforethought were trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the American public?

HUXLEY: No, but they were being advised by powerful advertising agencies who were making campaigns of a quite different kind from what had been made before. and I think we shall see probably, er...all kinds of new devices coming into the picture. I mean, for example, this thing which got a good deal of publicity last autumn, subliminal projection.

I mean, as it stands,

this thing, I think is of no menace to us at the moment, but I was talking the other day to one of the people who has done most experimental work in the...psychological laboratory with this, was saying precisely this, that it is not at the moment a danger, but once you've established the principle that something works, you can be absolutely sure that the technology of it is going to improve steadily.

And I mean his view of the subject was that, well, maybe they will use it up to some extent in the 1960 campaign, but they will probably use it a good deal and much more effectively in the 1964 campaign because this is the kind of rate at which technology advances.

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pt3 WALLACE: And we'll be persuaded to vote for a candidate that we do not know that we are being persuaded to vote for.

HUXLEY: Exactly, I mean this is the rather alarming picture that you’re being persuaded below the level of choice and reason.

WALLACE: In regard to advertising, which you mentioned just a little ago, in your writing, particularly in "Enemies of Freedom," you attack Madison Avenue, which controls most of our television and radio advertising, newspaper advertising and so forth. Why do you consistently attack the advertising agencies...

HUXLEY: Well, no I...I think that, er...advertisement plays a very necessary role, but the danger it seems to me in a democracy is this...I mean what does a democracy depend on? A democracy depends on the individual voter making an intelligent and rational choice for what he regards as his enlightened self-interest, in any given circumstance.

But what these people are doing,

I mean what both, for their particular purposes, for selling goods and the dictatorial propagandists are for doing, is to try to bypass the rational side of man and to appeal directly to these unconscious forces below the surfaces so that you are, in a way, making nonsense of the whole democratic procedure, which is based on conscious choice on rational ground.

WALLACE: Of course, well, maybe...I...you have just answered this next question because in your essay you write about television commercials, not just political commercials, but television commercials as such and how, as you put it,

"Today's children walk around singing beer commercials and toothpaste commercials."

And then you link this phenomenon in some way with the dangers of a dictatorship. Now, could you spell out the connection or, have...or do you feel you've done so sufficiently?

HUXLEY: Well, I mean, here, this whole question of children, I think, is a terribly important one because children are quite clearly much more suggestible than the average grownup; and again, suppose that, er...that for one reason or another all the propaganda was in the hands of one or very few agencies, you would have an extraordinarily powerful force playing on these children, who after all are going to grow up and be adults quite soon. I do think that this is not an immediate threat, but it remains a possible threat, and...

WALLACE: You said something to the effect in your essay that

the children of Europe used to be called 'cannon fodder' and here in the United States they are 'television and radio fodder.'

HUXLEY: Well, after all, you can read in the trade journals the most lyrical accounts of how necessary it is, to get hold of the children because then they will be loyal brand buyers later on. But I mean, again you just translate this into political terms, the dictator says they all will be ideology buyers when they are grownup.

WALLACE: We hear so much about brainwashing as used by the communists. Do you see any brainwashing other than that which we’ve just been talking about, that is used here in the United States, other forms of brainwashing?

HUXLEY: Not in the form that has been used in China and in Russia because this is, essentially, the application of propaganda methods, the most violent kind to individuals; it is not a shotgun method, like the...the advertising method. It's a way of getting hold of the person and playing both on his physiology and his psychology until he really breaks down and then you can implant a new idea in his head.

I mean the descriptions of the methods are really blood curdling when you read them, and not only methods applied to political prisoners but the methods applied, for example, to the training of the young communist administrators and missionaries. They receive an incredibly tough kind of training which may cause maybe twenty-five percent of them to break down or commit suicide, but produces seventy-five percent of completely one-pointed fanatics.

WALLACE: The question, of course, that keeps coming back to my mind is this: obviously politics in themselves are not evil, television is not in itself evil, atomic energy is not evil, and yet you seem to fear that it will be used in an evil way. Why is it that the right people will not, in your estimation, use them? Why is it that the wrong people will use these various devices and for the wrong motives?

