With the image data available it is a wonder that all child pornographers are not already caught, ergo, they must be known by those that want control over them with the threat of exposure but not by law enforcement.
With DNA there is a new segment of those who abuse their positions of power who can be targeted where actual proof exists that they have made a big mistake.
With the image data available it is a wonder that all child pornographers are not already caught, ergo, they must be known by those that want control over them with the threat of exposure but not by law enforcement.
With DNA there is a new segment of those who abuse their positions of power who can be targeted where actual proof exists that they have made a big mistake.
With the image data available it is a wonder that all child pornographers are not already caught, ergo, they must be known by those that want control over them with the threat of exposure but not by law enforcement.
With DNA there is a new segment of those who abuse their positions of power who can be targeted where actual proof exists that they have made a big mistake.