Thanks Mathew,

This is going to be awesome.

Michael Nakagawa

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I look forward to writing a future article that recognizes your success, me'e.

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I am blown away that RTE readers just contributed $1,405 to the project.

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I freaking love this!!! ❤️❤️❤️

I'm already a subscriber, but please keep us posted.

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Also vitamin D!!! Lots.

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Fabulous, this is awesome, let's all pitch in and get this done asap !!!! thank you !!!

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Very encouraging Mathew!

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Subscribing now! Please tell them to also include aspirin to prevent blood clots and Pepcid, because it's an H2 blocker and there is growing evidence it helps.

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I’m beyond excited to learn of this program. Perhaps you might assist with implementing a simple data process gathering from the outset so that there would be “proof” for the nay-sayers that early treatment works.

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I could not find any details on the kits other than the 5-in-1 pills they're going to run off a batch of. The mix in this pill is good, but it could be better. I am very glad to see povidone-iodine in there, but I wish there were some details on it.

The 5-in-1 pill:

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 800 mg

Vitamin D3 (cholecalcifirol) 5000 IU

Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7) 325 mcg

Quercetin 500 mg

Zinc 30mg (Zinc Sulfate 130 mg)

Zinc gluconate or zinc picolinate are more easily absorbed by the body than zinc sulfate.

Quercetin in it's liposomal form, called quercetin phytosome, is absorbed at least 20x better and has been shown to be a fairly effective Covid-19 treatment. Adding peperine makes the rate even better. It costs a lot more, but this is the form that is actually actively effective. Plain quercetin is very difficult to absorb. Still, some is better than none.

Getting some magnesium in with the D3 gets your level up faster. Try to take the D with some fats, at mealtimes.

The vitamin C level is too low. It should be 1000mg.

The B vitamins are necessary too. All of them. Consider adding a bottle of Super B Complex to the kits.

Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) is a wonderful antiseptic. A 0.6% solution in saline ( 1 part in 16 ) in a nasal mist squeeze bottle destroys the virus in your nose and sinuses in just a few seconds and is non-irritating. Typical OTC saline spray is 44ml for $2; carefully remove the top and add 2.75ml of PVP-I. As a 1% oral rinse and gargle it is also highly effective. Assuming a 20ml gargle, add 2ml of the typical 10% PVP-I solution to 18ml tap water. Obviously a 5ml oral syringe will be needed. Combined, these two will prevent you from spreading viral aerosols for about 4 hours, and will stop the early infection cold. It is an excellent prophylactic, used 2-3 times a day 5 days a week.

I donated to the cause. Good luck and God bless, people of Hawaii.

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I love this! I have my own personal kit ready for one of my family members to use. I love that you shared this information. It's inspired me to reach out to a fireman I also know in the Dallas area. Between the 2 of us, maybe we can encourage this department to start this outreach.

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Mathew - just sent you an email to your Operation Uplift protonmail. Might be helpful?

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No time for any new projects atm.

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Thank you for bringing attention to this powerful response to these absurd impositions.

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Great news. Also very excited about the wiki you mentioned.

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What is the likelihood that any of us giving these kits out will be accused of "practicing medicine without a license" or acting in some way to violate an obscure FDA regulation and then interdicted by a government bureaucrat, or worse, arrested by a government mercenary?

There are times and occasions where giving food or clothing or money to someone panhandling is a citable offense —a local (to me) municipality, known for being "left-leaning" due to its large university population of professors and administation in the area, prohibits giving out money to the homeless, for example, in its jurisdiction (you're supposed to go through the "official" charities). I suspect that giving medicines, supplements, and treatments for someone suffering from a medical condition whose only official treatments are those authorized by the FDA can become itself unlawful. There is already a long list of "fraudulent products" the FDA publishes at their site (https://www.fda.gov/consumers/health-fraud-scams/fraudulent-coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-products), but these are sold or marketed, not given away . . .

