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Recently, I came across this long article exploring the possibility of controlled opposition (chaos agents) managing much of the Medical Freedom Movement (MFM).
This ActionableTruth article is a long read, and could have been four to ten articles. The section on David Martin includes the Egyptian (Church of Set/Horus?) symbolism (sun worship?) I had previously seen a few places around the MFM.
We'll come back to the potential significance of the tattoo. Much of the rest of the information about David Martin I had previously gathered myself, so I decided to build a profile graph of the Alpha Male for Hire in order to summarize it all together.
Edit: I should also have pointed to EscapeKey’s excellent summary of Martin’s connections to globalists in the Rockefeller orbit:
Understand that I believe that much or most of the information Martin has made public with respect to the plandemonium is likely or surely correct. So, if Martin is a Chaos Agent, he qualifies as a "limited hangout". Is there any evidence that David Martin is a limited hangout?
In my opinion, there is, but I will leave it to each reader to make up his or her own mind.
Trickier is to understand what motive there might be to insert somebody like Martin as an agent into the Chaos. I will do my best to address that at the end.
Narcissistic Market Failure?
"When the tide goes out, you discover who's been swimming naked." -Warren Buffet
While trying to understand who Martin is, I mined this Martin Rijland article, which appears to be the same one I had previously saved in my notes that was censored off Google notes (correct me if I am wrong if you know the work). Why would Google censor shared research on an apparent member of MFM leadership? From Rijland,
In the opening paragraph, we learn that David doesn't build his identity around his accomplishments, and then we get treated to an entire list of his accomplishments, which, I must say, seem somewhat super-human, similar to the likes of the Elon Musk types - Superman genius figures who are likely just a front for intelligence and military operations. They may not even know that they’re serving an agenda (although I’m pretty sure Musk does). Somehow these people have super-powers that allow them to accomplish what the average person would in 10 lifetimes. If you think Elon Musk is actually an independent entrepreneur who is flying robots to Mars, then I suggest you do some additional homework. Watch some of David’s videos and pay close attention to how often he talks about his accomplishments, then remember that little bit on his website where they mentioned he doesn’t build his identity around his accomplishments. This is one of many manipulation tactics employed by propagandists, known as Appeal to Authority.
Martin beats his chest about being a polymath while telling you that he leads without beating his chest. Far worse is that his accomplishments are often vague. Mathematician? I might be able to judge that, but has Martin displayed any mathematical work in real time that I can evaluate?
Wouldn't it have been nice if Martin had chimed in on any of my work throughout the pandemic? Maybe help sort out the DMED debates (psyops), which should take a qualified mathematician a fraction of a work day?
While Martin's personality and body language falls far from the usual tree of advanced mathematical training (IMHO), I will examine his claimed application of mathematics to financial markets. One of the accomplishments that Martin brags about is creating an index using mathematical algorithmic voodoo. Originally known as the CNBC IQ100 Index when unveiled in 2016, the Innovation Alpha United States Index (GTR) designed by Martin has underperformed the NASDAQ over the past five years.
During the first quarters of its inception, GTR did outperform markets, and was hyped by CNBC. But here's something that you should know, that quality mathematicians and quants generally recognize about such algorithms: Short term success is often random. When it is not random, it often represents data mining of past inefficiencies that quickly self-correct after which the results [compared to the general market] generally once again return to randomness. All that assumes that the algorithm made any sense at all. IMHO, fitting potential corporate patent usage to markets makes more sense as a consulting project than an index. When it's not profitable, it's a nonprofit or simply an educational exercise. Given a nation a patent, and you make their energy usage more efficient for a day. Teach them to fish for patents…
I have to ask: was a project like this designed to build the cv of an agent whose word could not be easily challenged as plandemonium crises unfold?
The Conspirituality LARP Circle
Now that LARP (live action role playing) is in Merriam-Webster, hopefully we authors will no longer have to define it every time we use it.
Adding to the Eye of Horus, Martin has numerous connections to what some people have termed a "Conspirituality" movement in which conspiracy theory is directed by supposedly spiritual gurus. The goal seems to be to steer pre-existing biases based on religious and spiritual elements, some of which I suspect were embedded in public consciousness for no other purpose. This is exactly the sort of thing that makes the conspiracy theory label an effective way to silence opposition. If you throw aliens or Bigfoot into an ordinary investigation of wrongdoing, you close a lot of minds—some of which rightfully do not want their time wasted.
Is this pointing at a deer while calling it a horse? Do we think only one side would play such games? Do we even know if there really are two sides?
Poke around the group to see how thoroughly connected David Martin's circles are to New Age (Theosophy/Fabians), and through them to the United Nations. It did not escape my attention that Martin worked for a subsidiary of the United Nations, or that his brother Daniel has worked with both the CDC and WHO.
