I was trying to figure out why I feel this level of revulsion for Alex yesterday. I hardly ever think about him as I unsubbed from his newsletter ages ago and rarely encounter him, but when his name comes up, I feel this rage bubbling up within me that I don’t feel for anyone else I can think of—it’s the same sort of rage I felt toward my father when I was little and plotted to send him a box of mosquitoes for his birthday (yeah, I have daddy issues ;-)
I realize this is my problem, and I need to practice Stoicism and meditation to dissipate the disgust he provokes in me, but why is it there?
I had no opinion of him when I signed up for his newsletter after seeing him recommended by a number of people questioning the COVID narrative. Over time, however, it became crystal-clear that he is a megalomaniacal narcissist grifter who is intellectually dishonest and incapable of retracting his fallacious positions in the face of incontrovertible evidence disproving them. At the same time, he persists in shilling for Pfizer’s rebound Paxlovid and exhibits a highly suspicious stubbornness regarding the evidence demonstrating its harm versus the hundreds of studies showing ivermectin’s efficacy.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a while and tried to reach out to him politely in this letter:
It soon became clear it was *impossible* to penetrate his egotism (kind of like someone else I know, ahem: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-robert-malone), but my frustration switched to hatred when I realized how downright cruel he is after I saw him bullying vaxx-injured patients like Angelia Desselle and claiming they are faking their injuries.
And yet people still support him, both emotionally and financially, and it’s like watching Stockholm syndrome sufferers on “our” side get suckered by a person whom the term “dick” was invented to describe.
Sorry for the rant, but I guess I needed to process my feelings for him out loud, so to speak ;-) Now I feel the hatred draining away, and I can go back to not thinking about him again.
Is it egotism, or was he inserted into the crowd from the start to play a role, and so he must stay on script. This is at least part of what I was thinking when I documented his prior career as a spinner of spy tales. There is a long history of spy thrillers and science fiction being written by people in the intelligence community (if not associated with UFO religions like Theosophy or Scientology).
Ian Flemming (British Intelligence)
L Ron Hubbard (Scientology, Office of Naval Intelligence)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Theosophy)
Is the Matrix constructed by practiced fiction writers? I think so, at least partially.
I don’t think he possesses the intellect to be a plant - on second thought, that’s probably what they’re looking for.
I’ve long thought he plays both sides of the aisle as he wants SO BADLY to be back in the club. He wants acceptance and recognition by that crowd and is hoping he’ll be brought back with “Alex was right all along.”
Margaret nails his cruel streak which I think he sees as bravery 🤪. He’s a vicious narcissist but also comes across as a bumbling weirdo as witnessed by his recent appearance with Tucker.
Thanks for that great summation of Alex and for reminding me to examine my recommendations, which I hadn't done in a while, and make a few little... adjustments.🪓🩸🥷
Bullying a vaxx-injured person is pretty low. Wow. I cannot even imagine the justification for him to do that. Are all the other thousands of vaxx-injured persons faking it as well? Hardly!
"I hate very few people. I don’t even hate people who have actively tried to harm me" - You're a much better person than me then. I can't help but constantly think of the Steve Martin punchline "Die you gravy sucking pigs".
His most recent interview with Tucker was the nail in the coffin for me. It was by far, his most equivocal stance so far--including steering birthrate decline away from vaccine injury, insisting that these are "vaccines" whether we like them or not, insisting that the "vaccines" worked in 2021, denying the DMED data even after it was "revised," and barely making a mention of the horrendous safety profile during that interview. He's back peddling and avoiding certain topics.
Funneling back to the CO crew (Malone, Kirsch, Weinstein) makes perfect sense. Getting them all in one place to once again control the narrative: "Mistakes were made but it's brilliant technology and we'll do it better next time!"
Whatever they say or do, it's to keep the importance of vaccination alive--the rest is just drama. That they are sacrificing Pfizer and using that as a platform is a no-brainer--that injection died as soon as it hit the ground for every important reason so its not worth protecting.
PS: And everything Margaret Anna Alice says, above ↑↑↑.
