The Dr. Been video is interesting. I was not aware of Dr. Been until 2021, when he appeared to be fully on board with the vaccination program. He was resistant to the biodistribution of the vaccines outside the deltoid muscle and lymph nodes, and was very reluctant to question the "safety and efficacy" of the vaccine. I was not happy with that and stopped watching his videos.

In the linked video, he speaks favorably of not just Ivermectin, but of early treatment in general, particularly of hydroxychloroquine and of mixing doxycycline with the Ivermectin treatment. In the absence of a drug or "vaccine" approved by the FDA for treatment of Covid-19, Dr. Been spoke in favor of doctors using their skills. However, as EUAs became available for the "vaccines" and Remdesevir, he seems to have stopped pushing early treatment. This is why YouTube tolerates him. Whether someone "got to" him or he was always going to endorse the official narrative, I don't know. But early on, he was for early treatment and saving as many lives as possible given the tools doctors had at the time. He built a loyal following and many continue to see him as a truth teller, quite useful for the official narrative.

I don't judge Dr. Been, but at this point I pay him little mind.

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Many of Dr. Been's videos are highly educational. He is a talented teacher.

He has been censored at times, but remains on YouTube. I suspect he is trying to walk the tightrope.

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Dr Been's wife and one of his nieces suffered from adverse effects from their COVID-19 "vaccinations" and his outlook changed somewhat after that. Luckily, some people can learn from the experiences of others, even if it had to be those close to him

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Didn’t realise that. That’s unfortunate, he does seem like a genuinely good person. Some people aren’t capable of changing their world view in the face of overwhelming evidence. I have a vaccine injured relative that refuses to acknowledge it might be related to the COVID vaccine. I advised them to stay away from it before the roll out, they had a friend die which was linked in the press, and still got vaccinated so maybe those are aggravating factors.

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I certainly hope his wife and niece recover fully, but it shouldn't take a personal tragedy for people to wake up. I realize that people like Dr. Been are busy and perhaps don't have time to look deeply, but the information has been out there in VAERS for over a year. As I said, I don't judge his motivations, but he's been consistently in denial long enough that I pay him no mind.

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Seems to have had a conversion on the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. It’s been virtually impossible to find high quality studies on IVM (by design) so even if you’re for early treatment it’s more a belief that it probably works without a high quality study to confirm.

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Glad you recognize that large, double blind RCTs are (by design) not done. The standard mantra of limited hangouts like Been and Campbell is that repurposed drug X "shows promise" but more robust trials are needed. But of course such trials are never funded by Big Pharma and the only other source of the needed funding would be captured government agencies. Meanwhile, do as you're told! People like Been and Campbell are very useful for the narrative.

We don't need no stinking trials on Ivermectin. We already have over 89 studies and meta-analyses have shown a 63% reduction in poor outcomes (see https://c19ivermectin.com/). In a conversation between Dr. Tess Lawrie and Dr. Andrew Hill, who wrote an influential paper concluding that "more evidence" was needed for Ivermectin, he admitted that he changed the conclusions of the paper in order to satisfy the sponsors and the University of Liverpool, his employer. I couldn't locate the recording, but this article provides some key quotes: https://www.thedesertreview.com/opinion/columnists/ivermectin-and-the-price-of-life/article_3e1a2e14-5c70-11ec-b6f4-2b146e98a0b5.html

If Been is having a conversion on safety, it's only to save his credibility. It doesn't matter how cute your cartoons are. Eichmann never actually ordered the gassing of any Jews. He only arranged the transportation, and was paid well for that. Been, Campbell and Andrew Hill are examples of what Hannah Arendt called "the banality of evil."

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I completely agree regarding ivermectin. You don’t look for what you don’t want to find though…

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Interesting you should mention Pakistan as being a major producer of HCQ, because both Pakistan and Bangladesh have extremely low Covid deaths per million compared to European countries, Israel and the US. I'm talking 10 to 20 times lower rates.

Also, CFR is a very poor metric. It ignores the fact that unvaccinated people are less likely to test and report. I ran a survey here in New Zealand and 90% of the unvaccinated i polled did not report their Covid status to the Ministry of Healths data tracking system.

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Almost no statistics mean nothing. The goal of any data analyst should be to make the best use out of it. This means examining the extent to which it is controlled, and the consistency of the corruption of the variable. I make here the small observation that CFR went up after the vaccination program started. I've made it before. It's interesting to observe that's basically the only reason CFR has EVER gone up during the pandemic, anywhere.



