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"emerging from the fog of having being politically and psychologically manipulated."


Rachel Maddow too, then?

I don't get this logic.

Tim Robbins is no small adorable child who fell in with a bad crowd.

He is a seasoned politically active veteran of spin and propaganda.

How are you sorting out the "hapless victim of propaganda" stack and the complicit person who sided with those who simply did no research?

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I was actually thinking about writing a post on this (amongst my hundreds of other drafts in progress), partly inspired by your own questions about why we forgive some and not others.

I personally make a distinction between people of goodwill who were indoctrinated into the cult and Goebbelsian propagandists, psycho/sociopaths, malicious colluders, and media prostitutes like Rachel Maddow, who is incapable of genuine remorse and if she ever appears to display any would merely be acting in an attempt to save her own skin and career.

If someone who had been a cult member begins awakening from the daze; realizing they had become someone they were ashamed of; and offers a specific, heartfelt, and remorseful apology, then I will give them the benefit of the doubt, especially if their actions and words bear out their sincerity.

My entire mission is to unmask totalitarianism and awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs, so of course, I welcome the newly awakened, especially if they are performing penance and joining in the Resistance to tyranny in meaningful ways. We need all hands on deck to defeat totalitarianism, and if this helps others see the light, I will welcome them with open arms.

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There is so much to unpack here.

1. I used to watch Rachel Maddow. She was actually kind of cool once. Maybe she will want to come around too to defeat totalitarianism. Maybe Fauci will as well.

2. I'll look forwards to the post. I am fundamentally interested in this "re-vetting" of trustworthy allies. Because I'm pretty sure that they are responding ONLY to social pressures, not inspiration.

3. If anyone can parse this out, it is you, MAA. But what are the metrics that make people in the club to resist tyranny?

Take Bhattacharya. Great Barrington! yeah? A hero. Still slinging the jabs. Still Rand Corp. Still more Stanford than Dissident.

And responding to social pressures in the face of pressure is probably not going to go away quickly.

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I appreciate this exchange. It's healthy.

Fauci has no outs. He can tell us he's sorry at the sentencing.

I agree that the people who have played an active part must all pay some sort of price. I don't necessarily know what that is.

I believe you are correct to hold Bhattacharya and his kind to a different standard. They're a tough call, depending on the circumstances---some of which we may never find out. In fact, that might be what they need to do: shed light on the secrets they can that put us where we are. We have no government at this point, but it could only be put back together with transparency. Somebody holding on to secrets that could stop mass murder may have to take jail time to be trusted again.

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Well I'm interacting with two of my fave people on this corner of the Universe and trying to sharpen some steel.

I will surprise you.

I would take a Fauci and mine every bit of his intel, and kompromat.

I'd take him on the "side", use his data like Lecter and upgrade his cell to Plum Island.

But I wouldn't trust him. And I damn sure wouldn't create some kind of "redemption arc" like this is a movie.

And I'm never going to fool myself about what people are demonstrably capable of when the shit heats up...just b/c they're "nice". Or "cool."

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I would pass on handling Fauci at all. We all have our line at controlling our inner demons, and I'm afraid to find out that I'd enjoy what I dished out.

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If Fauci could give you Kadlec and others going up the chain, my guess is that you would take him.

He would get Epsteined right quick, but if you could protect him and we could solve 70-years of Psy Oppery and a coup, and not have bloodshed.

I would.

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I have a strong gut feel that almost none of the real perpetrators ever spoke a word about any of this in public.

Those are the ones I would like to see in the dock.

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Yes, both as to your inclinations and the need to resist them.

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I remember watching Rachel when she was a YouTuber wearing a backwards baseball cap with a dry-erase marker and Post-It board for illustration. And then I saw how she allowed herself to become thoroughly corrupted and co-opted for relentless propagandizing, and her emotionally manipulative fear-mongering, embarrassingly displays of fake tears, and role in perpetrating mass deception make it difficult me to ever believe she would authentically repent.

Fauci is irredeemable. He is a mass-murdering psychopath who *knows* exactly what he is doing and has caused incalculable suffering and deaths over the four+ decades of his reign. That is why I called him Dr. Mengelfauci (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dr-mengelfauci-pinocchio-puppeteer) — he is a sadistic bureaucratic monster who knowingly colluded (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling) with philanthropaths (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams) to fulfill their dreams of democide and dictatorship. There is no path to redemption for him or his ilk.

The social pressures are still *strongly* in favor of Covidians, Wokeists, and Cancel Culture—especially in Hollywood—so Tim Robbins, for example, is taking a serious career risk by speaking out on behalf of the uninjected, and he has been doing so for a while now (even though most only learned about it recently due to his interview with Matt). He exhibited wisdom by recognizing that he was wrong, and he is now making amends for the harm he has done. I applaud that behavior and want to encourage others to follow suit.