"Mistakes were made but it's brilliant technology and we'll do it better next time!"
It's a batshit crazy 'technology'. Anyone with a background in systems science or security engineering should instantly recognize that 'fooling' your immune system and hacking your cell's protein manufacturing mechanisms is a really really bad idea. There's absolutely no way in hell that they could understand the untold millions of possible consequences.
I've gotten absolutely no response from some of the alleged critics of the vaccines when I reached out to ask them a few questions about this issue. Vaccines in general are an outright fraud (or worse), but these MRNA injections take it to a new level.
"There's absolutely no way in hell that they could understand the untold millions of possible consequences." And that is why there can hardly be another explanation for these "vaccines" than that they were deliberately intended to harm us.
I was struck by some thing JJ Couey said about being a biologist, and I am paraphrasing, no matter how clever you think you are or your technology, when it comes to the body you always come up against a level of complexity that you can’t figure out. So for me it’s the lack of respect and understanding for the miracle of creation that is so galling.
You put to good use your analysis of DMED from 2021 to counter their simpleminded claims on military that were harmed. Your ignored and unappreciated work came in handy and hopefully stopped in their tracks this misinformation they were presenting. The military members were abused in the way they were treated during recent past just as with the experimental forced anthrax vax of 20 years ago. Forced to get jabbed with this sinister concoction and then the side effects/harms were not acknowledged. They were pawns in the ugly scamdemic/plandemonium game that hurt the military as well as our country.
I guess if covid was virtually a non-pandemic resulting in not so many verifiable deaths, then disease X is gonna be 20 times more fake. It should be fun. A whole new clown show of indisputable dimensions and hilarity sponsored by the failing WEF and billy g and his hoard of ghouls. Will the omnipotent lord fauci be presiding over the new ordeal?
Unfortunately, the terrifying possibility is that there are truly killer agents that can poison a population. I am undecided on how much damage can be done with bacterial agents, but there is zero doubt that chemical agents can kill millions or even billions.
Invest in a good water filter, like a Berkey, which Newsom recently banned in California and which the EPA has targeted. Right there, you know the Berkey must be good.
It depends--most ROs depend on electricity and though they filter fluoride, they don't often get the same bacteria or chemicals. We have both--an Aquatru RO (countertop) and a Berkey. You can compare the list of compounds they each filter, but the Berkey is great if the SHTF.
Recall reading The Ethical Skeptic's 'The State of Things Pandemic - Week 51 2023' piece...was really taken aback to read:
'the SARS-COV-2 virus was a deadly pathogen, itself 6.6 times more deadly than the typical annual mortality total for all influenza viruses combined'!!
They are not above trying out something far more deadly than covid. That is my worry also. And not knowing which they will do...less lethal “ virus” or more lethal one will be another demoralizing and incapacitating weapon against us. 😡
Excellent sparring. Those who are unwilling to see ‘the truth’ (data) will never be open to a true debate. Berenson’s stance on Ivermectin closed the door for me. I unfollowed his Substack and give him no mind.
As a clinician, pretty sure that i saw the severity of illness diminish over time in general though obviously the cases mounted. It is hard to say though, since we did not really have a good definition of what an actual covid case was. It became anyone with almost anything who was PCR positive at any cycle count. So deaths from MI and Stroke and falls etc were routinely swabbed in the ER and labeld death due to covid. Perhaps some were... but mind you these were people with nl CXrs...
Alex has asserted in the past that people claiming uncontrolled shaking due to vaccine injury were lying. That makes him a proponent of assuming people are guilty (in this case of lying) until proven innocent. For me it is impossible to support or entertain the views of someone taking that position.
Alex has been groomed for too many years by the cabal. He’s bitter old man trying to be a true man in his decline. Men can initiate a thousand times but a failed initiation has long term consequences. He failed in his MSM life to live. He’s dead man in death cult.
These very same “intellects” will be dancing down the next govie planned yellow brick road of safety and efficacy. Ergo, these buffoons need to be ignored and shutdown for your own survival - do not waste any time on these type people and gravitate to those whose info will save you or at least add to your own ability to survive because we are on our own and this psychopathic circus has a lot of distracting clowns hoping to distract, confuse and control us. Do not forgive, do not forget and do not comply!
