A Model of Nanoparticles as the Primary Agent of COVID-19 Vaccine Injury
The Vaccine Wars Part LX
A short while ago I got done talking with Marc Girardot, author of the popular Covid Myth Buster Series substack, about his model of vaccine injury. This is one of my most important interviews ever. I hope the discussion is navigable by a wide audience. I've been in discussions with Marc for months while he researched and developed his model, and I've gradually moved closer toward it as the primary theory of vaccine injury. This took some time because as many in the medical freedom movement have, I bought into the spike protein story as the primary hypothesis for vaccine-associated illness. But that's a tough hypothesis to either accept or reject when you're not a biologist working on the evidence full time. Always keep your mind open and limber against the pressure of cognitive dissonance.

The discussion is also available on YouTube.
Some diagrams from our conversation our found in this recent article by Marc:
As you watch the discussion, look for data in your mental catalog that contradicts his model. I'm finding that hard, but I'll continue to do so because I respect Marc a great deal and working for ways to defeat a hypothesis/theory/model is the healthiest way to test it or force refinement. For the moment, I lean toward it having not found a particular weakness.
I must admit that I've also grown toward a theory that part of the firehose of information intended to steer us could come from within our own circles, either accidentally or intentionally. Keeping that in mind helps me (personally) to stand back and re-evaluate my positions.
Here are more of Marc's articles that relate to the conversation:
There is still room for theories of prion disease, but direct induced prion disease may turn out to be a small fraction of vaccine-associated harms. There is still room for spike protein damage in a grand unified theory, but Marc has a pretty good list of responses to the spike protein as anything like a primary concern. These forms of "vaccine roulette" may be at far lower scales than the damage to the endothelial tissue Marc describes.
Also related to our conversation:
Why are so many fewer children dying? By Amy Becker and Mark Blaxill, and
The depressed rate of vaccination during 2020 (Cunningham, 2020)
Marc's model is consistent with a reduction of vaccination relating to a reduction of SIDS. Others have pointed out the association during the pandemic, and removal of the variable being associated with removal of the harm is one of the Bradford Hill criteria.
One nice aspect of Marc's model is that it has the chance to bridge the gap between various warring factions. Historically, discoveries like the cause for peptic ulcers (h. pylori) were met both with ridicule and professional attacks before being recognized by the medical science community and eventually the Nobel committee.
"The KM has also now condemned itself to war crimes tribunals and massive civil lawsuits due to its COVID fraud. Two of the top five medical journals in the world Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine have retracted COVID-related articles."
"Now Hindawi, one of the world’s largest open-access journal publishers is retracting 511 papers that appeared in 16 different journals based on the discovery of “unethical actions”. The papers have all been published since August 2020."
A CIA affiliated Medical doctors comments:
“What this means is that they are admitting to all the fraud and lies by the medical profession. There will be numerous lawsuits against universities, colleges and medical centers as a result of this. Think about all the tenure given, and grants, that were awarded based on published papers that were bogus, wrong, and in place due to corruption and bribes, all for money.” benjamin fulford.net
Underground Court Lady said a while ago that the LNPs are attracted to fat and in a lean male the heart is the only place with much adipose. The LNPs land in the heart and make spike there. Both spike and the LNP coating is dangerous to cells