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Forgive me if I don't worry too much about Tim Robbins's career prospects.

I'll tell you what is going to happen. And I hope I'm wrong:

You will get the high profile types flipped with an appropriate show of contrition, and then leading a movement and it will be Obama, "Yes We Can!" all over again.

Just like you got a guy straight out of decades in the Big Military and Big Private Public Partnership somehow immersed with the freedom movement when one year ago he was advocating for more tracking and tracing and surveillance.

It will be Bernie Sanders shepherding stadiums full of people into the DNC or whatever new entity arises from this shitfuckery.

And nobody will get to the DOD.

Hope I'm wrong.

When people say, "Celebrities, they are just like us!" they are kind of wrong.

Celebrities are incredibly marginal people.

*edit: If they want to come in and be humble servants, great. But they will more than likely take over and you will find yourself erasing your metrics of success and re-drawing them and erasing and re-drawing.

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I understand your skepticism, Sage, and it may turn out that way, although, like you, I hope not.

Until their actions prove otherwise, though, I am willing to accept those who show genuine contrition (genuineness being judged by each individual’s gut, I realize) and are joining us on the frontlines.

I know too many kind, smart people who were bamboozled by the most sophisticated propaganda campaign in history, and I want more than anything for them to wake up. I also desperately want to understand why and how they succumbed so we can help inoculate them and others from further menticidal attempts—now and for generations to come.

Triumphing against tyranny requires as many people to awaken from their inculcation as humanly possible, so the more the merrier as far as I’m concerned.

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I think we are in a literal Biblical battle for humanity (and I'm not religious) and we are in tremendous danger of being seduced into Psy Oppery ourselves.

Right now.

You know I love you, right? I really do.

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Indeed, we must remain ever-vigilant and hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity and truth. This goes doubly for newcomers, who have proven themselves susceptible to propaganda in the past, but I also know awakening to that manipulation can make you an ardent warrior for truth, liberty, and humanity, and I am going to extend my hand to anyone who experiences an authentic conversion and wishes to join in our efforts to defeat totalitarianism.

Yes, I do know, Sage, and I really love you, too 😽💗🤗

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Fascinating discussion 🔥, finding people like the three of you has been about the only thing that has kept me sane throughout this whole shitfuckery, love you all! Keep up the good work!

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*lol* Aww, thank you, Luke, and I feel the same about you and all of the other brave, brilliant, funny, and creative souls in our karass (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-my-karass) 🤗

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If those crossing sides are met with insults it will slow the awakening. Unfortunately we need celebs to come out of the covid closet, as much as we may want to hurl insults it's best that we don't.

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At the very least, what we should do is something like what I have tried: state where our line is with acceptance. I want more than words from any one of them. They should both apologize and either participate in the deconstruction of the mindset or otherwise put in their own self-imposed "service hours"---and not through some bullshit NGO nonsense charity. Actual human contact and work.

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Agreed, for the "useful idiots" such as Oster/Robbins an apology and meaningful penance. For the Dr Hilary Jones and Prof Alice Roberts of this world, these are medical doctors who used their media presence to push the vaccines. I want their medical licence and I want them on trial for attempted manslaughter, we need to use the law to make an example out of them, to be taught as case studies in medical schools.

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Exactly Sage, and the latter will hide behind the former excuse like Rochelle Wolensky ( I love to spell her name wrong, everyone does ) did months ago already. She said " I was just watching CNN like everyone else, thinking this was the answer." ( the Bioweapon injection she was referring to. ) These are words for the future upcoming trials. They are all back pedaling to cover their asses with new words now, and a wink.

May be a bit of waste of time to pander with these suckers on this site. We need to get onto the next assaults with the injected graphine oxide assembling 5G nanobots and the aerosolizing of Bioweapon " vaccines " ( not vaccines ). This will again be way over the uneducated "actors " heads so they will poo poo it and laugh at us yet AGAIN, until it too, hits them in the face. The Evils just did there second beta test in S. Korea, the first ( that I know of ) was at the demonic rapper concert in Houston, Tx - Travis Scott I think.

Nothing to do with a " stampede " of course - that was LSM spin,Watch the concert goers dozens of videos it was during the concert and people essentially standing still and dropping from mostly cardiac arrests from the GO bouncing around inside them set off by certain wave lengths of sound energy.

Keep moving forward, the 300 Billionaire Club is moving faster. Tim and Susan just pissed they are not in that club. Why did they both get black eyes? Have you and your significant other both had black eyes in a relatively short time period apart?


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