Funny, Kirsch called me today asking about Eudravigilance data, I though he would have been all over that data when Wouter Aukema of Netherlands scraped down the raw data back in ~May.
I made a dashboard from part of the EduraV data and found so much bullshit, just like VAERS, hidden deaths, under-coding, etc...: I'm still waiting for my VSRF interview, I've been a frontline fly on the wall as much as anybody. lol
I don't think this movement likes true proud antivaxxers... just anti this vax?
Good stuff Mathew! I still like you. lol Hang in there. In my simpleton mind I think it was a "paper" plandemic and vax carnage cover-up. At both ends data I believe data was curated "on paper" to look like a virus was ripping through the world in the beginning, then hiding and obfuscating the vaccine carnage "on paper" on the other end.
I haven't fully made up my mind on what proportion of the 2020 excess mortality was protocol manufacturered, but I don't think it was paper manufactured. I believe that the social engineers wanted to push some elderly off the cliff to reduce costs, create calamity, and engineer desired political results (charged atmosphere to be sculpted by propagandists).
There was much more likely "on paper" manipulation (perhaps some manufacturing, but good criminals know to lie as little as possible) on the tail end (vaccine campaign).
Can't disagree, there is this old folks home around the corner, I would walk by it every night or at least 3x a week during 2020 lockdowns like in Mar-May and there was always an ambulance there taking dead people away. I'm not saying it was the rona, but I imagine any sniffle or sneeze and they probably put them on the kill protocol. Isolate, starve, take away some meds, give them other crazy meds, etc...
In Oz we had fewer deaths in 2020 than the 5 year average. xs death only began after vax rollout - official figures. Some states officially had 'no covid' as they locked travellers out, and started vaxxing their 'naive' population, and thus still have xs deaths They did fiddle with the data and change definitions to better hide the xs from '23 on from memory. My current hypothesis is that 'covid' or something was seeded or targeted at certain population - like the Iranian Officials who died soon after Wuhan broke, 6000 miles away! IMO it was targeted pathogen, but it mutated or dissipated quickly (maybe more quickly than planned, but the script was written so....). The rest was hype and distraction to cover the crime, but of course many agendas and many opportunities to make $$ could not be resisted. Call me a conspiracist:)
Clare Craig fitted her baseline against deaths in 2010-2019, so 2023 was further away from her fitting period than 2021. So by 2023 her baseline was probably further off from the actual long-term trend on average than in 2021.
In the following code I fitted a linear regression against deaths in June of 2010-2019 in each US state and DC. But in the early 00s my baseline was further off than in the late 00s, so my correlation between excess deaths in the first and second half of the year was much higher in the early 00s than the late 00s:
Funny, Kirsch called me today asking about Eudravigilance data, I though he would have been all over that data when Wouter Aukema of Netherlands scraped down the raw data back in ~May.
I made a dashboard from part of the EduraV data and found so much bullshit, just like VAERS, hidden deaths, under-coding, etc...: I'm still waiting for my VSRF interview, I've been a frontline fly on the wall as much as anybody. lol
I don't think this movement likes true proud antivaxxers... just anti this vax?
They hate antivaxxers … they love money more . Follow the money 💰, not the data 🤬
Good stuff Mathew! I still like you. lol Hang in there. In my simpleton mind I think it was a "paper" plandemic and vax carnage cover-up. At both ends data I believe data was curated "on paper" to look like a virus was ripping through the world in the beginning, then hiding and obfuscating the vaccine carnage "on paper" on the other end.
I haven't fully made up my mind on what proportion of the 2020 excess mortality was protocol manufacturered, but I don't think it was paper manufactured. I believe that the social engineers wanted to push some elderly off the cliff to reduce costs, create calamity, and engineer desired political results (charged atmosphere to be sculpted by propagandists).
There was much more likely "on paper" manipulation (perhaps some manufacturing, but good criminals know to lie as little as possible) on the tail end (vaccine campaign).
Can't disagree, there is this old folks home around the corner, I would walk by it every night or at least 3x a week during 2020 lockdowns like in Mar-May and there was always an ambulance there taking dead people away. I'm not saying it was the rona, but I imagine any sniffle or sneeze and they probably put them on the kill protocol. Isolate, starve, take away some meds, give them other crazy meds, etc...
That is STILL going on in hospitals.
Source: someone working in a CA hospital that refuses to push RunDeathIsNear
In Oz we had fewer deaths in 2020 than the 5 year average. xs death only began after vax rollout - official figures. Some states officially had 'no covid' as they locked travellers out, and started vaxxing their 'naive' population, and thus still have xs deaths They did fiddle with the data and change definitions to better hide the xs from '23 on from memory. My current hypothesis is that 'covid' or something was seeded or targeted at certain population - like the Iranian Officials who died soon after Wuhan broke, 6000 miles away! IMO it was targeted pathogen, but it mutated or dissipated quickly (maybe more quickly than planned, but the script was written so....). The rest was hype and distraction to cover the crime, but of course many agendas and many opportunities to make $$ could not be resisted. Call me a conspiracist:)
Well said. 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Clare Craig fitted her baseline against deaths in 2010-2019, so 2023 was further away from her fitting period than 2021. So by 2023 her baseline was probably further off from the actual long-term trend on average than in 2021.
In the following code I fitted a linear regression against deaths in June of 2010-2019 in each US state and DC. But in the early 00s my baseline was further off than in the late 00s, so my correlation between excess deaths in the first and second half of the year was much higher in the early 00s than the late 00s:
> t=fread("")[year!=2025]
> t[,date:=as.Date(paste(year,month,1,sep="-"))]
> t=merge(t,t[month==6&year%in%2010:2019,.(date=unique(t$date),base=predict(lm(dead~date),t[rowid(date)==1])),state])
> a=t[,sum(dead)/sum(base),.(year,half=(month-1)%/%6+1,state)]
> print(a[,.(cor=cor(V1[half==1],V1[half==2])),year],r=F)
year cor
1999 0.949
2000 0.971
2001 0.945
2002 0.951
2003 0.940
2004 0.949
2005 0.878
2006 0.845
2007 0.788
2008 0.793
2009 0.892
2010 0.712
2011 0.670
2012 0.256
2013 0.622
2014 0.201
2015 0.437
2016 0.390
2017 0.287
2018 0.410
2019 0.455
2020 -0.323
2021 0.301
2022 0.794
2023 0.916
2024 0.765
year cor