"The Earth is littered with the ruins of empires that once believed they were eternal." -Percy Bysshe Shelley
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This article seeks to establish a model so that people working to understand the chaos of the world can match that model to their experience.
Step 1: Starve the people, and disconnect individuals from communities. Vicious competition ensues ensuring the division of society into a "power majority" and an opposition ("dissidents"). Ostensible peace is kept by keeping many dissidents in a state of quasi-participation in the spoils of society.
Step 2: Pull the majority into a plan for global governance.
Step 3: Build cult homes for the dissidents.
Step 1: Starve the People, and Disconnect Communities
"Hanlon’s Razor teaches us not to assume the worst intention in the actions of others. Understanding Hanlon’s Razor helps us see the world in a more positive light, stop negative assumptions, and improve relationships." -some wannabe guru
Pfuck Hanlon's razor.
Starve the people,
By making available some amount of resources less than what society needs to be healthy, vicious competition ensues. The most psychopathic (Kunlangeta) rise quickly before anyone with a balanced emotional state can comprehend the situation. Where resources are sufficient for a stable and healthy population that might learn how to fight back, ratchet up the population (see India for details).
Starving people have a hard time putting up a fight, but those who are clever and determined can still pose a challenge to an empire. Since the times of early civilization, empires have generally fallen not due to direct conflict, but due to decay. But fighting dissidents can be an expensive process that accelerates or even precipitates decay.
Disorganizing communities is a great way to divide and conquer. Through centralized organization and mass media, collectives of families are disemboweled so that those in power need only fight one individual at a time—or at most a few. And the destruction of each individual measures as a ripple, not a wave, in the stream of human history. The Prussian education model that makes child rearing an institution-centric process instead of a parent-driven process results in generational disconnection.
Most people do not know who to blame due to heavy media control. This is a key feature of the system. And yes, there is a system being organized by powerful people. They're apt to tell us so, if you listen—even if comedians are dispatched to aim malicious laughter at people who read the words of the organizers:
"There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning." -Warren Buffett
"Fictions are necessary for the people…The Truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason." -Albert Pike
Hanlon's razor is a steaming pile of bullshit designed to make people think that the problems of the world are due to rampant incompetence among the expert/specialist/Mandarin classes. Oddly, the Mandarins often both believe in this aphorism as a generality, and the general superiority of their expert class at the same time. This assures a level of cognitive dissonance among those who might find themselves questioning the narratives of the Matrix.
Step 2: Pull the Majority Into a Plan for Global Governance
This step is simply understood. Those who are part of the rank-and-file corporate empire(s) are easy to pull along. They have great lives [if you count by dollars earned per paycheck that yield mortgage and luxury]. They get a lot of pats on the head along the way. They're special, and they're told so often. And they know that the special people (Mandarins/experts) ought to be governing the world as a single cybernetic machine.
Crises are created that pull them into supporting the "current thing", which is made existential:
East-West war with nuclear powers,
Pandemics (which are weirdly suddenly relevant to human species survival),
Anthropogenic climate change,
Energy and other resource scarcity (but let's not build nuclear reactors that could solve that problem) leverage Malthusian existential fear,
Global religious conflict.
It's not hard to make these issues into scary existential events. The combination of the carrot and the stick means that you can fully expect the lion's share of the Mandarins, Mandarin-aspirants, and many others to jump on board.
It doesn't matter that the base of the pyramid is taught to think of a New World Order as conspiracy theory…they're so easily onboarded that their perceptions are irrelevant. Then again, there are many among the "educated" Mandarin class who have homes in one or another branch of the occult octopus. Some of them may be nearly as brainwashed as the hashashim.
Step 3: Build Cult Homes for the Dissidents
It's a trap.
Most dissidents start out in a tough position. They face a dramatic asymmetry of information. They're outsiders in a scientific world. They are often guided by intuition, but lack the rigor to understand the difference between facts and conspiracy theory fiction sold to them as an alternative narrative. Those insiders who eject themselves from occult organizations often wind up attacked or dead for revealing secrets.
People who are not sucked into the propagandized global narratives come in all shapes and sizes. Sucking some of them into the Matrix may be close to impossible, but most can be baited in the same way that intelligence agencies work to create agents: M.I.C.E.
But that's a waste of battery power. This is where Theosophy comes in. Sure, there were cults prior to the Theosophical Society, but Theosophy changed the game by working with the freemasons in the monarch and oligarch circles to generate a fractal of cults with a common aim: a New World Order. Their words, not mine.
"Fractal of cults?"
Yes. A single organization cannot match every personality flavor, and controversies within each one may lead to loss of mass if there is not another arm of the occult octopus offering a new home with most of the compelling beliefs. They can also be engineered to "find the ruin" of each individual, or offer the appropriate carrot (money/ideology/ego).
