Actually, no, I generally don’t go into other peoples’ websites and insinuate they are evil or stupid because they eat meat, believe in evolution, or believe in viruses. But I frequently encounter this in my own website. This is not an issue of free speech but one of manners and tone and people who basically enjoy being rude.
Actually, no, I generally don’t go into other peoples’ websites and insinuate they are evil or stupid because they eat meat, believe in evolution, or believe in viruses. But I frequently encounter this in my own website. This is not an issue of free speech but one of manners and tone and people who basically enjoy being rude.
And who started calling names again, for holding "unacceptable views"? And all I did was to express __some__ reservations about usefulness of the concept of tiny homes for most people. Not, as Mathew puts it, shit on the whole idea. But instantly: wham, zap, boom! OMG. Will know not to comment on you guys going forward, only to adore your posts with likes.
My mistake. I’m really really sorry, I apologize unreservedly. I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused you, or your family, and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future.
Actually, no, I generally don’t go into other peoples’ websites and insinuate they are evil or stupid because they eat meat, believe in evolution, or believe in viruses. But I frequently encounter this in my own website. This is not an issue of free speech but one of manners and tone and people who basically enjoy being rude.
And who started calling names again, for holding "unacceptable views"? And all I did was to express __some__ reservations about usefulness of the concept of tiny homes for most people. Not, as Mathew puts it, shit on the whole idea. But instantly: wham, zap, boom! OMG. Will know not to comment on you guys going forward, only to adore your posts with likes.
My mistake. I’m really really sorry, I apologize unreservedly. I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused you, or your family, and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future.