Dec 24, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Your words, and others of similar mindset makes me remember the people in Fahrenheit 451. Not the normal people, but the ones memorising books for posterity, only you and others are memorising the time of science and freedom.

Because the goal of what you describe is obedience. The generations whoa are adults when oppression begins must be forcefully subjugated, but the generations growing up under oppression will view as normal, and their children will in turn not think about it all, indeed to them it will feel right.

What you and others are doing are what any authoritarian, totalitatrian, oppressor or whatever label we use abolutely posiively hates with every fiber of their being:

You show that things can be done in a dfferent way than what the oppressor says is the only right way.

On doesn't have to preach or challenge the oppressor to be labeled an enemy: just saying "Thanks, but I abstain from your way of life" is a crime in their eyes. It is /the/ crime, even.

Like a tormented man or woman leaving their domestic oppressor, like child leaving abusive parents, like a prole saying eff off to the bosses or like a well off person saying sod this to the creed of greed. To the one who melds his identiy to the system as it having intrinsical value instead of performatory value, that is the original sin.

They need you to love Big Brother by your own choice. They can use force on you every day of the week and hurt you until you obey, but only you can choose to love Big Brother.

Apologies for preaching, but your posts are inspiring. God Jul! (that's "good yule" in english, though idiomatically it's "merry christmas".)

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

This is an EXCELLENT initiative! Well done! After reading that absorbing account by Dr Malone's wife about the long-term abuse he has suffered - not just at the hands of the current censors, but also at the hands of rapacious academics who capitalised off his research - it is high time these heroes' full stories were revealed, un-maligned and undistorted, to the world.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Forgive the cut and paste job…


Dr. Francis Christian, Clinical Professor of General Surgery at the University of Saskatchewan and a practising surgeon in Saskatoon. Dr. Christian was called into a meeting today, suspended from all teaching responsibilities effective immediately, and fired from his position with the University of Saskatchewan as of September 2021.

There is a recording of Dr. Christian’s meeting today between Dr. Christian and Dr. Preston Smith, the Dean of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan, College of Medicine, Dr. Susan Shaw, the Chief Medical Officer of the Saskatchewan Health Authority, and Dr. Brian Ulmer, Head of the Department of Surgery at the Saskatchewan College of Medicine.

In addition, the Justice Centre will represent Dr. Christian in his defence of a complaint that was made against him and an investigation by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan. The complaint objects to Dr. Christian having advocated for the informed consent of Covid vaccines for children.

Dr. Christian has been a surgeon for more than 20 years and began working in Saskatoon in 2007. He was appointed Director of the Surgical Humanities Program and Director of Quality and Patient Safety in 2018 and co-founded the Surgical Humanities Program. Dr. Christian is also the Editor of the Journal of The Surgical Humanities.

On June 17, Dr. Christian released a statement to over 200 doctors which contained his concerns regarding giving the Covid shots to children. In it he noted that he is pro-vaccine, and that he did not represent any group, the Saskatchewan Health Authority, or the University of Saskatchewan. “I speak to you directly as a physician, a surgeon, and a fellow human being.”

Dr. Christian noted that the principle of informed consent was sacrosanct and noted that a patient should always be “fully aware of the risks of the medical intervention, the benefits of the intervention, and if any alternatives exist to the intervention.”

‘This should apply particularly to a new vaccine that has never before been tried in humans… before the vaccine is rolled out to children, both children and parents must know the risks of m-RNA vaccines,” he wrote.

Dr. Christian expressed concern that he had not come across “a single vaccinated child or parent who has been adequately informed” about Covid vaccines for children.

Among his points, he stated that:

The m-RNA vaccine, is a new, experimental vaccine never used by humans before.

The m-RNA vaccines have not been fully authorized by Health Canada or the US CDC, and are in fact under “interim authorization” in Canada and “emergency use authorization” in the US. He noted that “full vaccine approval takes several years and multiple safety considerations – this has not happened.”

That in order to qualify for “emergency use authorization” there must be an emergency. While he said there is a strong case for vaccinating the elderly, the vulnerable and health care workers, he said, “Covid does not pose a threat to our kids. The risk of them dying of Covid is less than 0.003% – this is even less than the risk of them dying of the flu. There is no emergency in children.”

Children do not readily transmit the Covid virus to adults.