Love it. In the beginning I was interested in Berenson enough to buy his book but was disappointed by the book's superficial understanding of the pandemic and solutions. He really is a lightweight and seemingly not at all curious.
Interesting. I wonder what the Malone/Berenson spat was meant to do?
Have you looked at @ethicalskeptic's data and claims? Eugyppius claims that Europe is not experiencing anything like it. Substack writer William Briggs (he looked into the NZ data at Kirsch's behest) wrote that when he contacted ES with some questions via his Twitter account, he was blocked.
Nice work. Performed in good faith, with your characteristic wit. Berenson certainly likes to control his "brand." It is always about him . . . even when it isn't.
“Alex and James are very serious intellectuals. They have pictures and claims to back that up.”
I hate very few people. I don’t even hate people who have actively tried to harm me (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/how-to-be-an-upstander) or depopulate the planet (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams). Okay, I come close to hating Dr. Mengelfauci (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dr-mengelfauci-pinocchio-puppeteer), but it doesn’t compare to the level of detestation I feel for Alex.
I was trying to figure out why I feel this level of revulsion for Alex yesterday. I hardly ever think about him as I unsubbed from his newsletter ages ago and rarely encounter him, but when his name comes up, I feel this rage bubbling up within me that I don’t feel for anyone else I can think of—it’s the same sort of rage I felt toward my father when I was little and plotted to send him a box of mosquitoes for his birthday (yeah, I have daddy issues ;-)
I realize this is my problem, and I need to practice Stoicism and meditation to dissipate the disgust he provokes in me, but why is it there?
I had no opinion of him when I signed up for his newsletter after seeing him recommended by a number of people questioning the COVID narrative. Over time, however, it became crystal-clear that he is a megalomaniacal narcissist grifter who is intellectually dishonest and incapable of retracting his fallacious positions in the face of incontrovertible evidence disproving them. At the same time, he persists in shilling for Pfizer’s rebound Paxlovid and exhibits a highly suspicious stubbornness regarding the evidence demonstrating its harm versus the hundreds of studies showing ivermectin’s efficacy.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a while and tried to reach out to him politely in this letter:
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-alex-berenson-on-world
It soon became clear it was *impossible* to penetrate his egotism (kind of like someone else I know, ahem: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-robert-malone), but my frustration switched to hatred when I realized how downright cruel he is after I saw him bullying vaxx-injured patients like Angelia Desselle and claiming they are faking their injuries.
• https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/91947777/alex-berenson-proves-himself-a-man-of-principalnot-principle
And yet people still support him, both emotionally and financially, and it’s like watching Stockholm syndrome sufferers on “our” side get suckered by a person whom the term “dick” was invented to describe.
Sorry for the rant, but I guess I needed to process my feelings for him out loud, so to speak ;-) Now I feel the hatred draining away, and I can go back to not thinking about him again.
Is it egotism, or was he inserted into the crowd from the start to play a role, and so he must stay on script. This is at least part of what I was thinking when I documented his prior career as a spinner of spy tales. There is a long history of spy thrillers and science fiction being written by people in the intelligence community (if not associated with UFO religions like Theosophy or Scientology).
Ian Flemming (British Intelligence)
L Ron Hubbard (Scientology, Office of Naval Intelligence)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Theosophy)
Is the Matrix constructed by practiced fiction writers? I think so, at least partially.
I don’t think he possesses the intellect to be a plant - on second thought, that’s probably what they’re looking for.
I’ve long thought he plays both sides of the aisle as he wants SO BADLY to be back in the club. He wants acceptance and recognition by that crowd and is hoping he’ll be brought back with “Alex was right all along.”
Margaret nails his cruel streak which I think he sees as bravery 🤪. He’s a vicious narcissist but also comes across as a bumbling weirdo as witnessed by his recent appearance with Tucker.