CultEducation.com lists a subset of the arms (Neo-Theosophical groups) of the Theosophical octopus:
I am surprised not to see the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) on this list. Their beliefs incorporate a large portion of Theosophy and its members get involved in and promote nonsense like the Remote Viewing program. Of course, its members would be insulted to be included in a list of cults, but their opinions matter little when their children are being systematically tortured, raped, and turned into intelligence assets. But I don't mean to pick on the A.R.E. since I've heard similar stories from within a lot of these organizations.
I suspect that Ariosophy and Anthroposophy are not included here because historians do not want the general public to connect the dots between Theosophy and the Nazi Party. At best, these branches of the Theosophical tree are controlled opposition (and barely different) serving as staged Hegalian dialectic. I plan to make this case firmly in a future article.
It is interesting that Falun Gong is listed, but not Scientology considering how much the two organizations have in common (which I plan to talk more about in a future article) with each other and also with Theosophy. Raëlism, an organization that focuses on human cloning, also belongs on the list as well as NXIVM (which based some of its precepts after Scientology and other Theosophically-leaning organizations). I also include EST/Landmark/Forum, whose founder Werner Erhard started off at Scientology before breaking away to run his own brand of self-help programs [which could be more credibly be advertised at major universities such as Stanford and Harvard].
So far as I've seen, every one of these groups share the invented belief that humanity is a species planted here by an alien intelligence along with some version of the kumbaya message of the coming Age of Aquarius. And there is a flavor here for everyone, whether you want to remain connected to a particular religious or ethnic community (until you aren't allowed), whether you want to wear suits or robes, whether you want to practice Kundalini, Mindfulness, or Transcendental yoga, or whatever. You can be a hippie, or work in Silicon Valley writing code for advanced weaponry to be sold to the House of Saud. It doesn't matter—there is a Theosophical cult for you. And if there isn't, somebody will invent one. You can be certain of it.
And it matters. Aside from the general hostility exhibited by Theosophy toward Christianity, it is the Theosophical Society that has maintained a permanent relationship with the United Nations—even when its name was the League of Nations. If you don't get it yet, Theosophy was always part of the global governance plan. The Theosophical Society was not merely a partner with the UN, but the soul of the entire agenda. It is the occult arm of the Empire that seeks to scoop up dissidents. It operates in lockstep with Rockefeller agendas (whose Chase Manhattan funded and banked the UN and a suspiciously large number of Theosophical projects), the Fabians, and the eugenicists.

If you aren't yet certain, study the Neo-Theosophical organizations. One of the interesting features you will find among most all of them is that the birth rates inside these groups are far smaller than within the societies they operate in. I don't have a statistic for this, but having grown up in the A.R.E. and spent the past two years studying Scientology and other of these groups, I feel certain that it's true. And L Ron Hubbard made little secret his eugenics leanings. While they promise their adherents spiritual growth and progress, they're not much different than the uglier parts of the "healthcare" system—glorified kill boxes. Or perhaps simply pod farms where all dissent is organized into biological batteries on which the system thrives.
And if you haven't already figured it out, the "Medical Freedom Movement" is well-stocked with adherents of the Theosophical fractal:
Sorry if this is a bit like "Where's Waldo?", but it's not so hard. He's everywhere.
I would defend Hanlon's Razor just a little bit. I think it is fairly applicable when dealing with people you personally know and are interacting with. Most people are just ignorant, not malicious, so most people you interact with day to day really just are not paying attention, as it were.
Where it breaks down, hard, is when you move from normal people you interact with day to day to highly selective groups. Business executives, for instance, are not a random sampling of people, but rather a very small percentage that is highly selected for certain traits. If those traits include, say, goal driven sociopathy, then yea, assuming their intentions are not bad is going to be a big mistake generally. Scale that up to politicians who are an even tinier percentage of the population and much more filtered for certain traits, and the razor should definitely be flipped and we should assume malice until proven otherwise.
Put another way, abuse of Hanlon's Razor seems to me to be a version of the human mistake Hayek cites for the appeal of socialism: applying behavior that is appropriate for the family and close friends to behavior appropriate to anonymous society, and vice versa. A useful rule of thumb for assumptions about humans at large (anonymous society) is really destructive when applied to small and highly selected groups (elites), just as applying the rules of markets to your family interactions would be pretty awful.
I'm still amazed that Theosophy caught on, as the whole scam was rumbled by one Mr Aleister Crowley, of all people.
Theosophy first really caught on in London, with the idea that upper middle-class Englishmen were the absolute pinnacle of evolution (that they also had scads of money didn't hurt, I'm sure).
It worked like this: Madame Blavatsky would stand before a curtain, and receive letters of wisdom for the audience dropped down from her Red Indian Spirit Guide behind the curtain.
Mr Crowley, being a suspicious sort, stood up one evening and pulled the curtain down
Lo and behold, there stood Madame's assistant, Franz, standing on a chair, holding several letters.
The meeting was abruptly adjourned, and Mr Crowley was banned for life.
The weird part is that most people came back. And more came...
You get the idea. Me, I'm still wondering why.