Aside from having been told about Martin's speaking in tongues (a test to see whom you can impress when invited to speak in various communities?), I noted that Martin's company MCAM contains what certainly looks like a Masonic logo, though he dismisses the connection. Having mentored a student through a graduate course in ancient mathematics at Harvard, I've become familiar enough with the history of the development of Egyptian mathematics to suspect that I see a compass (Phoencian Navy?) and arrangements of circles and triangles that are sometimes referenced in "sacred geometry" that the Egyptians (or Phoenician Navy?) may very well have been responsible for introducing around the world. There is a long history of masons paying homage to the fundamentals of mathematics and engineering even as psyops are run against the public claiming that aliens [who no longer care to build on this uniquely lush planet] plopped them down in violation of the prime directive (I'm being cheeky, but only slightly).
My nearly two years of studying Scientology and Theosophy (tens of thousands of pages of reading) have firmed up in my leaning toward these groups being designed by naval intelligence in the same mold. And naval intelligence may be the most powerful group in the world given that since WWII and the Bretton Woods accord (no no, go back to the East India Companies or earlier), a single highly centralized naval group has run the lion's portion of international trade (and thus finance). The global reserve currency has generally gone hand-in-hand with such a navy. They are joined at the hip.
The International Journal of Natural Justice
It doesn't look LARPier than this. Not much does.
More Egyptian/Masonic symbolism. Huh.
Also, former well-known agents of multiple intelligence agencies, and a guy who likes to always show his chest through an unbuttoned shirt, even while playing faux-court.
And then there is the presence of Stephen Greer, whom Laurance Rockefeller funded to push the UFO Disclosure Initiative.
And finally, Noam "Everything the Media Tells You is to Manipulate You [Except for These Qausi-Vaccines]" Chomsky.
This ITNJ group was formed in 2015, just as child trafficking controversies were ramping up. But it appears to have been abandoned for plandemonium. Note that the two men above are associated with DMED whistleblower lawyer and Scientologist Leigh Dundas, whose escape from J6 prosecution still stands as inexplicable [relatively speaking].
The Arlington Institute
David Martin is also wrapped up in something called the Arlington Institute (TAI). While I haven't decided exactly what the Arlington Institute is, it appears to me to be some sort of intelligence cut-out. That's certainly not to say that everyone who has come in contact with TAI is an operator, of course.
New World, eh?
John L. Peterson was twice runner-up in the selection process for Secretary of the Navy.
Why does it always seem to point back to the Office of Naval Intelligence?
TAI activities include all those areas that we usually connect with transhumanism, like genetic modification, nanotech, biotech, augmented intelligence, and so on. TAI also works on global epidemics, biowarfare simulations, and climate change.
Anyone else wondering whether TAI was involved in the planning, modeling, or execution of plandemonium? Is Martin just the "I'm an alpha male; Listen to me" sort they'd throw out to muddy the waters?
TAI activities, including those of David Martin, connect to Singapore, which might reasonably be viewed as the West's (island) control room for Asia. Once again from Rijland,
A*STAR is Singapore’s leading public sector initiative spearheading economic oriented research to advance scientific discovery.
Sounds right up David’s alley, doesn’t it?
Sebastian Maurer-Stroh is a Senior Principal Investigator in protein sequence analysis at A*STAR’s Bioinformatics Institute (BII). Maurer-Stroh reported on the first two cases outside of China to have “tested positive for SARS-CoV-2,” which was utilized to suggest the start of the “pandemic.” He was also an integral player in the Zika virus scam in 2016, as he was responsible for [allegedly] tracing the historical evolution of the Zika virus genome.
The World Economic Forum plays an obvious central role in this operation, and many of you don’t need a lesson about Klaus Schwab- you already know about all of that. Now take what you know and connect the dots to David. This operation can only move forward in its current phase, if a virus exists.
Without a virus, there’s no need for a vaccine or bio-surveillance, and no justification for any of what they have planned. The virus allows them to speed up their plans because it provides a “catalyst” or “emergency” situation. That’swhy David is selling a story about a Bioweapon and scheming with his patents.
Connections here add to the Conspirituality concern. Former Scientologist and Remote Viewing goofball Hal Putoff stands out, as do a long list of New Age and "Everything is due to aliens" gurus.
Why do so many such organizations with largely overlapping goals exist? Is it to have overwhelming force of media presence and community to tap into for use in steering public consciousness.
Finally, I'm just going to leave this here: The Creighton family spans the boards of the Arlington Institute and Steve Kirsch's OneID company—his prior attempt at a unifying digital ID.
Where Am I Being Led?
This is the question that you need to be asking in order to understand the dangerous nature of Chaos Agents. Up your game so that you don't need to put too much faith in others to lead you. Select your situational trust in leaders carefully—as if the fate of the world depends on it.
Sorry for the long hiatus. Took a much needed trip that was restorative to my health. I am thankful for RTE readers who were patient. Publishing shall continue now.
It makes me sad that a lot of the people i have been reading, watching, and following since the launch of covid are now looking rather suspect. I am just a normie with a high school education so I rely on my common sense, life experience, and faith to guide my decisions on what is truth and what is b.s. I was also relying on the opinions and research of more educated people that I discovered via alt media but now it looks like you can trust nobody but God.