M-RNA vaccines have been “associated with several thousand deaths” in the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System in the US. “These appear to be unusual, compared to the total number of vaccines administered.” He called it a “strong signal that should not be ignored.”

He noted that vaccines have already caused “serious medical problems for kids” worldwide, including “a real and significantly increased risk” of myocarditis, inflammation of the heart. Dr. Christian notes the German national vaccine agency and the UK vaccine agency are not recommending the vaccine for healthy children and teenagers.

The Saskatchewan Health Authority/College of Medicine wrote a letter to Dr. Christian on June 21, 2021, alleging that they had “received information that you are engaging in activities designed to discourage and prevent children and adolescents from receiving Covid-19 vaccination contrary to the recommendations and pandemic-response efforts of Saskatchewan and Canadian public health authorities.”

Dr. Christian’s concerns regarding underage Covid vaccinations are not isolated to him. The US Centre for Disease Control had an “emergency meeting” today to discuss the growing cases of myocarditis (heart inflammation) in younger males after receiving the Covid-19 vaccines.

The CDC released new data today that the risk of myocarditis after the Pfizer vaccine is at least 10 times the expected rate in 12 – 17 year old males and females. The German government has issued public guidance against vaccinating those under the age of 18.

The World Health Organization posted an update to its website on Monday, June 21, which contained the statement in respect of advice for Covid-19 vaccination that “Children should not be vaccinated for the moment.” Within 24 hours, this guidance was withdrawn and new guidance was posted which stated that “Covid vaccines are safe for those over 18 years of age.”

Dr. Christian says there is a large, growing “network of ethical, moral physicians and scientists” who are urging caution in recommending vaccines for all children without informed consent. He said, physicians must “always put their patients and humanity first.”

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Dr Fred Washgul - https://rescue.substack.com/p/the-despicable-defamation-of-a-lifesaving (And the wonderful folks at Rescue have a new article about more of the backstory to the bullshit claims of death-by-ivermectin. https://rescue.substack.com/ The hit pieces on medicines and heroic doctors are historical testament to how this pandemic response was never about health.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Dr. George Fareed and Dr. Brian Tyson were grossly misrepresented by the CEO of the local hospital and the media after trying to have them censored and discredited. These brave doctors gave an informative presentation on how they are treating patients successfully with their protocols for the benefit of our community despite these unnecessary obstacles.

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Is it possible in your opinion that what we are actually facing what Klaus Schwab spoke of in his book where a plan to reduce world population to 1 billion is underway? The steps he outlined in this process are what is happening now. How does a psychopath like him have that kind of power, how does Fauci get to dictate policy? Pure evil is rearing it’s ugly head, that is the real battle, good v evil, not red v blue.

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Dr. Scott Jensen, former MN state senator and now candidate for governor, spoke out early in March, 2020, regarding CDC's change of death certificate numbers to inflate death count and also the incentives being given to hospitals for ventilator use. He has had his medical license challenged multiple times.

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, the longtime professor of psychiatry at the University of California fired Dec 21, 2021 article - The Epoch Times.

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Judy Mikovitz was put in jail for speaking out. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Stephanie Senoff, Dr. Mike Yeadon (former CEO of Pfizer) and others ... on the Disinformation Dozen list Sherri Tenpenny, Rizza Islam, Rashid Buttar, Erin Elizabeth, Sayer Ji, Kelly Brogan, Christiane Northrup, Ben Tapper, and Kevin Jenkins. Jimmy Kimmel also made fun of Dr. Steven Baker for speaking out.

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Sen Elizabeth Warren tried to get Amazon and bookstores to stop selling Dr. Mercola's book The Truth About Covid-19. He was also threatened and told that he could not write about Vitamin D and other treatments. This is a list of cases where doctors and families had to sue hospitals to get their loved one taken proper care. https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/shocking-court-cases-show-hospitals-would-prefer-that-you-die-rather-than-take-ivermectin-and-live/

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This sounds like a great idea and should be a handy resource for upcoming entries in my new “Profiles in Courage” series (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/profiles-in-courage-dr-tess-lawrie/)!