Yes, that was a terrible interview. Tucker seemed surprised, not pleasantly, by a lot of what he said.
Great points, Mathew. Likely both.
Thanks for that great summation of Alex and for reminding me to examine my recommendations, which I hadn't done in a while, and make a few little... adjustments.🪓🩸🥷
Bullying a vaxx-injured person is pretty low. Wow. I cannot even imagine the justification for him to do that. Are all the other thousands of vaxx-injured persons faking it as well? Hardly!
👏👏👏👏superb response describing Alex. Thank you!
"I hate very few people. I don’t even hate people who have actively tried to harm me" - You're a much better person than me then. I can't help but constantly think of the Steve Martin punchline "Die you gravy sucking pigs".
Come to the dark side Margaret. We have cookies!!
Lorre: "Rick! Rick! do you hate me"!
Bogey: "I might if I ever gave you any thought".
😂 Perfect. Goes with Howard Roark’s “But I don’t think of you” I quoted in my upstander piece (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/how-to-be-an-upstander).
Know what your feeling, I have that same angst against a guy with the initials, DJT.
His most recent interview with Tucker was the nail in the coffin for me. It was by far, his most equivocal stance so far--including steering birthrate decline away from vaccine injury, insisting that these are "vaccines" whether we like them or not, insisting that the "vaccines" worked in 2021, denying the DMED data even after it was "revised," and barely making a mention of the horrendous safety profile during that interview. He's back peddling and avoiding certain topics.
Funneling back to the CO crew (Malone, Kirsch, Weinstein) makes perfect sense. Getting them all in one place to once again control the narrative: "Mistakes were made but it's brilliant technology and we'll do it better next time!"
Whatever they say or do, it's to keep the importance of vaccination alive--the rest is just drama. That they are sacrificing Pfizer and using that as a platform is a no-brainer--that injection died as soon as it hit the ground for every important reason so its not worth protecting.
PS: And everything Margaret Anna Alice says, above ↑↑↑.
"Mistakes were made but it's brilliant technology and we'll do it better next time!"
It's a batshit crazy 'technology'. Anyone with a background in systems science or security engineering should instantly recognize that 'fooling' your immune system and hacking your cell's protein manufacturing mechanisms is a really really bad idea. There's absolutely no way in hell that they could understand the untold millions of possible consequences.
I've gotten absolutely no response from some of the alleged critics of the vaccines when I reached out to ask them a few questions about this issue. Vaccines in general are an outright fraud (or worse), but these MRNA injections take it to a new level.
"There's absolutely no way in hell that they could understand the untold millions of possible consequences." And that is why there can hardly be another explanation for these "vaccines" than that they were deliberately intended to harm us.
I was struck by some thing JJ Couey said about being a biologist, and I am paraphrasing, no matter how clever you think you are or your technology, when it comes to the body you always come up against a level of complexity that you can’t figure out. So for me it’s the lack of respect and understanding for the miracle of creation that is so galling.
Well said.
You put to good use your analysis of DMED from 2021 to counter their simpleminded claims on military that were harmed. Your ignored and unappreciated work came in handy and hopefully stopped in their tracks this misinformation they were presenting. The military members were abused in the way they were treated during recent past just as with the experimental forced anthrax vax of 20 years ago. Forced to get jabbed with this sinister concoction and then the side effects/harms were not acknowledged. They were pawns in the ugly scamdemic/plandemonium game that hurt the military as well as our country.
I guess if covid was virtually a non-pandemic resulting in not so many verifiable deaths, then disease X is gonna be 20 times more fake. It should be fun. A whole new clown show of indisputable dimensions and hilarity sponsored by the failing WEF and billy g and his hoard of ghouls. Will the omnipotent lord fauci be presiding over the new ordeal?
Unfortunately, the terrifying possibility is that there are truly killer agents that can poison a population. I am undecided on how much damage can be done with bacterial agents, but there is zero doubt that chemical agents can kill millions or even billions.
Invest in a good water filter, like a Berkey, which Newsom recently banned in California and which the EPA has targeted. Right there, you know the Berkey must be good.
