Tomorrow is an important day: Tuesday, June 7, 2022.
Tomorrow is the primary for the 25th Congressional District of (Southern) California where Dr. Brian Tyson is running.
What else needs to be said about Brian. He was one of the doctors who stepped up to save perhaps hundreds of lives in Southern California by not giving in to medical nihilism during the pandemic. I suspect that between his own patients, and the leadership he exhibited in getting the word out about early treatment, he is responsible for saving thousands of lives, suffering for many more, and also millions of dollars worth of invaluable medical resources.
His clinics have now treated at least 11,000 patients with (last I heard) just 4 hospitalizations and 0 deaths among those who were treated during the first few days of symptoms. Brian was always willing to share his time with all those asking questions—even while he was enjoying vacation on Independence Day.
Perhaps most telling, Brian earned the great respect of an impressive group of peers for his efforts. They are pulling for him.

Brian is a family man and recently became a grandfather for the first time. But when you talk to him you know that he is a constant learner, and knows the issues of his district, including the increasingly important issue of water rights in a community of exceptional agricultural output.
Please share this with your friends in Southern California who can cast a vote for Dr. Tyson. Our nation needs a rock to stand firm while sorting out the aftermath of the pandemic medical fiasco.
I happily donated to Tyson’s campaign in May. I’m not in his district but support him anyway. We need more of him in medicine and government.
Praying for a win by this brave doctor!