HUXLEY: Well, I think one of the reasons is that these are all instruments for obtaining power, and obviously the passion for power is one of the most moving passions that exists in man; and after all, all democracies are based on the proposition that power is very dangerous and that it is extremely important not to let any one man or any one small group have too much power for too long a time.

After all what are the British and American Constitution except devices for limiting power, and all these new devices are extremely efficient instruments for the imposition of power by small groups over larger masses.

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pt4 WALLACE: Well, you ask this question yourself in "Enemies of Freedom." I'll put your own question back to you. You ask this, "In an age of accelerating overpopulation, of accelerating overorganization, and ever more efficient means of mass communication, how can we preserve the integrity and reassert the value of the human individual?" You put the question, now here's your chance to answer it Mr. Huxley.

HUXLEY: Well, this is obviously...first of all, it is a question of education. Er...I think it's terribly important to insist on individual values, I mean, what is a...there is a tendency as a...you probably read a book by Whyte, "The Organization Man", a very interesting, valuable book I think, where he speaks about the new type of group morality, group ethic, which speaks about the group as though the group were somehow more important than the individual.

But this seems, as far as I'm concerned, to be in contradiction with what we know about the genetical makeup of human beings, that every human being is unique. And it is, of course, on this genetical basis that the whole idea of the value of freedom is based.

And I think it's extremely important for us to stress this in all our educational life, and I would say it's also very important to teach people to be on their guard against the sort of verbal booby traps into which they are always being led, to analyze the kind of things that are said to them.

Well, I think there is this whole educational side of...and I think there are many more things that one could do to strengthen people, and to make them more aware of what's being done.

WALLACE: You're a prophet of decentralization?

HUXLEY: Well, the...yes...if it...it's feasible. It's one of the tragedies, it seems to me. I mean, many people have been talking about the importance of decentralization in order to give back to the voter a sense of direct power. I mean...the voter in an enormous electorate field is quite impotent, and his vote seems to count for nothing.

This is not true where the electorate is small, and where he is dealing with a...with a group which he can manage and understand...and if one can, as Jefferson after all suggested, break up the units, er...into smaller and smaller units and so, get a real, self-governing democracy.

WALLACE: Well, that was all very well in Jefferson's day, but how can we revamp our economic system and decentralize, and at the same time meet militarily and economically the tough challenge of a country like Soviet Russia?

HUXLEY: Well, I think the answer to that is that there are...it seems to me that you...that production, industrial production is of two kinds. I mean, there are some kinds of industrial production which obviously need the most tremendously high centralization, like the making of automobiles for example.

But there are many other kinds where you could decentralize quite easily and probably quite economically, and that you would then have this kind of decentralized, like after all you begin to see it now, if you travel through the south, this decentralized textile industry which is springing up there.

WALLACE: Mr. Huxley, let me ask you this, quite seriously, is freedom necessary?

HUXLEY: As far as I am concerned it is.

WALLACE: Why? Is it necessary for a productive society?

HUXLEY: Yes, I should say it is. I mean, a genuinely productive society. I mean you could produce plenty of goods without much freedom, but I think the whole sort of creative life of man is ultimately impossible without a considerable measure of individual freedom, of initiative, creation, all these things which we value, and I think value properly, are impossible without a large measure of freedom.

WALLACE: Well, Mr. Huxley, take a look again at the country which is in the stance of our opponent anyway, it would seem, anyway it would seem to be there, Soviet Russia. It is strong, and getting stronger, economically, militarily, at the same time it's developing its art forms pretty well, er...it seems not unnecessarily to squelch the creative urge among its people. And yet it is not a free society.

HUXLEY: It's not a free society, but here is something very interesting that those members of the society, like the scientists, who are doing the creative work, are given far more freedom than anybody else. I mean, it is a privileged aristocratic society in which, provided they don't poke their noses into political affairs, these people are given a great deal of prestige, a considerable amount of freedom, and a lot money.

I mean, this is a very interesting fact about the new Soviet regime, and I think what we are going to see is er...a people on the whole with very little freedom but with an oligarchy on top enjoying a considerable measure of freedom and a very high standard of living.