No, get a proper RO system, it should not be a problem in the US where space is not an issue.
It depends--most ROs depend on electricity and though they filter fluoride, they don't often get the same bacteria or chemicals. We have both--an Aquatru RO (countertop) and a Berkey. You can compare the list of compounds they each filter, but the Berkey is great if the SHTF.
Recall reading The Ethical Skeptic's 'The State of Things Pandemic - Week 51 2023' piece...was really taken aback to read:
'the SARS-COV-2 virus was a deadly pathogen, itself 6.6 times more deadly than the typical annual mortality total for all influenza viruses combined'!!
How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps
A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano.
The Fear is still their most powerful tool, we are all going to die and I refuse to die afraid.
They are not above trying out something far more deadly than covid. That is my worry also. And not knowing which they will do...less lethal “ virus” or more lethal one will be another demoralizing and incapacitating weapon against us. 😡
Sure, like the Russian ambassador and his daughter who were poisoned in the UK, except on a wider scale.
And despite what people know now, they will still fall for it.
Excellent sparring. Those who are unwilling to see ‘the truth’ (data) will never be open to a true debate. Berenson’s stance on Ivermectin closed the door for me. I unfollowed his Substack and give him no mind.
As a clinician, pretty sure that i saw the severity of illness diminish over time in general though obviously the cases mounted. It is hard to say though, since we did not really have a good definition of what an actual covid case was. It became anyone with almost anything who was PCR positive at any cycle count. So deaths from MI and Stroke and falls etc were routinely swabbed in the ER and labeld death due to covid. Perhaps some were... but mind you these were people with nl CXrs...
Alex has asserted in the past that people claiming uncontrolled shaking due to vaccine injury were lying. That makes him a proponent of assuming people are guilty (in this case of lying) until proven innocent. For me it is impossible to support or entertain the views of someone taking that position.
Tucker Carlson's interview of Alex was eye-opening. I had disregarded Alex much earlier. Now, I have much less respect for Carlson.
I'm glad to see more people not accepting the narrative, but not assuming the Chosen Heroes are exactly what they purport to be.
Sadly, Tucker is the one providing a very public platform for (and promoting the messages of) all of these false characters. So.....
Thank you for taking this issue on. As for spy writers, huge numbers were recruited during the Cold War.
How the CIA Helped Shape the Creative Writing Scene in America
Alex has been groomed for too many years by the cabal. He’s bitter old man trying to be a true man in his decline. Men can initiate a thousand times but a failed initiation has long term consequences. He failed in his MSM life to live. He’s dead man in death cult.
These very same “intellects” will be dancing down the next govie planned yellow brick road of safety and efficacy. Ergo, these buffoons need to be ignored and shutdown for your own survival - do not waste any time on these type people and gravitate to those whose info will save you or at least add to your own ability to survive because we are on our own and this psychopathic circus has a lot of distracting clowns hoping to distract, confuse and control us. Do not forgive, do not forget and do not comply!
Love it. In the beginning I was interested in Berenson enough to buy his book but was disappointed by the book's superficial understanding of the pandemic and solutions. He really is a lightweight and seemingly not at all curious.
Berenson started out good with his initial reporting but the more you hear from him the more you realize he’s got a huge ego & is not that smart.
Interesting. I wonder what the Malone/Berenson spat was meant to do?
Have you looked at @ethicalskeptic's data and claims? Eugyppius claims that Europe is not experiencing anything like it. Substack writer William Briggs (he looked into the NZ data at Kirsch's behest) wrote that when he contacted ES with some questions via his Twitter account, he was blocked.
Nice work. Performed in good faith, with your characteristic wit. Berenson certainly likes to control his "brand." It is always about him . . . even when it isn't.
Here's a couple laughs from WEF DAVOS 2024 🤣
19 seconds - https://rumble.com/v47jox6-woah-tell-us-how-your-really-feel-about-the-world-economic-forum.html
36 seconds - https://rumble.com/v47men9-wef-guest-apologizes-for-telling-klaus-schwab-to-go-fk-himself.html