I apologize for not having time to do this myself, but I would like to nominate the following revolting hit piece on Dr. Malone for inclusion:


This should be accompanied by Dr. Malone’s response and a poignant letter written by his wife, Jill:


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I thought I'd give some local/regional contribution: Prof Kreshimir Pavelic, the Dean of the Medical Facilty in Pula, Croatia was fired back in June because he participated in a round table discussion where he pointed out the high mortality rates of the vaccinated, virus mutation due to vaccination, and spike protein shedding. https://slobodnadalmacija.hr/vijesti/hrvatska/nakon-sto-je-zagovarao-ukidanje-cijepljenja-pa-cak-i-uhicenja-onih-koji-ga-propagiraju-dekan-iz-pule-promptno-smijenjen-doduse-pokazalo-se-da-fakultet-na-kojem-radi-prakticki-ne-postoji-1109206 Then the story got spinned/twisted and the managament claimed he quit because he didn't want his "antivax" stance to prevent the faculty to get full licensing for the medicine studies. https://www.glasistre.hr/pula/pulski-rektor-barbieri-pavelic-nije-smijenjen-nego-je-sam-podnio-ostavku-rijec-je-o-vrsnom-strucnjaku-i-znanstveniku-730942 I somehow feel he "was resignated", hmmm? (some CV information about the professor here: https://www.biotech.uniri.hr/files/CV/CV_K_Paveli_2018HR.pdf Unfortunately, all is in Croatian, but you'll get the basics.)

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Dr. Jonathan J Couey, ex-Associate Research Professor in Neurobiology at the University of Pittsburgh, lost his job by being outspoken about this scam, from the beginning. He was an initial member of Project DRASTIC - "J.J. Couey is on a crusade against "Immuno-Mythology" (of you-know-what).

The same Immuno-Mythology broadcast to us droids 24/7 on the MSM and regurgitated endlessly by public health authorities, "Experts," ...and even many of our friends :-( Yeah, THAT same Immuno-Mythology.

BUT -- it's not just a one-man crusade: Jay is a founding member of DRASTIC, the loose-knit group of Twitter-based researchers who brought the #LabLeak Hypothesis for SARS2 to prime-time news. (DRASTIC = for Decentralized Radical Autonomous Search Team Investigating COVID-19). They turned up both the Mojiang Miners Thesis, and the recent EcoHealth "PREFUSE" DARPA grant that WILL be breaking news, tomorrow.

Jay is a published PhD neuro-scientist -- so you can't just say, "Who is that yahoo, why should we take his ranting seriously?!?" & recently laid off from University of Pittsburgh due to his JJ-on-a-Bike Youtube broadcasts, where we first discovered him, in which he would break down complex virology research papers and debates while biking madly through miles of Pittsburgh traffic.

Jay's almost daily livestreams at twitch.tv/gigaohmbiological are mandatory viewing for anybody who really wants to understand what is going on. Usually starting at 18:40 CST. You can also get more in-depth info from his main site, Gigaohmbiological.com -- "Cutting Edge Biology for All." A recent paper "5 Concerns about SARSCOV2 Biology: A Call to Pause, Deliberate and Revise Policy." @jjcouey on Twitter, and be sure to follow the various other members of #DRASTIC there too!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4egL1JRiw2c

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Question Matthew. I have been keeping pages and pages of things I've copied (often without attribution but sometimes entire URL's) about the entire pandemic from March 2020....I don't know why I kept a record of the insanity except maybe to secure my own. Would there be an unobtrusive place I could lodge them on the wiki and then gradually sort through and put them where they belong?

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Dec 24, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Debra Conrad PA Upper East Coast. Del Bigtree and thehighwire.com has has her on his show. Dr Micheal Yeadon. Dr Gert Vanden Bossche. Dr Vladamir Zev Zelenko. Dr ? - a pediatrician from OR. Dr Paul Merrick flccc.net . Dr Pierre Cory flccc.net . Dr Simon Gold aflds.org . Dr Stella Imanuel aflds.org . Dr Judy Markowitz w/ Miki Willis - Plandemic movie. The "Un Dirty Dozen Doctors" Dr Sherry Tenpenny, Dr Lee Merrick, Dr Kelly Broggan, Dr Christine Northrup, Dr Carrie Madej ect., Dr Brian Ardis, Dr Eric Nepute, Dr David Matin, Karen Kingston, and the list goes on. Will add more when memory serves. I do not have supporting documentation other than their observing their verbal testimonies.

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There is a large list of doctors who have been censored on my Wordpress page, https://celiasuewords.wordpress.com/censored/ There are two Nobel Peace Prize winners and one nominee on this list including Nobel Peace Prize winners Dr. Luc Montagnier (who discovered HIV).

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