WALLACE: And the people down below, the 'epsilons' down below...

HUXLEY: Enjoying very little.

WALLACE: And you think that that kind of situation can long endure?

HUXLEY: I think it can certainly endure much longer than the situation in which everybody is kept out; I mean, they can certainly get their technological and scientific results on such a basis.

WALLACE: Well, the next time that I talk to you then, perhaps we should investigate further the possibility of the establishment of that kind of a society, where the drones work for the queen bees up above.

HUXLEY: Well, but yes, but I must say, I still believe in democracy, if we can make the best of the creative activities of the people on top plus those of the people on the bottom, so much the better.

WALLACE: Mr. Huxley, I surely thank you for spending this half hour with us, and I wish you God speed sir.

Aldous Huxley finds himself these days in a peculiar and disturbing position: a quarter of a century after prophesying an authoritarian state in which people were reduced to cyphers, he can point at Soviet Russia and say, "I told you so!" The crucial question, as he sees it now, is whether the so-called Free World is shortly going to give Mr. Huxley the further dubious satisfaction of saying the same thing about us.

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Wallace later interviewed Rod Serling who doubled down on propagandized advertising and the pressure said advertisers applied to television programming. Serling battled with the network and The Twilight Zone was nearly canceled. Several episodes were shelved. He finally walked away from the production, frustrated and angry. Serling was a classic liberal. How times have changed.

I was a high school sophomore in 1978. Consumer Education was a required course in the public school curriculum .” Subliminal Seduction-How the media manipulates you” by Bryan Wilson Key was a crucial learning tool.Explicit and fascinating, it has since been removed. Literally banned. Little did we know the very important role it would play in how we reached the point of no return.

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taa,once again, ms G...for us punters- 'how many times were you seduced (=inconsciously hypnotized) today?

as far as advertising men are concerned, you're not supposed to know. their job is to arouse you without you suspecting it. this very day, everytime you look at a tv commercial, or an ad in print, you very probably were being sexually assaulted by devices your conscious mind cannot detect. nw for the first time in this eye opening book you can find out what is really being done to you, how it is being done, and how you can protect yourself against a media that is manipulating your mind for your money.

after you read subliminal seduntion you will see things you never saw before in every ad you look at.' archive.org/details/wilsonbriankey.subliminalseduction

Back at You, ms Gail- 'Death By Modern Medicine' 2005

by MD ND Dr Carolyn Dean docdroid.net/9dcKlna/death-by-modern-medicine-pdf

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Isn’t the interview insanely prescient? Wallace was such a prig. Pity he’s not around to reap the reality of Huxley’s prophecy.

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Your comment hadn’t appeared yet when I composed mine elsewhere.

So there it is. A technologically created and enforced caste system with immortal leaders.

They really fear the the spark of creativity borne of the human spirit that bubbles up from the great unwashed. Or they’re jealous of it. Regardless they’ve declared it obsolete.

My hope the human spirit F’s them up despite their plans– at least until the power goes out, haha

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Well said! My thoughts are disorganized and attempting to compose a commentary becomes hypergraphic.

It’s ironic that today’s bipolarity is a symptom of singularity.Two sides of the same coin. Both rant, pontificate, lecture and claim moral superiority, but neither has any imagination, curiosity, independent thought, creativity or multi-facets.

And here we are. The staged , imbecilic , redundant spectacle shuts out any and all outside voices… which at one time would have accounted for a third of America’s population. Instead, a gaping void is the new norm and it is swallowing us all.While the evil running the show is hiding in plain sight. But dare speak out and both sides of the fissure attack.

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I knew all of the horse-faced dictator women like Jacinda and Hochul were clones all along!!

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Probably not, but it's an amusing thought.

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Right? Or Nina Poppins and Nasty Woman as cloned disinformation agents. They're all too similar in appearance and disposition in essentially the same roles!

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This is likely the scariest and most disturbing Substack article and comments I’ve read to date. God help us all!

