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When this article series is complete, it will be published together for free as a single article, and linked into the Grand Unity Theory (Psyop).
Understand that this article series takes a neutral approach to the potential election of RFK Jr. I certainly have no love for Biden, or whoever that might be stumbling around the White House. And I consider Trump most likely a Hopium psyop, though I have a more specific model with what James Corbett describes as to how that process is working (however consistent with his general framework). And in fact, I believe that the same interests behind the Trump election are behind Kennedy's campaign, which is why I'm calling it Operation Kennedy.
And honestly, I have doubts about the imagined powers of the presidency in a sufficiently high tech world. That is to say that I mostly cringe when I think about the highest levels of democratic politics, and that the power brokers and map makers operate outside of the democratic facade.
Here is a basic first taste of the process that I'll be exploring in this article series…
Building a Coalition
Nobody can win a Presidential Election these days without either running the gauntlet of one of Uniparty branches, or building a previously unimaginable coalition that could somehow skate under the radar before coming together like Voltron.
Yeah, the cartoon serves the analogy, but in reality, the pieces must fit together, and the task is a complex one that requires for the wrong ends of strong magnets not to repel one another. This means preparing them separate from one another, with secrecy if not stealth. Not long ago, this level of election engineering would have been completely unimaginable, even if elections were already engineered (and you can be sure that they were given how consistently the Oval Office was occupied by exactly whom Unipals David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinksi prepared for the role from Jimmy Carter through [at least] Barack Obama).
Here is a slide that I made for a presentation that I made a few months ago at my Locals channel where I test many ideas before publication.
I list two UFO cults under Pharmafia critics. To that you can add Falun Gong, the suspiciously Scientology-templated cult that started The Epoch Times, and New Age cults that seem more splintered, but are really just part of the same organized cult network planning (which I plan to write more about very soon).
Does it make more sense why there do seem to be so many Chaos Agents in the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM), and that the "alt" media just laps them up without skepticism or vetting? And…think on this for a moment…why the mainstream media (MSM) attacks most MFM leadership using only and all of the weakest or strawman criticisms?!
You can also put a real and fair question mark after "Globalist Opposition". It may very well be that many organizations and groups under that category are in fact steered without the knowledge of the vast majority of its members. We live in the Age of Psyops. And here we are with third-party election master Roger Stone and his pal and the military's elite psychological warfare operations specialist General Michael Flynn (who is promoting RFK Jr. pretty well on Twitter) flanking the POTUS candidate. Recently, Flynn joined former military elite psyop master Paul Vallely in publicly admitting that QAnon, which promoted a "junior" member of the Kennedy family would emerge to save the nation, was in fact a psyop.
Election Math
In the United States Electoral College, there are 538 electors, a number that may have supernatural significance, depending on which religion or cult you're attached to. This was probably decided by an alien overlord. I think I'm kidding, but I can't be certain.
Half of 538 is 269, so it takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidency. If no candidate achieves 270 electoral votes, the privilege, honor, and theater of choosing the next POTUS falls to House of Representatives, which is sometimes referred to as "the lower chamber" because, according to Dante, you have to step down from the Senate's circle in hell to reach the House's. So, if the Uniparty candidates tie, or a third party candidate achieves even one or two little state victories (even an electoral vote out of Maine), the currently predictably thin margin by which POTUS candidates are elected could crater into a Congressional House election.
Is anyone wondering what terrified and terrorized Hawaiians are thinking about politics right about now?