Biotyranny is real, and a legacy we've inherited from the 20th Century totalitarians. With many intelligent and experienced and committed nurses, doctors, and medical practitioners being kicked out of institutionalized medicine and now free to participate in developing and assembling homegrown treatments and spreading community wellness projects, it seems like the clampdown will come for this, too. What can we also do to help prepare and defend against this possibility?

If a judge can forbid someone being treated with ivermectin, can a judge also forbid someone being treated with Vitamins, quercetin, povidone-iodine —even prayer: judges are, after all, going along with restricting the free exercise of religion by forbidding assembly, aren't they?

I don't mean to be cynical or negative. I mean to be prepared.

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1. It's best if an official organization like firefighters can run the program.

2. Know your local laws.

3. If they start arresting people for distributing vitamins and pulse oximeters, we may find out exactly what the 2A still means---in the U.S. at least.

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Need to talk with health food stores, who sell and provide information regarding supplementation. They will know the laws and how to avoid being accused of practicing medicine without a license, while educating others' on vitamins etc.

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I think this comment is on the mark. After all they haven't exactly been shy about killing people left, right and centre.

Just look at the Midazolam debacle.

Funny how the only resistant (maybe hesitant is the word) presidents just happened to die and be replaced by WEFers.

Look at all the alternative health practitioners who also happened to die over the last few years, just in time for ConVid.

And to the comment about over the counter, well, they won't be for long. NAC was over the counter too.

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NAC is still over the counter. Only Amazon stopped selling it. Walmart online has it at a great price. NAC ought to be in this kit too, along with advice to eat plenty of mushrooms. Mushrooms are loaded with glutathione, NAC is the precursor chemical for glutathione. Your immune system wants this.

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These are over the counter nutrients, shouldn't be a concern.

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And North Carolina did just that, probably ten years ago, a young mad was giving advice on his blog and they brought criminal charges against him. Don't remember the final outcome, think charges were dropped. Remember it was bad press for the State and whoever was behind the charges.

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Great news! However, I wonder if news like this might be best kept under the radar for now - unfortunately. A friend just told me about a certain unnamed pastor in Canada, that is giving info about what one can do, and assuring a mutual help network among the members. He said there have been 24 cases in that church, and none have gone to the hospital so far. BTW, I would be very interested to know the details of the kit.

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1. Kit contents in the link.

2. The kit was discussed in the city council meeting, so it's not particularly under the radar. On the other hand, if Big Pharma is focusing on my substack more than governing bodies around the nation, I'll take that as a sign that I'm doing more good than harm.

3. If vitamins, quercetin, and pulse oxymeters get panties in a wad, that's going to be revealing for the nearly naked emporers.

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By the way, IHerb is selling a flu/cold kit, https://www.iherb.com/c/common-cold-flu

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I also included info from doctors at Covid-Con21, with a disclaimer, suggest that people contact firefighters and/or doctors who may be amenable and want to do something, be part of the Solution

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The cereal companies went after Gary Fettke MD (Australia) and nutritionists went after Prof Tim Noakes, MD (South Africa) and the hospital (due to loss revenue) went after Shawn Baker MD.

So, yes be prepared for significant push back.

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I find it easy to believe that some poorer countries with less thoroughly captured governments are doing much better than the US at adopting cheap and effective early treatments and prevention. Along those lines, I'd really appreciate some expert perspective on Andreas Kalcker and chlorine dioxide solution.




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Matthew, thanks so much for all of the high-quality, evidence-based coverage you've produced on covid, the vaccine and early treatment. I noticed you have written some tweets to counter Gideon M-K aka HealthNerd's erroneous attacks on the ivermectin meta-analysis site ivmmeta.com. Have you considered doing a more in-depth analysis of HealthNerd's claims ? they seem to be an attempt to spread FUD with statistical errors and out and out lies. I don't know enough stats to make this critique, but I think it would be very helpful to have one. His tweets are regularly trotted out on another forum I frequent to disparage this meta analysis. Thank you!

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