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I know. Since I started down this road, I've dealt with more trouble than usual maintaining my optimistic demeanor. Very few genies get stuffed back in the bottle. It may very well be that we need to unseat the Kunlangeta faster than I had imagined.

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I agree. There are many evil people trying to rule the world. What’s scarier is how many people are asleep & believe these evil people don’t exist.

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Such an awesome cover! Very H.R. Giger.

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I'd like to drop this article from the way, way, way back machine here. More on point. Touches on a lot of subjects that could as well be written for today as when it was. And even gets into eugenics, even making mention of non-corporeal existence. Defined as you may care to. Today, Foreign Affairs is a consistently globalist totalitarian governance advocacy magazine as far as I can tell. And it is the single most influential foreign policy publication in the US, the world for that matter. As for back in 1941 when this was written...let's just say you'll never find this article below in the publication today. I'll be curious if you've ever come across it, Mathew, others? And of your thoughts after reading it. There's a lot to pull forward from this, many aspects especially poignant.

Science in the Totalitarian State

Foreign Affairs, January, 1941


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Let's hope they don't clone any of those psychopathic megalomaniac techno/fascist billionaires, or international bankster/gangsters. It would be better to sacrifice all of them on the alter of retribution.😁

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When it comes to Human cloning you must be aware of the Raelian Cult.

After all they are a cloning cult.

And Jeffry Eppstein who was also a prominent figure in this "field" of science.

And Bill Gates.

The sterilization of Human Society can be tracked back to

A: Vaccinations


C: Plastic

In Stargate SG-1 S5.E10 & S4.E16 there is an Alien Race the Ashen who sterilize Humanity through Vaccination.

The Ashen are the Jews, because the scriptwriters in Hollywood are all Jews.

They write the script not just for Hollywood but for life.

Predictive Programming.

The Raelian Cloning Cult is also a Jewish Cult and their Symbol is the star of David combined with a Swastika.

You can't be more blatantly obvious.

And Bill Gates, Jeffry Eppstein, Klaus Schwab they all support mass sterilization through food and medicine while at the same time push on with Human cloning.

It can't get more clear than this.


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The Raelians intersect with the Effective Altruism crowd, and I'm trying to work out the importance of that beyond speculation.

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I asked you this before because it Irks me...

Net Zero is a scam... we all know this.

My Invention however isn't... it is real.

Yet without financing I am stuck... for the last 15 years...

My Transportation System is the most advanced that there possibly can be, designed to replace Aviation on a Global scale reducing travel time to 1h max between any given points with water as the only exhaust.

The market of Transportation has a value of many Trillion USD.

Yet to this day nobody has picked up on this, which makes me really angry and pissed.

You are a finance expert.

Help me.

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I heard this before, Effective Altruism especially with the FTX scam.

It seems to me to be a kind of "Umbrella" term... not unlike the "Net Zero" scam that is pushed upon us in many ways.

And I do belief they have similar roots drenched in the Occult.

If this is true then everything they say is the opposite from what they mean.

And I do belief there is a connection to the AI cult that dominates the public mindfield.

The connection is power and money... things very few people have.

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We were blessed to have so much Liam but following the music in his soul has to be perfect & we will watch him flourish as he soars on widespread wings, lucky us!! <3

Practically related to your title point & best of Corbett.. Who Is Bill Gates..

totally must watch for everyone :~) https://www.corbettreport.com/gates/

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It's simple. Kill off the baby makers as those alive will eventually die off anyway. The goal of the humanity haters is that no new babies survive.

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Just a few days ago I wrote this.


I am not suggesting he read this article or copied it or anything of the sort. I have a tiny audience and only write when I feel inspired. I'm content with that.

But it seems we are thinking along similar lines.

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There is no "human race". It's the human species. One single "race" is woke speak. Don't fall for it.

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Harvard Journal of Law & Technology

Volume 15, Number 1 Fall 2001




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Have you seen Birthgap? It points out a trend that financial crisis proceed big declines in birthrates. And about how bad this can be for the future of those countries.

Now we've been talking about the end of the dollar etc, what will happen when things get worse? Does this play into the plans of the elite?

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