Let's Have Fun With Midterm Politics
Livestream Tonight: Thursday, November 3 @ 8 PM Easter (to Whenever)
Liam and I will be live tonight on our usual platforms discussing the Midterm elections, and we want this to be an educational experience, helpful for voters, but also downright fun. In other words, we're going to roast some people. No apologies.
I plan to kick things off with a political story about my own family, which involves around two centuries of American politics.
More than that, we want for you to help us roast some people who deserve it. All you have to do is show up with real dirt, voting records, and roastworthy positions to share them. We'll try to make this as participatory as possible across channels.
We are going to try to invite some guests into the studio as we go, so I'm emailing out a list of friends—interesting people who might have interesting takes on politics or the candidates more generally.
So, take a break. Run a bubble bath. Light a few candles. And join us for tonight's livestream. Do it because it's the right thing to do. It's for the greater good. It might not stop viral transmission, but it won't kill grandma. We just want you to be aware who might.
Bring your cat. Bring a friend. Bring your dankest memes (email memes/cartoons to RoundingTheEarth@gmail.com).
Members of the community can join Locals.com free for Nov via this link:
RoundingTheEarth@gmail.com always sad seeing Google platforms being used j/s