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Agreed. Of course there are always some confounding factors which you carefully point out.

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Good point. Many unvaxxed also understand the uselessness and potential dangers of the tests, and are willing to take the hits to their lifestyle by refusing involvement with the COVID narrative.

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Your statistic means nothing unless (1) it is defined - i.e. are people supposed to report when they do not have Covid? Are people with no symptoms required to take Covid tests, so most of the positive test results are false positives? Etc. and (2) it must be compared with the statistic for the vaccinated and; (3) it must be compared with the Covid death rates of the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated; etc.

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" Are people with no symptoms required to take Covid tests" - Yes.

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Let me explain more clearly. My survey asked people, "if you believe you had Covid, did you report a positive test result to the Ministry of Health? This was a public survey on Telegram. 80% said No. 10% said they would "rather not say". When I asked these 10% privately, they siad No.

In nearly every No response there were other family members who also had Covid and did not lodge a positive result. Several people sent me private emails and said No. Some who voted Yes, said they were forced to do it in order to get time off work for themselves, or a family member.

Note that testing is not compulsory. Almost all unvaccinated treated themselves and isolated. The government was oblivious.

What you may ot appreciate, is that the unvaccinated are so, by choice. They disdain the government propaganda and corrupt reporting.They do not want to be part of any government data base. Many have lost their job due to mandates.

Unvaccinated New Zealanders are no different to those in other countries, like Bangladesh and Palestine. They dont trust bigPharma and their government minnions. They keep to themselves, they treat themselves, recover and get on with life. Meanwhile the government says their CFR is higher. Its total BS because the denominator is out by 90%.

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Interesting. Is reporting your sickness to the NZ government health authorities required or suggested?


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Not in New Zealand. Family members test to see if they have caught it from another member, but reporting is ot mandatory.

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But do they require it in lieu of a vaccine passport to get into shows, sports, entertainment, work, etc?

The question was specifically about people with no symptoms being required to test. They do (or used to) in Canada, Australia & NZ and lots of Euro countries.

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Same here in NZ, no test is required and no passport is required for these venues. People mainly test if they have symptoms, or a family member has symptoms and tested positive.

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Just got over Rona here in NZ.Didnt communicate with any part of gummint. Just took our ivermectin and were out the other side in 3 days.

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Exactly my point. There are thousands like us here in NZ.

The morons in charge, like Baker, Bloomfield, Little and Town have no idea that we dont play their stupid games.

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Bangladesh also has a lot more young people than old, and statistically less likely to die of Covid in the first place, but youth has clearly not saved them from vaccine-induced mortality huh.

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In late 2020, I ran correlation analyses on lots of variables and median age did not make a tremendous difference with respect to CFR. Why? It could be because age compression takes place along with health compression for the majority of the population in a nation.

But to the extent that a younger population may confer some health benefits, youth may very well have saved more of them from vaccine-induced mortality. It's hard to know without the all-cause mortality statistics.

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Pharma contracts with countries to pay in full for vaccination regardless of whether Pharma delivers (approximately $40 per COVID-19 vaccine dose). Could a country pay for the vaccine to get Pharma off their back and not use it? Would that be allowed? Or would Pharma care so much they'd insist on injecting everyone?

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In my view the biggest incentive for Pharma at this point would be to destroy the control group and jab everyone but pretty sure that "opportunity" has maxed out and losses to insurance companies will begin a shift for blame for losses. It's all fun and games until profiteers lose money then the search for remedies begins in earnest.

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I don't think it is all about money. Would be better if it were, in this case.

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Agree it's about control and digital IDs but money greases the wheels quite nicely.

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There is also reason to believe it's about genocide.

Specifically, the near criminalization of highly effective early treatment protocols, the numerous pathological pathways triggered by this bioengineered vaccine, the complete lack of vaccine efficacy, the pile of lies denying the obvious vaccine death data, pharma's blanket immunity from liability, the obsessive push to vax everyone including kids with a vax that kills and does not work, on-the-record statements by Gates regarding massive depopulation, and page 105 of Klaus Schwab's book where he states that 4 Billion "useless eaters" will be eliminated by 2050 through limited wars and epidemics.

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For what it's worth, Bangladesh's gov't is going to great lengths to NOT become indebted to multilateral development banks and the IMF, but they're hanging on by a fingernail.

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Great post, thank you. 🌈. When I told a friend that countries had more deaths after the vaccine rule out, she looked at me like I had gone mad.

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